crit reduction gem
Casters are pretty strong but only with fully GG gear, which is the reason you dont see a lot of them in PVP. Elemental spells are pretty weak by base and you need crit to make them deliver good DPS. However i do agree that tempest shield is wack, it should do less damage and it would be balanced as a less damaging aura but more of a defensive one that adds block.
I wanted to point out how you said mullaxul that casters dont need to aim, that is false because we aren't perma namelocking like some builds can, in fact i rarely even namelock anyone. We use lightning warp very fast to move around so each time i warp i have to remove the lock or just shoot where your character is and that's in fact aiming. Just like when you leap slam + cyclone or flicker + cyclone. Some spells are even pretty fucking hard to aim like fireball, freezingpulse and etc. Block is not a problem anymore with the addition of this gem, this was needed and even tempest shield is nerfed in this process indirectly by nerfing block chance. Casters got nerfed as well since most of us have some block as a defense like melee, so i dont think casters are OP in any way right now as i see them pretty balanced. The problem when it comes to crit is physical crit and nothing else, elemental damage outputs need the crit to do damage since we all have resistances, we dont have any physical resistance because armor is useless and only a few builds can get it anyways. Molten shell is one of the few elemental damage output that is OP with crit, but that would be fixed by reducing the flat fire damage scaling from it. IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Apr 10, 2014, 3:01:12 AM
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" lol IGN: BaiBhai | BhaiBhai | Bhailo
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Why not change acrobatics so that CI and low life builds can use it? Move the ES penalty to phase acrobatics instead because phase acrobatics along with ondars guile would too OP if you went for an evasion based build, which would now be possible since you would still have a 40% chance to avoid damage from RT based builds.
lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM Mirror Service: View-thread/2479762 Old:870532 |
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" Because then casters will be even more OP with block and dodge. Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
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Here we go, look I've played casters just as much as ive played melee in every game ive ever played. In this game casters have more defensive/offensive options then they've EVER had EVER. In Diablo2 for instance people rarely needed block chance because they knew they should be moving. You'd take block chance to combat auto aim melee users. So lets compare the 2 scenarios shall we? Keep in mind I played all of these other games just as legitly as I do this one. No gimmicks, no bull shit...always against people abusing whatever they could from hacks,healing to lying. We'll use Diablo2 as an example because most people know what it is.
Diablo2 caster -Around 3-4k hp or a mix of hp/es (legit charms 1.5-2.5k hp with 3-4k es) 15/70 bugged charms 1.5k hp with 6+k es) with top gear depending on if you went 0block,75% block or partial block. -Virtually no regeneration properties besides mana..and that was still ass. -Critical damage...wait.. nope none of that shit for casters. -Namelocking was important -Stacked resistence + max resistence and absorb..unless you used "magic" in the form of bone skills or hammers. -Faster hit recovery and Faster cast rate break points you had to achieve while still keeping yourself doing damage,blocking,resisting elements..or you'd get rolled ez. -Damage that was laughably ass, it would take 6-7 bone spirits/spears (doing 5.5k dmg base, after pvp penalty barely 1k a hit) to down a BvC with 7k hp. -Bone armor mitigating a laughable amount of physical damage -Hacks hacks hacks auto aim and full rejuvenation potion spamming -Relentless auto aimed rush down you couldn't stop to attack for a second unless you managed to land a hit/kill them/get out of namelock range. - Did I mention I dominated USeast in legit pvp vs hacked out the fucking ass scrubs every day 1v1 all the way up to 1v7? Not talking pubs...talking real duelers. Path of Exile -5-10k ES, 5-10k Hp as a caster -Full regeneration if you're left alone for a second or 2 -Critical damage...well ya how the fuck else are you 1hitting ppl -Virtually no namelocks required just spray and pray -Elemental penetration, no absorb, Ethereal knife,+max is minute when you're already -35max from a gem. Its just slightly softening the hit at that point. -Stun immunity,get whatever faster cast rate you want and from whatever you want. -Defensive options that literally kill people...ya they fucking kill players as fast or faster then your spells and your spells already 1hit ppl....hahah holy shit, right? -No hacks,full rejuvenation potions,auto aim...that we are aware of. You're able to freely lightning warp with virtually 0 down time against say a flicker strike which is 2sec cool down. Meaning you have alot of breathing room to compensate the fact you just lightning warped away and healed 100% ES back and can go back to 1shotting fools with your body (tempest/molten) or with your spells (insert spell here). - Did I mention you guys are just lazy, bias and should really appreciate the fact casters are amazing in this game? You guys all talk about how you owned all these other games you played before you got on PoE..I beg to differ, I've heard the stories of your characters and how you played. Don't remove my post, or edit it..people need to figure this shit out. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Apr 10, 2014, 4:32:44 PM
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I completely agree with mulla. People need to stop crying that casters are hard to play because they're really fucking not. EK takes up like half the damn screen, its literally impossible to miss with EK (Miss as in you dont even come close to hitting someone infront of you) unlike with melee skills that ACTUALLY REQUIRE AIMING. Furthermore, to anyone to cries melee are OP, every heard of kiting man? LW is literally the fastest escape skill in the game. Look at what shad does, he LW's everywhere and EK spray and prays and does this well. As a result, he wins a lot of matches.
Thats how casters are supposed to be played. The last thing they need is even more tankiness. Most casters are ES based and some go CI. They inherently have more ES than their HP counterparts. Combine that with block and molten shell and tempest shield. Casters are basically better than melees in so many ways its kinda funny. The only thing that can compete in terms of efficiency are crit dagger builds. Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
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" I'm not saying leave dodge exactly as is impose a cast speed nerf that goes along with taking dodge or something so that theres more options for ES users. Melee CI users have no defensive options vs sword users now its turn into a contest of who can 1 shot who first. This type of play isn't going to make PvP fun for anyone. Also ES or life both can get the same amount of hp thanks to kaom's. Not that it even really matters seem like having 5kph or 10kph are the same fights last a few seconds and then are over. The pvp community really needs to put their egos aside (not that I'm calling anyone in this thread egotistical) and start figuring out how we can get pvp balanced because if those of us who pvp regularly don't then GGG is most likely going to listen to the people who have no idea how thing work and just head over to the forums to QQ. IGN:Dethklok
lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM Mirror Service: View-thread/2479762 Old:870532 |
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" While its true that melee CI users have no defensive options, the reality is that they really need none. Most melee CI users are crit + dagger builds that 1 shot anyone. If they were allowed to have access to dodge, all builds in PVP would be crit + dagger builds as now they are "tanky" in a sense(due to RNG) and have insane DPS and have block penetration with the new gem. If a nerf to crit multiplier were to occur, then yeah, I could see dodge being buffed for CI melees. However, until then, dodge should not be changed for CI users. Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
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you forgot just one LITTLE thing while comparing d2 and poe.
in d2 there was NO SPELL BLOCK. thats why in this game caster need crit. because you will hit enemy 1 time out of 4, and if you dont kill the enemy in that 1 hit, he can just afk regen while you miss the enxt 3 hits. ofc rng doesnt work like this, but was just for making you better understand what i want to say. anyway just saying, im a caster and im fine as i am now with those fixes. the only thing i cry about now are the 1 shot flicker crit daggers. i cant do anything against ppl like dullah that knows how to play and dont just hit the flicker strike button. PvP Team Omniscient IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow [quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote] Last edited by tempallo#5614 on Apr 11, 2014, 5:59:53 AM
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