Rebalancing Internal Unique Item Rarities (Locked June 16)

The tears of flippers, traders, scammers, elitists, etc... THEY ARE DELICIOUS!

As a player who likes to sell shit he finds, your tears will be most delicious when you sell the "bonus items" for 1/2 price because there are twice as many available. Tabula Rasas for 1 Exalted, Lioneye Glares 15 Chaos...

They are giving you a double paycheck, but the government is going to tax 1/2 of it. You will still be in the same sinkhole you are now, except if RNG was to shine on you today, it would matter much much more. There is less and less to be excited about anymore.

Also, great that people are looking at that giant %20 increase in the sky. Instead of 29 Shavronnes Wrapping for sale at this point in ambush we would have 35, which is almost enough for everyone!
Last edited by Worldbreaker on May 16, 2014, 8:36:57 AM
Loving this!
1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank:
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui":
Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw:
This is superb, welcome news.
ressiv wrote:
Nolifers will only notice this change.
I think 95+ ppl get enough cool items even w/o this buff
alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact
Last edited by jstq on May 16, 2014, 8:42:10 AM
Worldbreaker wrote:
Also, great that people are looking at that giant %20 increase in the sky. Instead of 29 Shavronnes Wrapping for sale at this point in ambush we would have 35, which is almost enough for everyone!

It is sensible to start with smaller increases and not go from one extreme to another. What is important is that they have opened up to increasing the drop rates. The first step is the most difficult. From here on, we will probably more tweaks.

Its a good approach, and in my view a necessary one.
Worldbreaker wrote:

As a player who likes to sell shit he finds, your tears will be most delicious when you sell the "bonus items" for 1/2 price because there are twice as many available. Tabula Rasas for 1 Exalted, Lioneye Glares 15 Chaos...
Yes, very depressing. We're still in the black, but the decreased profit margin will be difficult to explain to the shareholders.

Also, great that people are looking at that giant %20 increase in the sky. Instead of 29 Shavronnes Wrapping for sale at this point in ambush we would have 35, which is almost enough for everyone!
Thanks for pointing this out. This shit here will destablize the market, right here.
Have you made a cool build using The Coming Calamity? Let me know!
Last edited by ephetat on May 16, 2014, 8:51:42 AM
BobRt wrote:

And trade chat is just blah...Sorting through spammer after spammer, channel after channel, is just as frustrating.

I don't want to spend hour after hour posting/reposting in the hopes that I'll sell 1-2 items for a few chaos. Or even trying to find an item to buy. I don't mind playing the economy a bit here and there, but I'm here to grind and play and kill stuff.

you know about and setting up shops?
ephetat wrote:
Worldbreaker wrote:

As a player who likes to sell shit he finds, your tears will be most delicious when you sell the "bonus items" for 1/2 price because there are twice as many available. Tabula Rasas for 1 Exalted, Lioneye Glares 15 Chaos...
Yes, very depressing. We're still in the black, but the decreased profit margin will be difficult to explain to the shareholders.

Also, great that people are looking at that giant %20 increase in the sky. Instead of 29 Shavronnes Wrapping for sale at this point in ambush we would have 35, which is almost enough for everyone!
Thanks for pointing this out. This shit here will destablize the market, right here.

Seriously... no one will ever understand where I am coming from... So I will just copy it from my other post... I am not a fuckin trader/flipper I am a loot finder...
I get what you are trying to say, I do, values will half and items will double putting us about where we are now. This isn't really true, especially for those that enjoy the "Christmas Day" feeling of items dropping.

You are a kid 16 years old, Christmas morning, you see 2 presents under the tree, Ipod and new Bike ($300), Thanks mom and dad! I like them alot! :)

Right Now...

You are a kid 16 years old, Christmas morning, 1 present under the tree, OMFG NEW XBOX I LOVE YOU MOM I LOVE YOU DAD, PRAISE JESUS FOR HAVING A BIRTHDAY, OMG! WOOOT SUCH FEELS! ($300)
I can't put it into words, that is the best way I can give an example of what I am worried about. I would rather find 1 BoR than 2, it makes the 1 more meaningful.
Last edited by Worldbreaker on May 16, 2014, 9:15:53 AM
Mivo wrote:
Worldbreaker wrote:
Also, great that people are looking at that giant %20 increase in the sky. Instead of 29 Shavronnes Wrapping for sale at this point in ambush we would have 35, which is almost enough for everyone!

It is sensible to start with smaller increases and not go from one extreme to another. What is important is that they have opened up to increasing the drop rates. The first step is the most difficult. From here on, we will probably more tweaks.

Its a good approach, and in my view a necessary one.

In other words you want this to be a slippery slope where they end up catering to casual scrubs. No thanks. I think doubling the chance on Bino's tier stuff is fine while the 20% on kaoms and shavs is irrelevant and just there to make the terrible players that think it will make a difference happy. This is as far as it should go, drop rates were already good enough.
Qarl wrote:
elvy wrote:
Greater availability of build enablers to the detriment of alch shards (from vendoring crown of thorns one too many times) is a plus in my book.

Also, are you not updating the droprates to counterbalance the influx of new uniques anymore (with a larger unique pool, the chance of finding any particular one is lowered every time new ones are introduced)? Or is stuff like singularity boxes, nemesis mod that guarantees unique drop and so on enough?

Yes, this is specifically being handled as part of this change, it will be updated as each unique is added.

This was not mentioned in the manifesto, as its a moderately complicated concept.

What exactly does this mean? To me, just because more Uniques get added to the game, does NOT mean Uniques in general should drop more often.

Also have 2 questions would Love answered.
1)Does MF come into play for the High end Uniques to drop? It is very widely thought that these are NOT tied to MF, but more just rarity of chance. If this is the case, that needs changed, Players who are die hard MF builds, should NOT be penalized just because they can NOT clear maps in 20 seconds. On the same note, non MFer's should NOT be rewarded just because they can clear maps continually in 20 seconds.

2)When are ALL items going to have Unique version, there is FAR to many uniqueless item bases out there. Personaly hoping for a specialized Unique 1h Axe for Spectral Throw of the Vaal Hatchet

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