Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Lord of the dead just not worth spending skill point for us. We don't use any zombies or skeletons, so we do not need any minion life pool increases. And 15% increased damage isn't "more" modifier, its just "increased" so diminishing returns will render its almost completely useless. Just to put it to prespective - there are almost no difference between 315% increased with this passive and 300% without it.

Corpse Pact offers us much more DPS and survivability. Main reason to go Commander is to buff all your minions. We don't have any.

Holy Dominion is kinda nice, and during leveling if you struggle with resistance cap you can take it for sure. There are many nodes that just simply offer more goodies. And only limited amount of skill points
Im not able to import this to PoB. It says its an unknown tree version and I may need to update. But ti says there are not updates. Any idea what i could be doing wrong? Sorry, im pretty new at this.
brdegori wrote:
Im not able to import this to PoB. It says its an unknown tree version and I may need to update. But ti says there are not updates. Any idea what i could be doing wrong? Sorry, im pretty new at this.

I don't think its you. I get the same error.
Also getting PoB error...
1) Download PoB Community here: https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/releases

2) Enki's Pastebin link here:

3) While in PoB click on Import/Export Build

4) Click the "Import from Pastebin" box

5) Paste this into the text field and click "Import": https://pastebin.com/wG8xhDMn

You're ready to go!
Running into a brick wall in the Dominus fight. Played the 3.10 arc and walked over dominus no problems, but 3.11 is super painful. I don't know why but the sustain/tank just seems not there in Act 3 for 3.11
Updated my POB and it worked just fine.
Also, the guide still says to craft 2 wands, and never explicitly says when to swap to a shield? I assume around when you buy tempest shield? Also the build doesn't have enough Str to EQUIP CWDT when you say to buy it, so if you don't have any +Str gear yet, it's not usable
Enki91, do you still have the old build link? before changing to necro .. that build was fantastic, but this new one is not solid enough. I gave up on level 52.
leoneth22 wrote:
Enki91, do you still have the old build link? before changing to necro .. that build was fantastic, but this new one is not solid enough. I gave up on level 52.

I have to agree. This build might come together later on, but playing through A7 right now is super painful. I played the 3.10 version through the whole story a week ago and it flew through the story and started maps strong with minimal gear concerns.

I have probably BETTER gear now (thanks Harvest!) than I did on the previous build, and I'm just getting mauled by a ton of stuff. I think I had 2-3 careless deaths on the 3.10 playthrough, but I'm sitting on 27 deaths now and I feel most of those were just due to not having any sustain and nearly no defenses.
Last edited by Reithan on Jun 20, 2020, 5:22:38 AM

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