Race Ideas, Improvments, and Suggestions
Im in my first season and i was a fan of EL from the firs time i played it. Im new so i dont understand a lot of what the top tier players do and even though i won 18 races this season i know my 9th place overall finish was largely due to shier number of races. But i do have opinions and here they are:
EL - a way to make every zone the same for every player so if there are arcers in zone 2 everyone deals with it. In its current state i love the race and its the one race where i look forward to the challenge unlike Lethal Immolation which i feel the challenge is bullshit in that race. I like the idea of certain things dropping from certain bosses but i feel the best fix is just localized mobs for everyone Descent:C - A race that i still dont know if i love/hate. The way to fix it in my opinion is with not awarding the points for #1 overall and lowering the top lvl points bracket. This makes it none of your concern what a witch is doing if your racing as templar. Ladder/points- I personally feel like if you put in the time and do every race who is anyone to say u dont deserve the finishing spots. If you want to become a top tier racer like i want to the rewards dont really matter its all about preformance. But in say that the points bracket for a lot of these races are impossible. Im sure this has been brought up before but last night's Lethal Immo the top points bracket was 37... when i died in 4th overall at lvl 26 with 30 min left its quite clear that no one would ever get to 37. If GGG cares about racing they need to spend the extra time to look back and see what is considered a top tier finish for each race type and adjust accordingly. Overall i had a blast this season and it opened a new part of this game that i now love more than anything else. imo though they need to everyone especially the ppl that are trying to get into races and not just the top tier players. I feel like the best way to fix the ladder is to have a mulligan system and a ladder system. Let the ppl who want to get their 1k point reward do 200 races and win only 4. They put in the time they deserve the reward. But i do feel like the end of the season ladder should represent the rankings of who did the best this season. So on top of the 1k reward structure they have do a mulligan system where they take the top 75% of your finishing places with a certain minimum races done and add them up to show us who actually is the best racer each season... yes this will mostly end up showing the same names over and over but the point is that they are the best do they not deserve the title? Had a blast this season aiming for being considered a top tier races along side the rest and whatever GGG has in store for us im excited for season 9 reguardless |
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I disagree with the removal of EL since it's one of the more fun races around (when you don't get crappy mobs) and as a fun race it has a great raffle. But yeah, it needs to be improved.
From the viewpoint of a casual racer, I liked this season. Regardless of how imbalanced the current D:C is, it rewarded the most points and thus enabled a casual racer like myself to get some of the higher tier rewards. It also got me into checking out more of the vanilla races and for one who's just starting to race in them I think I'm doing okay. Last edited by Cyan_ogeN#0940 on Jul 19, 2014, 10:12:55 PM
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EL is pretty fun when u get ez mobs because I'm instantly 0.5 lvls behind of 1st overall guy or just 1st overall. Fun stops when u have retarded zone and u get almost oneshotted by white mobs. Because suddenly it appears that u have no corals and resist rings dropped, small pots and no armor on, but! This ez mobs were so ez that they dont even do any damage.
Also, 12/16 points for 3hr race sounds like a great motivation to play it - I'm sure that ggg will take a look in it and fix it (sarcasm). They dont give a fuck about racing because there is like 300-400 peoples play them on average. And I'm sure they take their time looking into complains of 5-10 good racers - why even bother about them? Its pretty logical and maybe even right thing to do what casual masses want. And suddenly it appears, that the most hardcore ARPG game is filled with ... casual softcore legacy gear people and casual racers who do them just for fun. alt art shop view-thread/1195695 t.me/jstqw for contact Last edited by jstq#1440 on Jul 20, 2014, 12:54:01 AM
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I too would like to have "fun" races like EL/burst/descentchamps at the same time slot as regular races. This way the people want to collect casual points can do that, and the people who want to win can do that.
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels. [/quote] http://www.twitch.tv/zoroxo123 |
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I support making endless ledge monster rolls the same for everyone. Also the removal of A3x monsters entirely from the race would be amazing: they're so unbalanced compared to every other monster in the game that it's literally a dice roll to see who gets the least amount of them in the race.
Failing that, remove them outright. This season was totally crap - I struggled to find the motivation to get to 50 points where in previous seasons I had no problems getting to ~200. I hope GGG makes next season better. |
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Signature races
Would like to see new race modes and time formats that have not been used before, for example: - 65 (70) min fixed seed (normal) race. The idea here is to push players to choose between farming sins/crypt, farming pyramid or progressing to sarn/warehouses. - 90-120 min onslaught race. Even though i love turbo races, some content can get too complicated in turbo. I think onslaught can provide some challenges while keeping control in the hands of the players. - 90-120 min invasion race without bosses. This is probably going to happen anyway with the inclusion of invasion content into the normal game. Just a way to make docks grind less boring. Signature races timeslots Run them every 4/6 hours, only allow one participation per day. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to make this work with all the multiple accounts and dynamic IPs / proxies. More attainable movespeed boots and QS recipes I think i've only used the MS boots recipe once during a race since it was introduced into the game. I believe there is a need for a recipe that you can use more often. For example for MS boots the recipe can be 5 wisdom scrolls + 1 TP scroll + any blue boots (the exact numbers can always be changed). This way you will encourage people to collect shards / currency (maybe even make spellcasters collect superior weapons to make a whetstone and then sell it for scrolls) and then make a choice after brutus between spending most/all of their currency on getting their first pair of ms boots (13-17 minutes into the race - still not that late to get them) or making +1 weapons / buying potions/belt/rings. There can also be a further recipe to upgrade the boots with +5% ms for increased prices, say 15 wisdom scrolls for 15% ms and 25 scrolls for 20% ms. Such recipe would encourage people to pick up more items and have better inventory management. There could also be a Quicksilver recipe, that can either: - Be another currency sink: Any life potion + Any mana potion + TP scroll - Or be a continuation of the proposed MS boots recipe: Any life potion + Any mana potion + Any MS boots These recipes make almost zero sense from the core game point of view, but i think something could be done about that. Another solution to the Quicksilver flask problem is to make them drop from level 36+ monsters only or even disable the drop in normal difficulty. This is quite a drastic change that again is not good for the core game. Moreover, people would just make QS mules for longer races. Shrines If it's possible - remove them from all races shorter or equal to 1 hour. In longer races they should average out for players. Corrupted zones Leave them as is, because most of them are not that bad / can be memorized. I think corrupted zones can provide some opporunities for people that are trying to catch up / beat the record, because of higher area level and potential for better item drops. Very useful in areas where you reset from the waypoint and can afford to clear a corrupted zone (crypt, docks). Endless Ledge Remove A3X monsters from the first five zones. Descent champions DC needs a lot of minor tweaks in: - starting uniques. Something must be done about the 2 swords. - gem rewards. Why do shadows never get flameblast? Why do rangers get anger and added fire? Why don't rangers get hatred early, instead they have a choice between LA/Barrage/Anger/Wrath? I'm sure for every class there are a couple of gem selections that make little sense not only from racing perspective, but from the perspective of the core game too (see added fire for ranger). Last season #1 shadow signature record was achieved with a random flameblast drop and it was impossible to beat it without getting a flameblast yourself. A situation like this should never occur again in a signature race. - Avatar of Tempest needs to be nerfed. Storm herald, shocked ground, strong cold skill and summons that block your movement make it an insanely hard boss for a melee spec (you also get stunned a lot). Even if you kill the boss you waste too much time doing it. My suggestion is to replace storm herald with lightning strike. Party races Would really love to see 2-4 player party races in addition to the normal, 6 player party races. Organizing a two player team is much more easier than getting five-six people on the same page. I believe something like a 1 hour two player party race would be a very interesting and highly competitive event. Season ladder Change the points system so that only points from getting a #1-20 in class count towards the season ladder. That way people can still farm sidequests in order to get the higher season points item reward, but you will not be able to get a #2 season demi with only one demigod won in the season. http://www.twitch.tv/comewithus Posted by Chris on February 4, 2014 1:51 AM "When we mass-ban people for running these tools, don't say you weren't warned :P" Last edited by cwu#2619 on Aug 6, 2014, 3:52:16 PM
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" I hope GGG can speak in regards to this idea. My own two cents:
>Increase spawn frequency of Rogue Exiles.
I think that Rogue Exiles add an interesting element to the zones they spawn in, and break up the monotony of the 14th Dock Instance that you've generated. >New Race Type: Deep End 40 minute race. Players spawn in Act 2 town with 10 available passive talent points to spend. Act 1 quests have already been completed. The chance to Vaal +1% maximum resists on an amulet is less than 1/300.
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" Although I'd really wish it will be some kind of fixed race I really don't mind either of those suggestions. Just as long as it's not some kind of endless ledge. " Why exactly limit to one per day? The people who want to "no life" will always find a way, trust me ;) " Easier ms boots is something I've been wanting for a long time. Yes the current recipe is extremely rare (the few times I actually find multiple quicksilver I get no augments) but I'd rather just have hailrake quest give you a pair of 10% movespeed boots rather than having another luck based recipe. Maybe make them corrupt with a single prismatic socket on them. " Sounds pretty good to me. " I'm very curious how you manage to memorize them. Care to share any hints maybe? Only ones I know 100% are the prisoners gate one is at second floor/area and always goes uphill, and the sins 1 has a specific unique minimap signature/tile set that you can spot easily. I'd much rather never see them in races ever again, or at the very least leave some Brutus style corrupted/black blood stains that lets you spot them easily. " I personally feel that a3x monsters are not that super op on their own, and that dischargers are the main problem. I know that endless ledge is suppose to be a clusterfuck of chaos, and you just have to make the best of it. But I really do think that not letting dischargers spawning until the lvl 12 zone + having the starting chest contain 1 ring of each element would solve 99% of the shit in this mode. Having the rings fixed at a certain value would also be nice, so you don't get the casual 20 lightning topaz. Also make them itemlevel 1 so there's still incentive to pick up new rings. " I should probably say beforehand that I really do despise descent champions and what it turned racing into. So all my opinions are heavily biased. I think they should simply just remove the 1 hand swords all together. Yes they could limit it to only letting you get 1, but I really do think that it simply doesn't belong in the game. Instead of turning shadows into another casual 20+ point flameblaster, I'd much rather see them either nerf flameblast on lower levels, or buff the equivalent of caster skills that you would use. Which also brings me to the point reward you get for boss kills, which I think should either be removed, or maybe make it into first 10 of each class. The gem rewards has always been a bit weird in racing, even in the regular game. Sadly for ranger/shadow they usually get the short end of the stick. But since I don't think I have enough experience with them I don't really think I should comment on it. As for the #1 "unbeatable" shadow run. As dumb and rare as it was, in the grand scheme I don't think it's that much different than finding the unique woodsplitter/poleaxe/searing touch/hillock wanderlust in regular races. Shit happens, Kappas gon Kappa. " Now this is something I'd like to see. For me party races basically turned into either 100% free win or 100% free loss before the race even started. " Doubt this will ever happen. They already started handing out alt art demis in regular short leagues so that everyone has a more "fair" chance to win one if they are willing to put in the time. I personally don't mind that mardukthewolf was willing to put in the time and got rewarded for it. [quote="Hilbert"]
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels. [/quote] http://www.twitch.tv/zoroxo123 |
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" I too would like something like this. But rather than act2, make it act3 and start at lvl25. maybe 90 min fixed to give you a good chance to hit cruel even if you're not doing good. I think that 99% of the racing community never even bothered to kill dominus in a race before, so it would be a good change of pace. [quote="Hilbert"]
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels. [/quote] http://www.twitch.tv/zoroxo123 |
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Over 50% of the racers will do docks anyway....
A3X just sucks. |
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