What's Being Kept from Ambush/Invasion? (Updated July 4)

BARL wrote:
Chris wrote:

Ambush League
The Ambush strongboxes are great fun and will be integrated into the core game. Their spawn rate will probably be reduced slightly and we will delay the first strongboxes appearing until later in the game.

Please reconsider this. Early in the game is when you most nedd strongboxes to offset the extremely poor loot progression early game.

When you are wearing gear from A1N in A2C there is a problem. Strongboxes went a long way to alleviating this. At higher levels few strongboxes are worth anythig (gemcutter and carto being the exception.) The rest are generally just shard makers at higher levels. Never once saw an upgrade from these boxes at 60 and beyond.

I agree, I'd rather see a large number of regular, ornate and large strongboxes at lower levels and ramp up to the good stuff of gemcutters and cartos in higher difficulties.
I think the progression should be something like this:
A1N: Strongbox
A2N Ornate, Large Strongbox, Artisan, Chemist
A3N: Jewellers, Armourers, Blacksmith, Arcanist
A1C: Gemcutters
A1M: Cartos
You expect me to act as something I'm not? I picked this name for a reason.
Arrogant wrote:

I agree, I'd rather see a large number of regular, ornate and large strongboxes at lower levels and ramp up to the good stuff of gemcutters and cartos in higher difficulties.
I think the progression should be something like this:
A1N: Strongbox
A2N Ornate, Large Strongbox, Artisan, Chemist
A3N: Jewellers, Armourers, Blacksmith, Arcanist
A1C: Gemcutters
A1M: Cartos

GREAT idea.
I am very saddened about Cartographer boxes being nerfed, one of the only 3 boxes actually worthwhile, though i believe i only ever found one level 72 or above, no i take that back, found another last week, that dropped zilch, even though it was beautifully rolled with added drops, and plus level, i got zilch, imagine the heartbreak. And you want to nerf them? they are already rare as hell in high maps, but yet common as whetstones in non map areas it seems. hell to many maps rarely even spawn boxes, which is blah to begin with.

oh and to add, i sure hope all the bugs with strongboxes get fixed. and number of adds in merci get reduced to about the number in cruel, which is lag free.

Last edited by MasterAxe on Jul 4, 2014, 12:47:25 AM
Arrogant wrote:
BARL wrote:
Chris wrote:

Ambush League
The Ambush strongboxes are great fun and will be integrated into the core game. Their spawn rate will probably be reduced slightly and we will delay the first strongboxes appearing until later in the game.

Please reconsider this. Early in the game is when you most nedd strongboxes to offset the extremely poor loot progression early game.

When you are wearing gear from A1N in A2C there is a problem. Strongboxes went a long way to alleviating this. At higher levels few strongboxes are worth anythig (gemcutter and carto being the exception.) The rest are generally just shard makers at higher levels. Never once saw an upgrade from these boxes at 60 and beyond.

I agree, I'd rather see a large number of regular, ornate and large strongboxes at lower levels and ramp up to the good stuff of gemcutters and cartos in higher difficulties.
I think the progression should be something like this:
A1N: Strongbox
A2N Ornate, Large Strongbox, Artisan, Chemist
A3N: Jewellers, Armourers, Blacksmith, Arcanist
A1C: Gemcutters
A1M: Cartos

Im fairly certain the reason for gemcutters boxes spawning early ingame is to help people acquire gems easier, to play with.

That being said, i still find it funny early on i found a gemcutter box that dropped me a level 19 gem, way way sooner than i could ever use it, lol.
VileCorpse wrote:
PLease consider keeping cartos the way they are...They are already super rare in higher lvl maps and
would give more incentive to play standard. People loved ambush mainly because of cartos.
Let us have some fun. Isn't this game supposed to be kind of like d2?? thats why so many fall
in love with it.. I don't remember lvling beeing gated by rng in d2?. I love poe , but it makes me sad
that end game is so gated.

Why are you so worried that people play high lvl maps and level faster?
It still takes forever to level to 100 unless u drastically neglect ur real life in which case you deserve it i guess? It still takes dedication and a solid build even in ambush.

Getting to 100 imo is already unforgiving enough, why do we need it to be even harder by
pointless rng gating the end game content.. Cartos were really refreshing to me and i didnt find them gamebreaking not one bit. They brought the overall map prices down to an affordable level as well.
Before ambush, 78 maps were 2 ex each on standard. There was a point they were 4 ex not too long before that as well. With the amount of runs it takes to hit 100, that is just a sickening price for a map... A MAP...

At this point most people are just forced to reroll all the time , and it gets pretty damn tiring. some people just don't like it.

If you guys do decide to nerf them an idea would be to only be able to drop +2 map lvl.So people don't run through map tiers that easy . Something along those lines, just an idea.


Didint played ambush, but I knew all of this. I'm with this guy, I'm waiting inpatient for ambush come to standard just because of the maps!

I want to play the game. I want to feel rewarded by what I'm doing. I dont want to spend 2 exalted in each map or pay 3 chaos of fee to just do a map, that in level 92 only gives me 2% xp in the better possible scenario.

Of course if I do a s**** of low level maps I can level up. But I refuse, I dont feel like I'm being rewarded doing that, dont think my time spent in theses maps are worth, neither I feel that my char belong to low level maps... 78 are already easy enough. I just feel really off doing low level map.

I dont get all theses rng gated contents too. I can do somehow easy normal atziri, but only got 1 set of uber atziri until now, just one mortal hope in more than 30 atziri. Do you really think I will give a try in uber atziri? Of course not, if I fail I lost 40exalted! But I dont want to sell too, I would like to try. But the way you guys did it, damn... it almost implies that Its better not to do. If I fail it will take a eternity to try again too.

For god sake Chirs, the game is meant to be PLAYED! Let us do atziri, uber atziri high level maps. I'm pretty sure that the original intent was it at least.

If you want some kind of currency sink, please look somewhere else, get better ideas, this are not working out man. Really, LET US PLAY THE GAME CONTENT, pleaseeeee!
The concept of invading Unique monsters will not be integrated into the core game for now.

Thanks for ditching the Invasion mechanic! Seriously! Also please consider dropping the Guest mechanic as well. Like many others have said, the immersion and atmosphere are completely ruined and having certain monsters living in certain areas is great, both gameplay-wise and story-wise. It makes no sense to run into Undying in the Mud Flats.

I hope Carto boxes aren't nerfed too much, I still think the normal map sustain sucks. I shouldn't have to spend hundreds of Chisels, Alchs, and Chaos Orbs just to level my freaking character.

Otherwise, I'm really excited to see Strongboxes on Hardcore. I think it'll be very fun.

My only other comment is this: Only on the POE forums will people put the game's economy above fun. It really does boggle my mind how people can feel that way.
Team Won
Last edited by ggnorekthx on Jul 4, 2014, 1:18:59 AM
you should add chance to spawn invader in any map
"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms."
Last edited by kamil1210 on Jul 4, 2014, 1:21:14 AM
BARL wrote:
Chris wrote:

Ambush League
The Ambush strongboxes are great fun and will be integrated into the core game. Their spawn rate will probably be reduced slightly and we will delay the first strongboxes appearing until later in the game.

Please reconsider this. Early in the game is when you most nedd strongboxes to offset the extremely poor loot progression early game.

When you are wearing gear from A1N in A2C there is a problem. Strongboxes went a long way to alleviating this. At higher levels few strongboxes are worth anythig (gemcutter and carto being the exception.) The rest are generally just shard makers at higher levels. Never once saw an upgrade from these boxes at 60 and beyond.

++++++++ this
Besides, strongbox-hunting was a good way to get at least something useful if drop was especially bad a few levels.
Please let these boxes stay!
Last edited by Kedisi on Jul 4, 2014, 1:40:02 AM
ggnorekthx wrote:
Thanks for ditching the Invasion mechanic! Seriously! Also please consider dropping the Guest mechanic as well. Like many others have said, the immersion and atmosphere are completely ruined and having certain monsters living in certain areas is great, both gameplay-wise and story-wise. It makes no sense to run into Undying in the Mud Flats.

I hope Carto boxes aren't nerfed too much, I still think the normal map sustain sucks. I shouldn't have to spend hundreds of Chisels, Alchs, and Chaos Orbs just to level my freaking character.

Otherwise, I'm really excited to see Strongboxes on Hardcore. I think it'll be very fun.

My only other comment is this: Only on the POE forums will people put the game's economy above fun. It really does boggle my mind how people can feel that way.

Can't agree more about the guest monsters. I don't understand why they even make it to the main game.
Another quality ZAP! post.

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