[Elïte] Elite Pack // Temp League Only // Discord Required // Recruiting 4 Metamorph

Need a place to no life? You and your friends sick of your current guild? Come check us out! We only play temp leagues, we have plenty of room and stash tabs, we have players of all skill levels, atziri people, t15 people, level 100 people, we have a TS to chill on! Come check us out, bring your friends!
On my command, unleash hell.
Need a place to no life? You and your friends sick of your current guild? Come check us out! We only play temp leagues, we have plenty of room and stash tabs, we have players of all skill levels, atziri people, t15 people, level 100 people, we have a TS to chill on! Come check us out, bring your friends!
On my command, unleash hell.
Updated Jan3, 2017. Looking for experienced players that use TS to join us. :)
On my command, unleash hell.
Recruiting for tail end of breach and the future 2.6 league! Come check us out.
On my command, unleash hell.
Still recruiting for Breach league and future leagues! We gonna be going strong beginning of next league and 3.0!!! :D
On my command, unleash hell.
Recruiting for the end of breach league, 2.6 and 3.0 leagues! Use ts? Want to help create a chill group of poe friends and playres? Come check us out.
On my command, unleash hell.
Still looking for experienced players to finish out breach league with! We're recruiting active chill players for future leagues as well! So if you just want a guild for when the next league starts message me in game!
On my command, unleash hell.
We're looking for active poe players who aren't complete noobs. We have all sorts of ranges of players in our guild. People from average mappers up to hardcore day 2 uber farmers and market flippers. No matter what your skill level, there will be people better and worse than you in EP. We just want down to earth, chill people to join us on TS!
On my command, unleash hell.
Seeking active and semi experienced players. We got people of varying skill level and time they invest. We're just looking for chill laid back people to hang out with on TS!
On my command, unleash hell.
Searching for active chill players! Check us out!
On my command, unleash hell.

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