Level 32: 10 Reward Points - 85 Minute Fixed

TheuberClips wrote:
I can see 31s and 32s happening. 32 is probably going to be the record for a few classes in the end, but the best will hit the 29-31 area for the first few races.

Chances are that 33+ is god tier RNG.

With the nerfs to early game spectral throw, I would expect only leap slammers to be able to hit 32, barring god RNG. The shorter race duration means that you're running with lower damage for a larger percentage of the time.

Flameblast has been reverted to not absurd levels, so even with the elemental buffs, I would be hardpressed to believe casters can get to 32 when people only reached 33 at the top end in the 100 minute signature.
I didn't put in any practice runs so I didn't do as well as I will in the future...but I can't see myself hitting 32 under any circumstances with ST.
IGN: thejarmo
So.. only 5 people have hit 32 so far. How cool is that!
Last edited by Rithz#0502 on Apr 29, 2014, 6:07:23 PM
need to get the bigboy packs

e: maybe there's some secret shrines so you can farm faster than docks in some other areas. Like sewers, catacombs, solaris1/2. Since it's fixed running trough solaris shouldn't be all that bad, if there's multiple accelration shrines, you can maybe even reset from battlefront.
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels.
Last edited by ZoRoXo#7767 on Apr 29, 2014, 7:46:20 PM
there is a gravicus at cocroach lady, he gives 3 mil exp on kill
alt art shop view-thread/1195695
t.me/jstqw for contact
ZoRoXo wrote:
need to get the bigboy packs

e: maybe there's some secret shrines so you can farm faster than docks in some other areas. Like sewers, catacombs, solaris1/2. Since it's fixed running trough solaris shouldn't be all that bad, if there's multiple accelration shrines, you can maybe even reset from battlefront.

We have to find the secret shrine zone.
Rithz wrote:
My theory is Neon copy and pasted the forum post from last season's signature races and just forgot to edit the levels... yeah?

ggg doesnt care about racing. it was probably added automatically
terrex wrote:
ZoRoXo wrote:
need to get the bigboy packs

e: maybe there's some secret shrines so you can farm faster than docks in some other areas. Like sewers, catacombs, solaris1/2. Since it's fixed running trough solaris shouldn't be all that bad, if there's multiple accelration shrines, you can maybe even reset from battlefront.

We have to find the secret shrine zone.

Slum sewers has a shrine and same with warehouse sewers but its still no where near as good as docks with a shrine.

Someone should check out Solaris 1/2 but honestly I don't think you can beat docks with that shrine unless you can farm an area right away at 21.
Last edited by Rithz#0502 on Apr 30, 2014, 7:33:01 AM

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