Conversion Trap New Mechanic

@AleronDescends: You made a topic where you talk about how you would of liked the change to be, (based on life) and i read that. The following replies are beyond your control. If someone says they dont like your idea, that they like how conversion trap is now (but thinks they should add a line that tells players they cant convert others for those unware) then thats the reality. Thats my suggestion, it is very well on topic.

I am entitled to believe conversion should no longer change in any way. A lot of people voiced their opinion and GGG did exactly that. Anyone who comes here and suggests anything different (like yourself) is entitled to, but must expect differing opinions.

The difference between me and you is that I dont take anything said here personally. I could bash the hell out of someone's argument here, but if you pm me ingame or come on mumble and talk to me, ill treat you as kindly as I possibly can and will not think any different of you. In fact, I do disagree a lot with some folks here that I talk to on a daily basis and play with. You are no exception. If you wanna talk about anything ingame u can always whisper me ill gladly talk to you. But on this thread and on this subject, that is conversion trap and if it should change in any way, my opinion is "no, but it should warn players of how the mechanic currently works" which is relevant to OP and responds to Rhys.

Notice u didnt get mad at Rhys but you did get mad at me even though we had a parenthesis from OP (but argueably still on topic). You only got mad at me because you are carrying over frustration from a different thread. i.e: you dont see this as a debate but rather, me against you on a personal level (which is unfair and unfortunate).

edit: oh and if i had a nickle for everytime someone in the pvp feedback section went off topic (and i mean actually offtopic not like this), id be rich. But i never see you point it out. Which reinforces what im saying above. I wish you wouldnt get mad at me as a person because of the thoughts and feelings i post in this section.
IGN: @GreenDude
Last edited by GreenDude#3233 on Aug 27, 2014, 5:07:20 PM
Gjohny wrote:
AleronDescends wrote:
Just perhaps things like point blank and puncture itself needing nerfs after 1.2's buffs.

this and

Pillowapnts wrote:
well when every single puncture trap one shots you through 1700 life


Puncture + Trap gem + Point blank combo is WAY overpowered atm(LLD). It literally ones shots the tankiest of characters.

GGG if you read the feedback, hop onto PuncturesOrigin - DoctorWrath's lld shadow and see for yourself.

A character built around RANGE/SAFETY aka hiding behind traps while spamming arrows from a safe position across the map shouldn't be able to one shot with one arrow.

This is not really true, there are ways to counter it with a high success rate. Clever construction helps a little bit but it really isn't a game changer.

If you want to learn, just watch how Oats_PT plays vs puncture.

In team games its still incredibly strong though

IGN: phatdood
phatdood wrote:
Gjohny wrote:
AleronDescends wrote:
Just perhaps things like point blank and puncture itself needing nerfs after 1.2's buffs.

this and

Pillowapnts wrote:
well when every single puncture trap one shots you through 1700 life


Puncture + Trap gem + Point blank combo is WAY overpowered atm(LLD). It literally ones shots the tankiest of characters.

GGG if you read the feedback, hop onto PuncturesOrigin - DoctorWrath's lld shadow and see for yourself.

A character built around RANGE/SAFETY aka hiding behind traps while spamming arrows from a safe position across the map shouldn't be able to one shot with one arrow.

This is not really true, there are ways to counter it with a high success rate. Clever construction helps a little bit but it really isn't a game changer.

If you want to learn, just watch how Oats_PT plays vs puncture.

In team games its still incredibly strong though

who cares if there are successful ways to play around and counter conversion trap? The gem is horribly disruptive to pvp. Its seriously not fun whether or not its balanced. If casters and other builds are relying on conversion trap then some other implementation should occur because conversion trap should not be the peg leg making those builds viable. There is many changes in the tree, I can guarantee team pvp for LLD is going to be wayyyyy different. Conversion trap is fixed imo time to fix other things like GH and shield charge rofl. Shield charge is worthless and GH even with top end amazing gear gets smashed.
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Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Aug 27, 2014, 8:55:32 PM
phatdood wrote:
This is not really true, there are ways to counter it with a high success rate. Clever construction helps a little bit but it really isn't a game changer.

If you want to learn, just watch how Oats_PT plays vs puncture.

In team games its still incredibly strong though

Stop lying phat, we all know puncture traps are OP!
@grindcore they were talking about punc trap, not conversion ...

alright, they are OP man

all those times I 5-0ed you 1v1 :D

IGN: phatdood
GreenDude wrote:
If someone says they dont like your idea

I would like to point out that this is not what you did. You did not say that you liked or did not like my idea, nor did you explain any reasons for your opinion about MY IDEA. Threads are made for a topic. They're supposed to stay on topic. That is simply how it is. I tried to enforce this in a couple of threads before. I had some success previously and a little less with a few others.

GreenDude wrote:
that they like how conversion trap is now (but thinks they should add a line that tells players they cant convert others for those unware)

This is what you did. This is not an opinion of my thread idea. This is not on topic. This is not about the thread. It is something necessary, I agree, and would fully support your idea in a different thread. Unfortunately, this is not the different thread. Please try to stay on topic about my idea.

Edit: As for everyone else, I would very much appreciate if this stayed on the topic of if this idea of Conversion Trap balancing is a good idea.

I already gave reasons as to why this idea would be harder to abuse and troll players with. 1 second duration at full life? Maybe half? Maybe none?
Last edited by AleronDescends#6686 on Aug 28, 2014, 4:04:55 PM
Oats_PT wrote:
phatdood wrote:
This is not really true, there are ways to counter it with a high success rate. Clever construction helps a little bit but it really isn't a game changer.

If you want to learn, just watch how Oats_PT plays vs puncture.

In team games its still incredibly strong though

Stop lying phat, we all know puncture traps are OP!

they are
Pillowapnts wrote:
Oats_PT wrote:
phatdood wrote:
This is not really true, there are ways to counter it with a high success rate. Clever construction helps a little bit but it really isn't a game changer.

If you want to learn, just watch how Oats_PT plays vs puncture.

In team games its still incredibly strong though

Stop lying phat, we all know puncture traps are OP!

they are

I wish there was a way to balance range so they werent so bursty and were tankier. I would say I want them to be more about kiting but thats just annoying. Like a passive that gives them more dodge against melee attacks or block like the unique quiver. I wish my next idea would work.

Bench IAS on the bow, put life on the quiver or attack speed. Use barrage linked with WED, LGOH, Blind, and point blank. You would definitely need a 2nd 5link for long range, probably elemental shot linked with proj speed, wed, lightning pen, added lightning or cold. Swords on offhand still would probably be better than barrage idk. Maybe ice shot with asphyxia and crit bow?
If I can eternal/ex the hybrid phys. I feel like puncture is so obviously the best its mostly what everyone immediately builds. Iceshot was bad before but with buff maybe good for teams? Some of the ele support gems multipliers were cheapened, and new passives? Hoping to see some new builds.
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Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Aug 29, 2014, 2:40:49 AM
This is not the first time I've asked this. I wanted to post an idea about conversion trap if ever the idea might be utilized. I would really appreciate if you guys stayed on topic. I enjoy discussion, but my threads are not "General Discussion," nor is it about puncture. There will always be people who believe point blank puncture isn't a problem. If you guys really feel it is necessary to discuss about the problem point blank puncture poses or doesn't pose, please post it on a new, different thread. Thanks.
AleronDescends wrote:
This is not the first time I've asked this. I wanted to post an idea about conversion trap if ever the idea might be utilized. I would really appreciate if you guys stayed on topic. I enjoy discussion, but my threads are not "General Discussion," nor is it about puncture. There will always be people who believe point blank puncture isn't a problem. If you guys really feel it is necessary to discuss about the problem point blank puncture poses or doesn't pose, please post it on a new, different thread. Thanks.

I definitely wanna make a puncture char. Anyone else?
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre,

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