=|DA|= Dungeon Addicts [Discord Required] [Challenge Hunters] [KALGUUR]
Dungeon Addicts Guild
Recruiting Thread #861877 |
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I doubt anyone will be reading this, but I still need to get it off my chest. Maybe someone will be looking through some of these comments.
--- I just got kicked from the guild. Supposedly it was because I took some T1 ES gloves out of the stash that someone put in there. The gloves were T1 ES% and nothing else. 0% quality too. I Assumed someone didn't notice that they were T1. So I took them out, tried to find out who put them in the stash(by publicly asking in Gchat), and then upgraded them and stuck them in my stash to save them. The guild has had a history (well before I joined) of people basically raiding the guild stash. The stash on Standard is actually locked down from people looting the entire thing in one go. I even tried to help out by putting yellow maps in the guild stash, but literally in one swoop, 40 maps I put into the stash were gone all at once. So obviously the guild still has issues with people abusing the stash. It makes it so nothing really good ever goes in there. It's 100 tabs of vendor items. Nobody trusts anyone. And for rightful reasons. Which leads to the next problem. I was looking for a guild where people were really good at the game and pushing content. There are some that are pushing the game, but there really isn't a 'filter' for new invites. There are a few people that almost everyone have on ignore on discord and in game. People that endlessly beg for maps and money, 'if you're not playing standard, just give me your currency!' And people asking questions endlessly that are really really easy to answer on your own by looking at the wiki. Does anyone get kicked? Nope. Publicly take some gloves and try to help make sure they aren't just sold off? Kicked without warning. Myself and several other members would sometimes have to uncheck guild chat or put people on ignore because it was flooded with endless incredibly basic game questions. 'Does anyone know who sells Cyclone?' What does the wiki say? 'Well I was trying to avoid looking it up.' --- The saddest part is that one of the guild members was obviously having IRL issues and it was bleeding into his game play. He complained and complained about how stupid and bad everyone was in the guild, especially the new invites, how much better he was, and overall incredibly elitist. (That's the short version, obviously). I got pretty upset one day, while he was going off about how great he was and called him out. It was inappropriate of me, and I should have just ignored it, but it was getting really really tiring listening to someone complain all day. After that incident I decided to just put him on ignore and stay in other discord channels. Instead of fighting over a silly game, it seemed like a better idea to avoid the topic. About a week later, he finds out that I have him on ignore. I wasn't doing anything wrong, minding my own business, and once he found out, he abused his mod power given to him by the guild leader and locked me out of the entire guild discord, purely out of spite. All because he was mad I had him on ignore. I was then asked by the guild leader, to work it out with him. Well, that's a little unreasonable in my book. Someone who was known to have a bad attitude, got into multiple petty guild arguments the prior week, and abuses his mod power, is someone I'm suppose to hash out a problem with. Skip forward a few days, said person gets into another petty guild argument and both of them get so upset, they left the guild almost at the exact same time. I tried to ask what was going on, and literally, they were arguing over two different things, when they thought they were talking about the same thing. They were both using the term 'double dip' and describing it differently. Few days later, guess who's back in the guild! A week later, and here we are. Kicked out in the middle of the night without warning or conversation. All because I was trying to help keep some decent gloves on hand without someone snatching them up to sell. Even made it public that I took them out and was going to hold onto them for one of my leveling alts, or for someone in the guild when they needed them. There are some really fun people in the guild. I had a lot of fun map nights with people. But there is obviously a lot of favoritism. Been in the guild for awhile? You can do whatever you want. Relatively new? Kicked without warning over a misunderstanding. |
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" I disagree with your account of some the events but am not going to spam the thread arguing about it and respect your right to share your opinion. You weren't kicked because you took a pair of gloves from the guild stash, you were kicked because you took the gloves and then they immediately showed up on poe.trade. Holding them for an alt character was fine, them immediately showing up on poe.trade was not. Dungeon Addicts Guild Recruiting Thread #861877 Last edited by ArawnDA#2824 on Jan 7, 2017, 4:06:49 PM
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Dungeon Addicts Guild
Recruiting Thread #861877 |
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this is 86ER senior officer and partner in the guild. this is something no matter the circumstances we have never condoned in the guild. further more there are no exceptions whatsoever. the subject is closed . ty 86ER
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Dungeon Addicts Guild
Recruiting Thread #861877 |
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