The Domination - Recruiting Once again actively! (Updated info)

Last edited by deanxiaoqili on Jul 2, 2017, 11:50:42 PM

Hi live in Sweden and play the game on a daily basis 1-3 hours. My last guild disbanded because of to many inactive players and i really want to join a new guild, miss the guild chat discussions and being able to do map rotations. My toon is soon lvl 95 and would love to join your guild.

IGN: Thrasheera
Hi, I'm from the west coast US. I've been playing mostly solo the last few years and would like to join your guild for the start of the one month league. I play at least a few hours each day.
My ign is aryathecat

Thank You
I'd like to join, only play the challenge leagues so I will be playing a ton starting tomorrow (kinda got bored of warbands once the end of it was announced)

ign: Tyman
Playing leagues only and I am using Team Speak. I want to play this game with good people this time. Thanks...

Would love to join up for some mapping and chatting!
IGN: Toriena
Level 90
Ingame: ReExist

Pretty much a new player with 60+ hours played.
Last edited by L2Faill on Oct 3, 2015, 5:13:35 PM
I'm not too late, am I?

IGN is Jek_Deadbringer
Character name: ZeranArcher

Hey I'm fairly new and I'm just looking for people to play with.
IGN: Exxced

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