<BLÍSS> Recruiting Active & Social Members [SettlersSC]

<BLÍSS> Recruitment

I like potato
Hi, I'm currently back and started a new character on 1week Softcore league.

I usualy play solo or with 1 of my friend and would be interrested in joining your guild. I'm looking forward to try TORMENT. I played most of the leagues before.

I'll try Whispering you Esely

We are currently full
<BLÍSS> Recruitment

I like potato
Will be cleaning out guild slots soon so going to let people leave their name if they are interested
<BLÍSS> Recruitment

I like potato
Hi I am interested in joining. Will participate in the voip and I have a mic!
Been playing for a few months, have pretty much only been solo, and would like to give guild/groups a go!

Logging on now so will pm you.
Not actually sure how PMs work in this game with different characters, but my standard char is BlackScienceGuy... not sure what it will be in Torment
Last edited by The_windowless_van on Dec 12, 2014, 2:38:35 PM
<BLÍSS> Recruitment

I like potato
<BLÍSS> Recruitment

I like potato
Hi, Recently Started back in POE after the release of the new leagues.
Looking for people to play in torment with, as most of the people i used to play with play standard or have quit

Add me/Pm me @LetTheChildrenBurn
Removed inactive members

81/100 now
<BLÍSS> Recruitment

I like potato
Would love an invite! Currently playing an Crit Arc Shadow


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