Puncture Traps always miss when thrown on someone directly on top of you
Well, if you throw a puncture trap directly on someone who's NOT standing directly on top of you, it still hits them. I don't see why the enemy's position relative to you should ever make a difference.
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grimreaper plis
Last edited by AleronDescends#6686 on Jul 10, 2014, 8:27:36 AM
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Last edited by grimreaper5325#4535 on Jul 10, 2014, 8:34:58 AM
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greendude are you dumb? traps aren't meant to interact differently based on where the person is relative to you.
Is it intended? you can't answer this, you're not a fucking dev even though you think you are, in other words let a ggg handle this not your self righteous 'voice of the people' |
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" You can land a perfect trap where the arrow will miss whethrr they are on you or further from you. Your position to them is not imoortant for this "bug". Its just harder to land in the perfect center. So im not sure where you get that. Second, im talking about my own opinion in a public feedback section. So quit being rude and assuming i believe im on the dev teqm in anyway just because i dont riot like most children like you on this forum. Every1 here just QQs all the time like children without looking at things from a dev point of view. Try to put urself in dev shoes when reporting stuff here and ur suggestions may start making sense. Is it feasible for them? Will it take a lot of dev time and effort? Is it an unintended mechanic? Does it hell balance of the game? The only difference between me and u is that i try and see it their way and hear them out. I dont think im a dev. So quit assuming you know someone on the internet because you read a handful of posts by them. IGN: @GreenDude
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You have said on multiple occasions that chris thinks of you as the voice of the people, I'd rather be mute than have you as a voice, that's what I'm talking about.
Also this bug has like a 1/50 chance of happening if they're not on top of you so clearly it isn't intended to work that way. How am I rioting? lol. I just came here to stomp on your white knight egotistical off topic bullshit that you have no idea if it's intended or not. Last edited by grimreaper5325#4535 on Jul 10, 2014, 9:45:44 AM
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I don't think it matters whether you throw it when they're on top of you or from afar. I've had the same "problem" with puncture traps not activating in both situations, when you throw it directly on them, rather than them walking in to it.
Puncture traps are already a magnitude stronger than bear traps. If they operated exactly the same it would be even more ridiculously OP than it already is. It needs to have some kind of drawback. IGN: _Firebitch Last edited by Firebrand76#1731 on Jul 10, 2014, 9:53:09 AM
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Well there's a separation in bear traps vs puncture traps in that one can't be blocked, missed, or dodged.
But if that's the case, then I'll have to test more. Never really saw what you're describing though. It just seemed like a bug when I first saw it and tested it a bit. Last edited by AleronDescends#6686 on Jul 10, 2014, 11:32:19 AM
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" I wrote ONCE that im working with chris and a team. I have written up a report of feasible changes for LLD. This is an online document where we exchange questions, player feedback (including quoting you guys who have actual feedback with no crying) and testing bugs. I've been trying to get bug fixes and balance issues to appear in upcoming patches beyond 1.2.0, working around their schedule so they can push pvp forward without having to put a full team on it (which they cannot afford). I've even setup a website and tournaments to try and get the community into pvp because the more we are the higher pvp will be on their priority. This is the first time in a long time that we may see some real pvp love and you guys are acting like this. Im not a dev, not a 'white knight'. If being a white night is being smart about my feedback and pointing out player feedback that is unfeasible for them, then label me as so cause im genuinely trying to help pvp. If you want me to stop ill just stop. I'll let them ignore the pvp feedback due to it being filled with trash posts that dont help. Personal attacks towards someone who has the same interest as you: improving pvp, very classy. IGN: @GreenDude Last edited by GreenDude#3233 on Jul 10, 2014, 12:11:10 PM
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" True, blocked and missed. Bear traps can be dodged though. IGN: _Firebitch
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