GGGs reasoning on not making a SFL?

Cause you can just do it yourself like I do, no thanks bye.
Qarl wrote:
In the existing leagues, there is nothing stopping anyone from playing self-found, and we know many of our players do. We also have players that only engage rarely with other players, trading and partying occasionally.

So, as you can play self found in an existing league, I doubt we need to separate out the leagues.

I always hated that answer because by that logic HC leagues shouldn't exist as you can delete your characters on death in SC leagues.
SFL will be the death of PoE, please never do that.
IGN TylordRampage
well i used to post in a d2 forum of offline d2 players we would post our HC progress threads through normal-hell and the items we found on /players 8 command

was all ways nice playing and going theough peoples screen shots of there walk through

shame that PoE cant do that....

anyways to the people who say they want the drop rate increase that does not have to happen... just make a offline version of the game dont have to be same client to risk the chance to have dupes or hacks in the game
lolbam wrote:
...just make a offline version of the game...

Now this I want. I'd sacrifice as many puppies as Chris wants to not have to deal with loldesync.
Malone wrote:
SFL will be the death of PoE, please never do that.
Eh. Although I think SFL is a bad idea, I wouldn't rate it that high on the list of apocalyptic scenarios. I'd estimate the damage as approximately the same as that of this season's Invasion League fiasco, if it was made permanent — unhealthy for the game, but not a death knell, and some players actually wouldn't notice at all.

However, I am sure of one thing: SFL would be the death of these forums. It would send a clear message to the players that they will get results if they endless berate GGG on a topic in which GGG themselves have little interest. The forums would believe from that point forward that they, not GGG, are in control of Path of Exile; this would persist for years even if GGG did not, in fact, cave to other demands. I don't think the game itself would die, but any hope at reasonable discourse would.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
- We do not need a SFL
- But that doesn't mean that the self found play style is OK as it is.

I really want to see a statistic on how many upgrades each character FINDS(!) from level 70-90.

The "you can play self found as it is" is a STUPID respons. I don't think traders truly see how clunky it is to play 100% self found. The trading part is too automated in their experience of the game.

2000 hours of game play has given me about 30-40 reglas, 2 exalted, 2 eternal, 0 devines and 0 mirrors. We're talking MF chars, high level, high IIQ maps. So when people say it's OK to play SF as it is, they mean "you are able to beat Dominus". You can't craft viable weapons. And isn't crafting a big part of the game? You can't find great weapons, coz Chris doesn't want them to drop.

I think it's sort of sad.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Last edited by Phrazz#3529 on Apr 25, 2014, 3:59:30 AM
dont understand how people would think SFL would be death of this game... they have to be full retard

SFL would just be a group of players who enjoy the RNG of the game much like the people who played d2

how would it ruin your game play? my only guess would be most of the people who quit the standard leagues and play SFL and enjoy the game more? then the RMT players couldent show off there 6l items?
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Malone wrote:
SFL will be the death of PoE, please never do that.
Eh. Although I think SFL is a bad idea, I wouldn't rate it that high on the list of apocalyptic scenarios. I'd estimate the damage as approximately the same as that of this season's Invasion League fiasco, if it was made permanent — unhealthy for the game, but not a death knell, and some players actually wouldn't notice at all.

However, I am sure of one thing: SFL would be the death of these forums. It would send a clear message to the players that they will get results if they endless berate GGG on a topic in which GGG themselves have little interest. The forums would believe from that point forward that they, not GGG, are in control of Path of Exile; this would persist for years even if GGG did not, in fact, cave to other demands. I don't think the game itself would die, but any hope at reasonable discourse would.

I guarantee what would end up happening if they actually did get a sfl is they would at first flood the forums with all praises to sf jesus then a week or two later they'd be right back here bitching about how GGG didn't do sfl right and it's worthless unless GGG fixes it in a way they demand.

guarantee it
lolbam wrote:

how would it ruin your game play? my only guess would be most of the people who quit the standard leagues and play SFL and enjoy the game more? then the RMT players couldent show off there 6l items?

You've got to remember that it will be harder for them to sell their crap for 2 chaos on XYZ. It's a disaster. Truly.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.

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