Vaal Lightning Strike

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Last edited by Jess_GGG on Jun 8, 2018, 2:56:37 PM
Last bumped on Jun 8, 2018, 2:57:02 PM
No Feedback on the actual skill as i didn't get to try it yet but i noticed a typo in the description: "...during which lightning will arc between them and other nearby enemies, dealing damaging."

Pretty sure that should be "...dealing damage."
I just tried it and my immediate thought was how very underwhelming it is - maybe I am doing it wrong...

I am confused about what exactly it should be doing. It seems to be able to shock stack bosses, which is cool, but it doesn't look like a normal lightning strike, it appears to be more of a normal hit with no bolts going out.

Also what is the 'lasts x seconds' about? I cannot spam the skill for any duration, it just works on the first hit. Does it mean the shock lasts for x seconds?
Last edited by Chazaqiel on Mar 7, 2014, 2:00:46 PM
Maybe try reading the description *shrug*
The target you hit will fire lightning beams/bolts at other nearby enemies for the listed duration.

Also I believe it will keep arc-ing back and forth until the timer is up OR the initial struck mob dies... so best to use on a rare mob/etc.
SSF since ~OB
Last edited by stonespeak on Mar 8, 2014, 11:21:32 PM
Pretty good dot on a boss or rare, but I would like it to stick around after the mob died, so I can use it on regular mobs as well.
KenshiD wrote:
Pretty good dot on a boss or rare, but I would like it to stick around after the mob died, so I can use it on regular mobs as well.


Even if it got a small nerf based on monster's life (so lasts longer on a rare vs. norm). This would make the skill practical more often.
SSF since ~OB
Does anyone know how this works with a melee splash support?
Wootness wrote:
Does anyone know how this works with a melee splash support?
similar to what happens with puncture, infernal blow (if also killing), or viper strike. all affected foes should gain effects of the skill(s).
Does effect created by this skill is technically debuff?

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