Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

The average prices for Call of the Brotherhood on Standard are much higher than Warbands and Tempest. I wonder why...

Anyways, I'm willing to wait for prices to go down; I'm in no rush. Whenever you have the time, Whaitiri, could you suggest an alternative gem setup in your guide, for those of us who don't have a CotB yet?

Thanks for all the work you do.
Last edited by MyopicJoe on Aug 4, 2015, 8:18:08 PM
Hi Enki,

Thank you so much for the build, with the change the synergy is really awsome (even without CotB) !

I am testing Immortal Call instead of Temporal Chain in order to gain more survivability against hard hitter, working quite well actually, but as a long way to high level !

Missing some life, but and not taking MoM before to get much more mana and regen but this toon is really fun !

See ya IG perhaps :D

Last edited by gandhara on Aug 5, 2015, 5:46:08 AM
@Letstrynow: Thanks! There's so many cool things to do in PoE, it just takes some experimenting :)

@UhYuuki: Cloak would give you more survivability and a more stable MoM-buffer. It's up to you if that's worth the loss of DPS to you, i personally would do the change.

@MyopicJoe: That's true, looks like standard hasn't caught up with the relatively common droprate of CotB yet. You could use a Three Dragons as substitute for now, you'll lose the ability to shock but atleast you can get full effect of the hoi-curse synergy.

@gandhara: Thanks! I couldn't notice much of a difference with IC, but that's probably because flask node buffed Taste of Hate is really strong already. But great if it's working well for you :)
@enki91 what gem would you say i should lose for the 5l cloak of defiance
UhYuuki wrote:
@enki91 what gem would you say i should lose for the 5l cloak of defiance

Hi UhYuuki,

The gem section of his guide recommends dropping the Faster Casting for 5L.

I've found Faster Casting will give me higher DPS, but it drains my mana faster. If I don't have enough unreserved mana / mana regen to support it, I'll have less sustained DPS. The question is basically, "Do I run out of mana before I can kill the current pack? Does it recharge fully before I find the next pack?"

Last edited by MyopicJoe on Aug 5, 2015, 10:40:39 PM
enki what do you think about flame golem instead of ice, also what do you think about doedre's scorn for a curse setup item, would give alot of extra damage. Thanks :)
Hey Enki,

did you tested it if in the CotB Build Spell damage is better then Cast speed at the beginning? We talk a while ago in game of this :)
Last edited by Psycee on Aug 6, 2015, 3:48:19 AM
@celestin_17: Flame Golem is ok too if you got 50%+ crit without ice golem, play around which one of the three golems you like the most. About Doedre's Scorn, the little damage increase it gives is not worth losing life, mana and resistances from helmet slot.

@Psycee:: The witch starter spell damage will be better for freeze duration, cast speed is better for higher amount of crits/s. Didn't make tests as i'm out of regrets in standard, i'll get on to that whenever i got time.
Would 2 doryani's catalyst sceptre's work for this build ?.

Last edited by sn3kox on Aug 7, 2015, 7:55:47 AM
sn3kox wrote:
Would 2 doryani's catalyst sceptre's work for this build ?.

Yes, they work well. Try getting some with 10% cast speed and as close to 40% global crit as possible.

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