[US][SC] | Discord | DÓGÉ Recruiting Experienced Active Players (150/170)

IGN: LeeLooLeeLah

Looking for a fun and fairly active group who I can map with.But the greatest reason is to just feel like I belong to a good community!I've been in other guilds before and loved to talk with them whenever I got the chance but sadly they are all disbanded due to most of them not playing anymore.I want to be able to experience that kind of fun conversations to pass the time.Honestly I don't care to talk about PoE much in the game.I already understand how everything works. I made lifelong friends through other guilds not just because we were playing the same game but because we gradually learned about each other's lives throughout the years. I want to get back into that again!
IGN: xXxBoneshocKxXx id like to join
If this guild is still recruiting, I'd like to join. Seems like some good dedicated folks.
Talisman IGN: RaisinPoisonTotems
bump, looking for good active long time exiles
Hello !

I saw that your guild has a lot of active members that plays the latest league.

Are you using Teamspeak or Razer Talk ?

Currently I am playing Perandus normal, my profile is open, you can check my characters.

I'm interested in joining to an active and friendly guild.

Best Regards,

Names Ryan and I'm looking to join an active guild to do end game mapping with.

I'm very active, play every day for 6 hours or so, more on weekends. Based in Central US.

Playing Standard Challenge leagues and looking to find a map group I can provide support for, maybe push the ladder in the next league even.

Do have a mic and might join you on mumble or discord depending what you use. (Guild page says discord, forum says mumble.)

Looking forward to hearing from you, thanks for your time.

- Razor
Hello I am interested in joining your guild :)

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