How does everyone feel about the new Descent Flameblastions(Champions)?
The best opening strat for marauder is 1h club + sword in offhand.
I wish I had something constructive to say. "When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
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Unlike most of you, I'm not a competitive racer. This season is the first one where I actually participate more, so I have no real comments on the competitive aspects. But I'll say that I feel that 40 minutes is an awkward length for a race, and I'd have preferred either the usual 60 minutes or even 90 minutes. 40 minutes just feels off.
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From the point of a casual racer, all I care about is that with a lot more D:C events I can finally have a chance at getting some of the rewards that are pegged at >135 points. I'm also happy that even with the 20 minute reduction in race time I can still get at least 9 points from a single D:C which was what I was getting before.
Also, yes, split arrow needs some work. Would replacing the "arrows return to you" mod with "arrows chain once" make it overpowered? |
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Right now D:C is either way too easy or its way too gem RNG dependent because you can't mule like you can in a regular race.
Shadow you need flameblast drop. #1 Templar will likely have gotten fire trap in the first zone as a drop. Won't be surprised if Ranger #1 is Spectral Throw drop. And the race length is just too short. Don't get me wrong, short is often good because you have to play perfectly, but too short leads to RNG playing way too much of a factor. Especially in D:C. |
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" You get so much currency to roll jewelry and gloves and you get wrath/anger and WED and added cold, just go dual sword ele cleave all the way to gravicius! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Last edited by tagpt#6445 on Jun 10, 2014, 8:17:13 AM
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" FT would only benefit you early imo. you dont need it for top3 sig record, just need density for inner halls. |
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" To be fair, they did buff phys cleave with a 20% multiplier to phys, but I'm pretty sure that applies to dual wield with groundslam even thoguh it never uses the offhand. but you're right, we should totally be going for the BM keystone and Mortal Conviction to run Wrath+Anger. Chris did say BM was OP and I think this is what he meant. Shadow just needs like 1 more gem to be even half decent. Storm Call, Ice Nova, Flameblast, even Cleave would help. Maybe at some point I'll post more about whats wrong with D:C. |
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If Shadows continue to suck, they'll be the witches of Season X/Y/Z. We all know how easy they were to score demis on last time. Ask janimauk to raise his what, three tabs of them?
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Ran shadow for the first couple of these and damn is glacial cascade awful with 50%~ inc aoe. Width stays low enough that lining monsters up is still required, but it hits tough monsters fewer times and is as prone to constant desync misses as ever.
Also seems like shadow requires a drop only gem to make a record run this season, unless theres some strong aoe skill in one of the chests that im missing. Anyone happen to have a current DC chests list btw? Wiki looks to be out of date. IGN: KoTao
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To maintain 5 frenzy charges with the swords, you need to gain one frenzy charge every ten seconds. When dual wielding you have a 54.8% chance to gain a frenzy charge on kill. (There’s a 10.9% chance to gain two charges on kill, but that doesn’t really matter, because you just need to sustain the charges once they are up.) Let’s just round down here for ease of calculation sake and say it’s 50% even to gain a charge on kill. That just requires you to on average kill two mobs every ten seconds (On average, not guaranteed.), and with Flameblast you will usually be clearing the entire room anyway, often instantly giving you all five charges if they did somehow run out.
When you are able to keep the charges up, here is what you gain: +40% Movement Speed +25% Cast Speed This is in addition to what the swords already give you: +40% AoE radius. +40% AoE Damage +15% Block Chance (For dual wielding.) Now, for comparison this is what picking 2x of the unique Wands will give you: +60% Damage +24% Cast Speed. +15% Block Chance. That means adding these swords to the race for flameblasters, means that you trade 20% damage (which quickly scales off after you start getting a few passives.) for 40% movement speed, and 40% AoE radius. This has resulted in the newer 40 minute D:Champ to be 38% more efficient than before, with top racers hitting level 26 in under 40 minutes, compared to level 24 before. (1.8M to 2.5M) Flameblasters are almost hitting the same levels as the previous 1H DChamps race in 20 minutes less time, than before. Edit: Formatting and grammar. ก็็็็็็็็็็IGN:Varanice(90 EA Marauder); Aura_Amoureux (8X LL Aurastack Cyclone Scion) Softore Shop Thread #665265 -Uniques, Race Rewards, Gems, and more. I also play LLD PvP in SC, and race as Witch or occasionally Scion. Last edited by Varanice#3105 on Jun 11, 2014, 2:10:24 AM
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