Swords are now back to 97% block penetration, really GGG ?
" Yeah,All damage should be scaled down in PvP,not just criticals.Critical SHOULD hit harder than a RT build,but hitting so hard is reduculous,the same way it is rediculous that id i do not one shot you,my 10.5K ES will also get drained in less than 1 second with your cyclone.Also how is it possible the same ppl that i have played maps with,to one shot me with EK(at 10+K ES),while on maps they do completely shit damage compared to me is something i do not really understand. Also if they do reduce ALL damage in PvP,then they should remove the block penetration gem again,since block users will hitfor shit.My 2 cents https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/417287 - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow
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You 1 shot me man, haha. The times you don't im down to <500hp. The same can be applied to a crit caster. RT damage shouldn't be on par with critical damage. It isn't now, its just the fact you're comparing my cyclone which hits xx amount of times vs your 1 hit. If I was to use a different melee skill, or if you weren't directly ontop of me via you flicker striking toward me initiating the offense..id hit alot less and your es wouldn't suffer so badly. Its just not fun, nor rewarding to build a character anymore knowing it'll just be the same story regardless of gear/tree/player. FYI this wasn't an attack on you poutso, just how I happen to feel about pvp atm.
IGN: MullaXul
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A critical caster will rarely 1 shot someone with high HP unless they use ''op'' molten shell. I tried every spell myself and the only skill that comes close to 1 shotting real tanky life builds is EK. I can 1 shot around 6.5-7k life/es and that's with ming's heart. On the other hand i do agree that getting 1 shotted sucks, the only build that can 1 shot most people is flicker strike crit dagger/whirling blades, that's the OP build as of now. They have much higher damage than any crit caster or any melee, are faster and can get 10k + ES which is as much as any tanky life build and on the last note they get Chaos inoc. In fact that's the only build i'm facing in pvp since everyone is doing the same thing non stop. You dont even need GG gear to make that build work, it's as simple as block red gem, a medium dagger, some decent ES items and crit boosted ci tree.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Apr 17, 2014, 2:56:58 PM
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" EK can 1shot or reduce someones life so low that they can't even attempt to go in further to kill the caster. You will die to tempest or a follow up ek free, or in every other case 1hit molten shell just for attacking them to begin with. The other spells i.e freezing pulse attack so fast that even if it isn't 1 hit the damage output via crits/shock = instant death. Melee can be blinded but you have to apply it before you get 1shot by that crit dagger, which can just flicker you at any given time. Its a really really shitty strategy vs such a mobile melee class. Not saying casters should be blinded, thats not the case. Its just casters have no reason not to go crit, they need it for damage output...true. Iron Will casters aren't a dime a dozen and thats because very few spells are viable with it (ek mostly). The crit multiplier is the underlying issue here always, its been beaten to death as much as block has. IGN: MullaXul
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" Yeah i know you are not attacking me and i do agree with what you are saying.I beleive one shots are rediculous.YOU SHOULD NOT BE ones shotted with 10k HP/ES,no matter what gear you are using,period.But on the same way,i beleive all damage should be scaled down,in order to involve tactics.Crit damage should be reduced more than RT damage,certainly,but still,even non crits damage should be reduced.Even with heavy strike,yesterday we did something like 10-15 duels in a row with big daddy for fun,and he was able to drop me down to less than 1K ES in less than a sec.Generally it was a race,me or him,and the duel always lasted something like 10 sec.I do not like that.Maybe make an new PvP post level90,were ppl are expected to have good gear,and reduce the damage there even further.Also i beleive they should remove trigger gems.I mean i can curse you with crit weakness and have temporal chains on trigger in order to slow you down and either escape or force 1-2 puncture hits or whirling blades.IMO thats bad design.I have to decide before hitting you,if i want higher damage done on you,or an easier escape.Otherwise u should be a more dedicated curse user,for more ooptions Also i hate the fact that everyone and his brother is playing flicker ATM.I am not competive,neither i have a dedicated PvP build,and all i want is a good duel,win or lose.It is just that my PvE build works on PvP.I have been a PvE flicker for a year now,way way before it was cool.Especially you know with RMT guys with every spot mirrored.The good thing about them is though that they get a hard on for high numbers on the tooltip DPS,and usually go shavs+crown so their defense is shit and they get one shotted always as well :P Hauntworld - A guy called splaterboom or smoething like that,was one shotting me EVERYTIME on 10.3K ES with his EK.EVERY TIME.Much more often than i was with my flicker.He was playing bear traps,and after i started using lightning strike to hit him from distance he switched to EK. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/417287 - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow
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" He is using 5 remotes mines EK, as far as i know he doesnt cast EK himself. IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 |
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" Hell even 1 remote mine could 1shot a bitch. Those trap and mine bonuses are nasty as fuck paired with strong spells. IGN: MullaXul
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i see only 1 thing here, after more then 1 y of POE , pvp here is waste of time...
100lvl mele pvp QUIT
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" Have fun with Dark souls 2 Jedi, game is godlike...no lie. Edit: I wouldn't quit though, just do like I and im sure many others have been doing. Log in now and then to burn a few maps, kill shit then go back to whatever you've been doing elsewhere. This games still amazing, just needs more time to mature. Shits whacked at the moment so best to do other things so you don't piss yourself off all day. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Apr 17, 2014, 9:29:45 PM
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" Propably,i am not familiar with all that fancy staff :P https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/417287 - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow
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