DEVS Listen up: Some Vital PvP Suggestions
" Well, we're just going to have to agree to disagree that one-shot fests are fun. 30 minutes running around a pillar is an exaggeration anyway and if it comes to that then tankiness (specifically energy shield and life regen) should be nerfed. |
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Glass Cannon vs Glass Cannon -- well-built, not some super-exaggerated build with absolutely no defense -- should be a situation where a critical strike with low critical multiplier doesn't one-shot, but with high critical multiplier it will.
Duel length should go up from there. One-shotting defensive (or even "balanced") builds should be pretty much out of the question; that's no fun for anyone. When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted. Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Feb 2, 2013, 2:22:04 AM
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yea dmg def should be scaled by large %'s per lvl brackets, maybe 50% less damage for the 28 cap, 150-200% for the lvl 50 cap, and 300-400% less damage for the 80+ brackets. With players in their 80's doing 10k+ dps and with effective lifepools being only about 5k ( with high hp investments)80+ pvp is just going to be a big 1-2 shot fest.
Now flasks i feel should be left alone, as sapphire flasks with frozen dispel actually balance out the perma freezing done by high crit% frost users. Perhaps there should be pvp rewards that have flasks only available for use in pvp arena that *dispells freezing stun curse* as a sort of reactive anti CC tool. Also unless you heavily invest into anti freeze/stun/snare mechanics, or take rare unique items which prevent effects, players are very vulnerable to chain perma CC, perhaps a diminishing returns effect could be implemented on these types of status effects with the first proc of stun/freeze lasting the full duration and with subsequent hits, the duration of the effects diminishes. This would be on a timer that resets, so the full effect of the freeze or stun could come back over a short time. This would allow for utility while still not being completely broken. Lower the damage in pvp area, increase the timer for matches, implement a solid matchmaking and ranked team / ladder system, tweak chain disables and the pvp in this game could really flourish. Last edited by ESJBeefyCurtains#3107 on Feb 8, 2013, 4:45:35 PM
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" HUGELY disagree, this is what ruined Diablo 2 after patch 1.10. You gotta understand that this is a game where players can fire off skills that fill the screen, dying before you even have a chance to react is NOT fun. I would take frantically running around pillars struggling to kill my opponent over insta-deaths any day. |
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Really? No one else comments on adding PvP party lobbies on the quest boards? That's like probably the most bad ass thing the devs could implement right now.
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I have to Agree - PVP via Quest Boards and While we're at it - Seperate trade channel via Quest Boards would be phenominal!!
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No one mentions cutthroat? I dont care THAT much for the arenas I just want the PvP league. Oh and this damage reduction will completely mess up lvl 28 pvp when it is possible to get 2K life for this level along with armour and resists... The duels will last ... too long to put it nicely.... it will also buff flasks since less damage but still the same heal rate from flasks. I think the other suggestions are fine but that damage reduction is just stupid. In fact I often have people who cant even damage me and then they are like WTF?.. The damage is fine man no reason to change it, if you nerf damage by 4 times you will get the most BORING battle in the world of the 2k life tanks which will last FOREVER... not much fun... not to mention that most witches seem to suck in PvP (low lvl) and they will then suck even more compared to melee because they rely on removing ur resists and hurting ur hp pool that way... and since they are not tanky themselves then this will just nerf them completely... enemy would haft to have -resists for a caster to even deal decent damage... the same goes for rangers... bow rangers suck SO BAD in lvl 28 pvp and this damage nerf would only make rangers suck EVEN MORE... it would be melee all the way. (Which it kinda is aleready... its rare to see good casters.)
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I'm too lazy to read these essays, so don't bad mouth me.
The fact that the community is actually trying to improve the PvP system is great. I read a bit of what everyone said, and some of the ideas are very great, whereas others I would have to disagree. In my opinion, the most important thing for the COMMUNITY is to establish a separate PvP chat and a better matchmaking system like others have mentioned. I'm pretty sure this was mentioned, but the idea of having a PvP Group (similar to Quest groups) that people can join for Multi-PvP would be excellent. In terms of balancing the actual PvP gameplay, such as damage reduction and what not is a lot harder to implement. I understand there are a LOT more people who are more experienced in the PvP scene than I am, such as ex-D2 players, but trying to compare the PvP systems of the two when the game mechanics are different isn't the way to go. Also, the damage reduction is very complicated as the damage reduction of certain skills will have to be scaled more or less, which may create unbalances. Another thing that I see a LOT of people complain about in PvP is stuff like Elemental Statuses (Chill, Freeze), certain skills (Bear trap, perma curse) are somewhat stupid to me. I think that all these things that were implemented into the game should be available of use for a build. These barriers or challenges that people find overpowered should be more of a challenge that they want to overcome, as overcoming it would ultimately make their build better. So yes, I find PvP to be pretty balanced as of now. Nothing to me looks like a "Ban or nerf" yet. -Official creator of the Low Level PvP Thread -Unofficial Path of Exile PvP site Temporary: Official: (Not completed) Last edited by LePvPMaster#7254 on Apr 9, 2013, 5:01:15 PM
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heh heh heh...Get to merciless pvp. Then you'll understand what "unbalanced" really means...
heh heh.... Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
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ive done merciless pvp
theres some builds that definately raped me but after seein some posts on forums, i understand how to do better or counter it lol -Official creator of the Low Level PvP Thread -Unofficial Path of Exile PvP site Temporary: Official: (Not completed) |
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