[Elïte] Elite Pack // Temp League Only // Discord Required // Recruiting 4 Metamorph

Planning on SC Temp this league.
Speak the english.
Would humbly request said invite!
nbROCK wrote:
Interested in joining up for 3.0. East coast Canadian here. Been playing for a few years now and usually play quite a bit. At work for another few hours but will add ya when I'm home.

Invite sent dude!

slobgob wrote:
Planning on SC Temp this league.
Speak the english.
Would humbly request said invite!

Awesome buddy, invite sent!
On my command, unleash hell.
Last edited by IamLordeShadow on Aug 3, 2017, 5:58:33 PM
Nice. Crazy fast response. I'm in. Thanks!
Recruiting for Fall of Oriath! If you're looking for a guild check us out! :)
On my command, unleash hell.
I'm coming back for 3.0/Harbinger. Got space for an ex-member from the Warbands league?

IGN: Lalotai (current standard character)
fenwayhotspur wrote:
I'm coming back for 3.0/Harbinger. Got space for an ex-member from the Warbands league?

IGN: Lalotai (current standard character)

I'll send you an invite within the hour!
On my command, unleash hell.
Been looking for a good middle ground between a large active guild and a guild that isn't too big and one that actually have players on at odd hours (I work occasional night shifts so PoE is great for helping me stay awake when I need to swap my sleeping schedule). Drop me an invite!

IGN: DerpchanBrocraft
Inviting for 3.0
On my command, unleash hell.
Looking for a guild. Played a little in the past.
IGN: ArchGeneral
Guild crest created by Acuron!

If you guys are looking for a guild check us out!
On my command, unleash hell.

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