Spell Echo

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Last bumped on Feb 3, 2023, 2:38:35 PM
Does it increase casting speed for totems?
So much better than Faster Casting. I would say overpowered. For 90% of the spells, you would have to be stupid to not use this.

Clearly an attempt to fix a mechanics problem with self-casting rather than an actual support gem.

Edit: and the first post should say "ccomplementing abilities," not "complimenting."
It's worth noting that +2 maps are a dangerous thing.
They can cause players to get out of their depth -
playing maps that are too hard for the items they currently have. Herp Derp.
Last edited by RickyDMMontoya#7961 on Jul 3, 2014, 12:03:44 AM
This makes you raise two spectres at a time, incredibly obnoxious.
"If they actually showed gameplay with it zoomed out and then zoomed it in for the real one I think there would be actual riots in the street. I think that people would burn the building down."
^Well I guess if you waste it by linking it to Raise Spectre, then sure... what did you expect would happen?

It double casts Cold Snap without the delay or using Power Charges. For that alone it is a fantastic support.
jamjamsjammies wrote:
^Well I guess if you waste it by linking it to Raise Spectre, then sure... what did you expect would happen?

It double casts Cold Snap without the delay or using Power Charges. For that alone it is a fantastic support.

Its hardly a waste when flame sentinels or undying alchemists start blasting magic that much faster, but its annoying to get them all raised.
"If they actually showed gameplay with it zoomed out and then zoomed it in for the real one I think there would be actual riots in the street. I think that people would burn the building down."
first - animations with spell echo look very jerky. there is a reason why most games have soft and hard caps for attack/cast speed. it simply looks and sounds bad to do something 5 or 10 times per second

second - it is mandatory gem for several spells already as it both helps with mana issues and augments secondary skill's functions
- freezing pulse. viable again
- arc. alternative to +gems due to low mana cost
- flameblast for leveling. one click==two stacks. it is mandatory gem while leveling
- summon raging spirits and Skeletons. double the fun with one click.
- raise spectres - difficult to aim properly if not using desecrate + DD to get EXACLTY the corpses needed
- vaal spells- OMG!!

and it is a very, very strong support gem for all other (applicable) spells. what faster casting did one can now double with echo (more or less) - esp mana savings are noticeable

detonate dead and incinerate seems to not benefit greatly from it. detonate dead suffers from that 'less dmg' that effectively cuts burns too. and incinerated gets up to 3stacks just as fast as with faster casting. i run EB so cannot see mana issues both ways. so - a draw.
also - both DD and INC have a solid 5link setup that everyone uses

third - i consider it to be a very very blunt way of 'fixing spellcasters without destroying - oh so beloved by our fans - CoCS.

dear ggg - you are doing it the other way around. again..
Is it intended that this does not work with gems linked to curse on hit? I understand it not working with cast on crit, but was surprised that it didn't work with curse on hit.
IlluminaBlade wrote:
This makes you raise two spectres at a time, incredibly obnoxious.

Use DD to explode anything in the area you don't want.
I feel that Spell Echo's introduction should have been accompanied by an Ancestral Bond buff... previously one could ballpark dual totems' damage deficit as 30% which was a reasonable tradeoff, but this mechanic will greatly increase that gap.
Have you made a cool build using The Coming Calamity? Let me know!
Last edited by ephetat#3689 on Jul 3, 2014, 2:28:43 AM

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