Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Your lightning res is not the highest or I'm missing something?
Solid gear, but you probably need a better jewels with shock effectiveness to cap it to 150%
blg_RealiZe wrote:
Your lightning res is not the highest or I'm missing something?
Solid gear, but you probably need a better jewels with shock effectiveness to cap it to 150%

Correct, working on a better pair of gloves or boots. just finished these, had a offer on my last pair i couldnt refuse so that's whats happening, well noticed :P Didnt think about the shock effectiveness, does it matter if i go that route? Jewels are probally someting i could upgrade! thanks for the compliment
Last edited by vegeta1991 on Dec 30, 2018, 9:06:38 PM
vegeta1991 wrote:
LordAzuRa wrote:
vegeta1991 wrote:
New update, pretty much perfected it atm i think, did a few uber elder runs now without to much problems, and just did 3 uber atziri runs ( was more scared of that ) deathless :D was a real pain at first though. Just changed ring setup from regular essence+rare shaper opal to elder essence+ MOTS seems even better then what i had.

The last thing i really want to upgrade are the gloves with attack+castspeed, but hard making those with the rolls i currently have. Boots with ias+castspeed after killed with similair rolls would also help obviously. let me know if you have any ideas to make it better

Did you craft your own daggers? Have been looking to get some as good as these but the trading websites are always empty.
Actually I'm curious how you found all that gear. Forums?

Amazing amulet your wearing there my compliments :)

I crafting everything myself, the uniques are bought on poe.trade, linked and divined them untill i liked them enough, found out Chaos conversion damage had dimishing returns so thought i try to make a unique dagger with minion damage(Minion damage is same effect as spell damage %), worked out pretty good :D And for shaper i use these

Not amazing but they work pretty good there

Good stuff! I've only just recently started crafting.
I made this as a first item

The +Dex and Quality is because I was starving about 21 Dex to free a +30 Dex Passive node :(

I use my Storm Brand (level 22) + Concentrated Support (level 21) + Controlled Destruction and Added Lightning Damage in there, and went to fetch the "Attach an extra brand" passive.

My brand does an average 17000 damage per ticks *2 * 4.54 (times in one second). Using my custom dual Storm Brand setup was enough to kill Uber Atziri in less than 3 minutes, without using a single Arc :P

Concentrated effect is AOE, so it benefits from the +1 AOE level from my helm.

I should probably look into crafting a dagger :thinkingemoji:

I have this one for sale if you'd be curious to try the dual storm brand :P

Last edited by LordAzuRa on Dec 30, 2018, 9:11:47 PM
Hey guys. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to advance my character? I am currently sitting on around 3ex. I was thinking of going for watcher's eye next, or save up for impulsa, not sure yet. My profile is public if anyone wants to give me some advice :)
AndarayPath wrote:
Hey guys. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to advance my character? I am currently sitting on around 3ex. I was thinking of going for watcher's eye next, or save up for impulsa, not sure yet. My profile is public if anyone wants to give me some advice :)

Can you craft minion damage on your gloves? That would help more than the attack speed craft.

Other than that I am sitting ina very similar spot. I hit a plateau where I can farm t12 quite comfortably but I still die often enough to not level up.
I have around 3 ex and no impulses or watchers eye yet. Wondering if I should get a Loreweave instead so I can somewhat progress.

Also I didn‘t do über lab yet cause I hate lab running and I fear that I will hate it even more with this glass-build. Or is it an absolute must and a reason for me stagnating?.

Any other tips are welcome
First time playing here, apart from 3 or 4 chars i played to level 30 :D. Love the build! Gotten to tier 10 maps so far without a single difficulty, except for lag :(. Everything dies so fast! Even bosses! :D

Spent about 1ex total on the ring that can socket wrath, a pair of decent sai daggers, some jewels and on a bonehelmet which i crafted up, its not nearly as good as the one yall craft, but it works so far! :D

My major problem is getting to level 100, and getting higher tier of maps :D but guessing ill get there eventually. Guess i should start doing some delves soon, see what thats all about! :D

I use a 5 link with added lightning instead of hypotermia, seems to work well enough, i also got the 2 golems at tier3 lab instead of the other power, was by mistake but works super so i dont mind!

I also have mana and hp leech on my boots from lab power up, so delaying buying the watchers gem.

Currently saving up for the famous impulsa, but getting them exhalts is slow going for me :(.

Anyways, super build and very well explained, thanks super much!

blg_RealiZe wrote:
We need to make some changes in crafting guide, I've noticed that too many people are still trying to roll both extra chaos damage and penetration on their daggers. And all we need is to roll t1 extra chaos and the craft everything else (crafted suffix "7% chance to deal double damage" gives the same dps as "10% penetraion"), but it's so much easiter to roll just t1 extra chaos with alterations instead of both t1 extra chaos and t1 penetration.

It's from 3c to 2ex for a crafting base, 2ex multimod, 1ex cast speed, 1 ex 7% double damage, 4c spell damage + extra chaos hybrid, 4c lightning damage to spells (or 11% extra chaos for 8 vaals instead of lightning damgae, they are effectively exactly the same). And people can cheap out on cast speed (craft 12-14% for 2c instead of 15-18% for 1ex) and double damage (craft 4-5% for 2c instead of 6-7%).
So overall cost for a dagger is from 2.5ex to 7ex. It's crazy cheap for end game weapon.

And crafting process is EXTREMELY consistant this way.
I've crafted like 8 weapons with just t1 extra chaos already, every single one was under 700 alterations and 3-4 annuls.


This is the post from blg_RealiZe you refer to, right?

Well, 2 annuls later..

This should be a good base, right? :)

Happy New Year's eve to all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can someone give me some advice on what to upgrade, i keep dying quite a bit and i only have 4.6k hp, 1.6k unreserved mana my gear is this:

I mostly instantly die at t16 bosses, and some times to syndicates i haven't been able to get past this level for like several days cause i keep dying
Last edited by dileck on Dec 31, 2018, 12:06:48 AM
dileck wrote:
Can someone give me some advice on what to upgrade, i keep dying quite a bit and i only have 4.6k hp, 1.6k unreserved mana my gear is this:

you are missing 3 skill points for lvl 92, type /passives in game, do the quests and invest those points into HP nodes (purity of flesh)
you have only 10 hp on your rare ring, you should get another ring with 50+ HP on it
You have no HP on your jewels.
Was it hard to notice where to get more HP? No. You just need to look at your gear and stop rely on other people to tell you what to do.

Your clarity level is too high, it reserves too much mana. Get another one lvl 8

and MOVE MORE in fights. Proper movement is our main defensive tool. 2-3 casts of arc - move, 2-3 casts - move. Move around syndicate members in circle, they are shocked, they are slow, but you can't stay in one place for too long.

You can do all the content with 5k hp and 2k mana with this build. Just learn game mechanics and dodge major threats properly. t16 bosses, shaper, elder, uber elder, mastermind, delve bosses - all that is very different to almost everything you've done before. And it's not that hard as you might think.
Just learn from your deaths.

p.s. your DPS is pretty respectable, it's enough even for uber elder
Last edited by blg_RealiZe on Dec 31, 2018, 12:29:02 AM
Just got a decent drop and landed myself enough currency to afford a mana leech Watcher's Eye if I wanted. How big of an upgrade is this, though? Guess I'm just weary since I haven't made this big a purchase on this char yet and want to know if it's worth it.

Also if I do go for it, do I want a particular roll on the % mana leech? Like 1.3%+? Sorry if this has been answered before.

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