1.1.0 Patch Notes - Sacrifice of the Vaal

Spasibo Chris !
I don't see new players coming AFTER the patch giving much of a fuck about legacy uniques.

Who in their right might goes: "Hey I theory crafted this cool build with these items, but that other dude has a mod on his unique that I can't get and that doesn't affect the build I want to make, but that's a turn off."
“Demons run when a good man goes to war"
Last edited by Sneakypaw#3052 on Mar 4, 2014, 5:31:14 AM
Aim_Deep wrote:
Sounds awesome. You guys are amazing.

Now we can say that Diablo III is better, far better

lol maybe if you're 12 and like arcade games. Terrible itemization and carebeared to the max. Only thing good I got from game is someone in forums there turned me onto PoE.

Haha that might have been me. When poe released i was advertising it like hell on blizz d3 hardcore forum
Mo4Shoyoukno wrote:
PN sounding very promising until the reworked skill tree changes are being listed...
dont want to complain about that fact at all but every skilltree change with respec made one of my main chars almost useless....
This time it will be my lvl85 Scion (spectral throw 2H Axe build) which is being nerfed jusr doubletime . skill and passives reduced so i guess bye bye viability and bye bye hours spent lvling - once again T_T

i just hope i'll be not chosing the class and build that for sure will be the one nerfed after the leagues :P

Nevertheless that is just a matter of theorycrafting skilltree after 2 or 3 dummy-chars to check the new skill stuff with....
THE Bigger issue is THAT WE STILL HAVE TO WAIT THE LAST HOURS until Release x_X

Cmon guys the last few hours of waiting are always the hardest so u maybe could at least keep that in mind for the next b9gger update and add like 10 hours more on the countdown which will then be just cut off and lets us celebrate the instalaunch then :P
just a thought on playing our minds to get rid off that awful pain in the ass type of waiting time..,. damn time's money time's short and most of all - WANT IT NOW haha...
Being patient is just so 90's - We don't do that kinda totally time-wasting things anymore these days in the age of highspeed internuts.
there were also statistics being made showing the average amount of tinme spent on pure waiting within a lifetime and damn waiting is just THE most useless thing that uses significantly high amounts of time being totally useless ....

By reading this to the end you might have gained a small impression of the topic i am talking about - what just even more shows how one is being forced to bore all others reading with quite a bit of nothing useful being said at all.
Yeah u got it - just killing some time because countdown timer must be counting wrong and tooo damn slow...
Mission Control - pls grant permission for quickstarting or i will begin to randomly push all the buttons i got in front of me and i am evil enough to push 2 or more just at the same time !!! i Swear ....

PS: this post is not intended to be a serious one or to be funny or so.
feel free to keep any grammar and spelling mistakes u are guaranteed to find.
Yeah i know i am such a nice person to offer them free.. enjoy or don't - your choice but dont eat text as it may be of low sense and may cause braindamage when consumed.



right now, spectral throw always " Deals 60% of Base Damage "

after the patch, it will still do 60% of base damage, when the gem reach level 15. which means if your gem is lvl 15 or higher, it will do the same damage. that change is to make it not-as-OP on early levels, mainly to balance races i suppose (since everyone was using LMP spectral throw)
Patch looks beautiful

Dreggon wrote:
Chris wrote:
Fixed bugs with font keming.

master trole

I think thats actually font keRNing, and Id like to join my fellow graphic designers in a limp hipster handclap for attention to detail in these areas of the game. Kerning saves lives.

el_hombre_loco wrote:
Standard just become even more RMT obligatory mess. Want to make new build? 200ex per item pls.

this is so ridiculous, 200ex, what are you trying to buy? a mirror of the best item on the server for every slot? You dont have 200ex to spend on every slot and you think you should have the best items ever found/crafted on standard?

You can beat endgame maps spending 1 chaos per slot on standard, you can destroy endgame maps up to a fairly high level for 2-3 ex per slot. This is presuming you are good at builds and playing. If you are a bad player but a good trader you can spend 40ex per slot and have an absolutely ridiculous character that does the same thing. You have a level 92 char in standard, you know all this already.

All the nerf/legacy crying is a bit much. Things like BoR needed a nerf, just a complete cop-out way of having a powerful 7 link build with a relatively common item. Keep powerful 6 link builds for people who put in the work to get a 6 link. Aegis was op. Legacy items really dont matter, if you are miles away from being able to afford those legacy items you are lightyears away from the exalt piles and bis rares owned by the really op guys in standard league.

If you are not one of the best players on the server, not the best traders on the server, not the best builders, not the biggest time investors then you dont deserve the best items, its that simple. I dont have the best items, I havent put in the graft to have them. Thats fine, I dont need them, I dont even need the level of items I do have, and I have nothing that anyone couldnt get if they put in the effort. Standards economy is fine if you know what you are doing, if you don't then go to a new leagues and make sure you know what you are doing before the 4 months is up. It isnt realistic to not understand how to acquire entry level amounts of trading wealth and yet expect to have the same items as people who have been min/maxing that league for 5000 hours.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Fixed bugs with font keming.

Well played. Well played indeed.
Sneakypaw wrote:
I don't see new players coming AFTER the patch giving much of a fuck about legacy uniques.

Who in their right might goes: "Hey I thoery crafted this cool build with these items, but that other dude has a mod on his unique that I can't get and that doesn't affect the build I want to make, but that's a turn off."

BOR NERF OUCH!!!!!!!!!! :*(
Skill tree reworded for Shadow Plz ;(
not seen anything about it in this patch note.
eDuwz wrote:
Skill tree reworded for Shadow Plz ;(
not seen anything about it in this patch note.

Trust me, this is probably great for shadow now:
Elemental Adaptation has been moved to between the Witch and Templar.


Last edited by Metronomy#6891 on Mar 4, 2014, 5:31:43 AM

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