Serious Post: New PvP Gem
" YES PLZ IGN: KevShienZ
#1 564pDPS Crit Jeweled Foil Sword: #1 Crown of Eyes DPS Amulet Mirror Service: #1 Crit-Leech Legacy Mod Amulet: |
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👱♀️ IGN: FamilyStrokes 💘 Mirror Shop: Last edited by SisLovesMe#7061 on Mar 30, 2014, 10:42:34 PM
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" YES PLZ IGN: KevShienZ
#1 564pDPS Crit Jeweled Foil Sword: #1 Crown of Eyes DPS Amulet Mirror Service: #1 Crit-Leech Legacy Mod Amulet: |
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" First, the game does not need any block penetration gems. Sword users are already OP in pvp. All you see are the same cut and paste 2H legacy Kaom builds everyone has in sarn arena. GGG's fault for giving sword users 2 nodes that each give 20% block penetration. Even though I switched my build up, from incinerate to trapper (both PvP specced), I "had" max block 76/78 and was still getting 1 shot by the same 3-4 sword 2H users. With anyone else, block worked fine like it should especially with tempest shield reflect. The only possible way to kill the cut and paste builds was to hope my 4L molten shell + Chance to Ignite + Fire penetration + Conc Effect with a Flammability curse would kill them on the initial pop, which it did minimally as they come in attacking with a Ruby Flask. I conclude with this, if a block penetration gem is added to the game, then wtf is the point of block then? Everyone would just be glass cannons, but wait, 2H cut and paste builds would still dominate there too because they will still have 40% block penetration from nodes + a block penetration gem that some of you are in awe about. (go to sarn arena you will know what im talking about. won't name any people you will see for yourself). Secondly, to someone else's point earlier, you can have max block like I did, but if another player's crit chance and multiplier are out the roof, then the crit itself will kill you in 1-2 shots even with max block as someone eluded to naming hauntworld and shadowthefall. But to reiterate the main point of this post, the 40% block penetration given from 2 nodes for sword users should be removed asap GGG. How "some" people can penetrate 75%-78% of max block is just dumb in itself as there is no counter to it. At least when RF was OP in PvP, legit PvPer's could counter RF and still win. Last edited by BlackSpite#3494 on Mar 31, 2014, 3:27:54 PM
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" First of all, its 3 nodes that give a total of 55%. Second of all, BLOCK REDUCTION NODES ARE A COUNTER FOR BLOCK BUILDS. WITH RF NERFED, HOW THE FUCK ARE MELEE CHARACTERS SUPPOSED TO COUNTER MAX BLOCK? (only exception is crit based dagger builds) Ever faced a max block + aegis build as a melee character who isnt using a sword? Yeah, good luck. Even with block reduction, its still hard as fuck to kill someone with that build. Let me repeat myself, BLOCK REDUCTION IS A COUNTER FOR BLOCK BUILDS. You can't ask GGG to remove block reduction just because it counters your build. Thats just plain stupid. Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
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" But, but, but... my build isn't copy and paste :((( IGN: KevShienZ
#1 564pDPS Crit Jeweled Foil Sword: #1 Crown of Eyes DPS Amulet Mirror Service: #1 Crit-Leech Legacy Mod Amulet: |
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" @Pianokingx3 as I alluded to later in my post, if that is the case then what is the point of block (for attacks, because spell block works just as it should)? You are saying that is ok for YOUR build to penetrate more than half of someone's max block all the time when there is no counter to it(and please don't say traps when we all know you 2H builds just flicker and cyclone through them. lol what a joke) so thats ok for your build, but not ok for max block and tanky builds? And I'm not talking about myself because as I said before I changed my build; so we can focus on the pvp population in general. So now to get to the main issue, YOU are saying that you would like or wouldn't mind a block penetration gem on top of the 55% block penetration that you already get from using swords? max block penetration? haha you made me chuckle. So as of now, no one in their right mind should invest in block at all if they are going to take PvP seriously to some extent as we do. At least not now until GGG decides to implement some drastic and needed changes. And considering that there is no dmg scaling or dmg reduction against players for the time being, everyone now should invest in a Saffel shield because at least you can still block spells when they dont |
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Kev I love you :) now stop one shotting me with Heavy Strike hehe
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" This is false, there is a dmg reduction that is different for each skill, and that is also influenced by the difference of level between the 2 players. IGN: DullahanTheHeadless Last edited by Dullahan987#4829 on Mar 31, 2014, 5:42:01 PM
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" Im guilty, im just a bandwagon 2h sword user. I just started the other day, can someone give me a tree and what items to use pwease. Sure theres some veteran 2h sword users out there with more then a few weeks experience. On topic though. This new gem, if its echo it wont solve any casters issues regarding spell block and reflect. If anything it will amplify it, plus it would need to come with a damage reduction attached similiar to multistrike. Which honestly wont matter too much with criticals where they are. 400-1000% multipliers will still work their magic. If this gem works as I expect it to, you'll see only crit based casters and still no answer for spell block. If this gem is a block penetration gem it would serve a better purpose for every single player. People bitching about block penetration would appreciate for once being able to pierce it themselves. Though its pretty lazy and would just be a default must have gem for everyone to take if they wanted to pvp...which is asinine. I really hope its not a block penetration gem. Block and how it works with other weapon types / spells should be remedied in a more intelligent way. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Mar 31, 2014, 6:15:51 PM
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