PvP gear swapping (inventory to equip)

Comon guys chill out i'm pretty sure everyone is tired of those walls of text hating threads, Aleron is just giving his point of view and you're all messing up the thread just to talk shit.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
hauntworld1 wrote:
Comon guys chill out i'm pretty sure everyone is tired of those walls of text hating threads, Aleron is just giving his point of view and you're all messing up the thread just to talk shit.

Stopped talking shit like days ago Haunt, haha. Plus it was the 3 trolls that showed up here recently that keep at it.


I see what you're getting at but with the way games like this work its just not logical to pigeonhole people into 1 set of gear. Take for example any situation where you join the arena. Its basically blind entry and theres so many different ways people can approach a build in this game especially. Just because you see a Marauder doesn't mean hes melee for instance. Hell you can get a decent idea what hes doing based on his visual appearance but thats about it. Match starts you have no anti freeze...and hes Freezing Pulse. You went in with the mentality you shouldn't change items and get rocked. Next time you go into the arena with a Dream Fragment, sacrifice 1 ring slot and the match is now basically balanced between the 2 of you better then it was initially. I agree some uniques have alot less of a drawback against certain builds. While theres also certain builds that basically undermine multiple game mechanics that have no real item swap you can use to better yourself against them. All in all item swapping is mandatory in a game where everyone doesn't have the same load out.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Feb 21, 2014, 3:08:11 PM
MullaXul wrote:
hauntworld1 wrote:
Comon guys chill out i'm pretty sure everyone is tired of those walls of text hating threads, Aleron is just giving his point of view and you're all messing up the thread just to talk shit.

Stopped talking shit like days ago Haunt, haha. Plus it was the 3 trolls that showed up here recently that keep at it.


I see what you're getting at but with the way games like this work its just not logical to pigeonhole people into 1 set of gear. Take for example any situation where you join the arena. Its basically blind entry and theres so many different ways people can approach a build in this game especially. Just because you see a Marauder doesn't mean hes melee for instance. Hell you can get a decent idea what hes doing based on his visual appearance but thats about it. Match starts you have no anti freeze...and hes Freezing Pulse. You went in with the mentality you shouldn't change items and get rocked. Next time you go into the arena with a Dream Fragment, sacrifice 1 ring slot and the match is now basically balanced between the 2 of you better then it was initially. I agree some uniques have alot less of a drawback against certain builds. While theres also certain builds that basically undermine multiple game mechanics that have no real item swap you can use to better yourself against them. All in all item swapping is mandatory in a game where everyone doesn't have the same load out.

like it was in D2. you had your stash to switch gear with more res, max block, more dmg etc etc. in those kind of games its required otherwise will just be rock paper shissor
PvP Team Omniscient

IGN: aBearTrap / AnExplosiveArrow

[quote="MullaXul"]ICU + alpha, bad idea[/quote]
hauntworld1 wrote:
Comon guys chill out i'm pretty sure everyone is tired of those walls of text hating threads, Aleron is just giving his point of view and you're all messing up the thread just to talk shit.

Thanks, I appreciate the concern. I really do want to raise discussion. If it isn't a detriment, no harm done from discussing about it. If it is, however, then I've at least raised awareness about the issue.

MullaXul wrote:
Match starts you have no anti freeze...and hes Freezing Pulse. You went in with the mentality you shouldn't change items and get rocked. Next time you go into the arena with a Dream Fragment, sacrifice 1 ring slot and the match is now basically balanced between the 2 of you better then it was initially. I agree some uniques have alot less of a drawback against certain builds. While theres also certain builds that basically undermine multiple game mechanics that have no real item swap you can use to better yourself against them. All in all item swapping is mandatory in a game where everyone doesn't have the same load out.

Yeah I get this point where you'd have to prep with antifreeze, but everyone would be on an even footing anyways if everyone used Dream Fragments. Plus, I would like to one day see freeze utilized in a much more balanced manner in PvP. I believe it can be done, especially in low level dueling where crits are much less common. It will be hard, but I think it is completely possible to do so in high level dueling as well. All I want is for common builds not to be excluded from PvP just because some items were introduced into the game. Burn builds having to deal with Ashrend in LLD is hard enough as it is without them swapping out other stuff.
AleronDescends wrote:
Burn builds having to deal with Ashrend in LLD is hard enough as it is without them swapping out other stuff.

I can assure you no one uses Ashrend in LLD. There are no good burn builds at the moment.

EA, firetrap, fireball and flameblast don't do enough damage. Molten is only good with low life and using EE but the ignite will pretty much never be a factor.

Incinerate and searing bond are terrible, etc...

If conc effect and burning damage gems were available, then it might be a factor. Fire pen is weak though at that level which doesn't help.
IGN: _Firebitch
Last edited by Firebrand76#1731 on Feb 21, 2014, 4:19:43 PM
Ya lld is a completely different animal. Thankfully you can't use lvl 31 gems, think that instantly puts it in a better position like Firebrand mentioned.
IGN: MullaXul
Firebrand76 wrote:
I can assure you no one uses Ashrend in LLD. There are no good burn builds at the moment.

EA, firetrap, fireball and flameblast don't do enough damage. Molten is only good with low life and using EE but the ignite will pretty much never be a factor.

Incinerate and searing bond are terrible, etc...

If conc effect and burning damage gems were available, then it might be a factor. Fire pen is weak though at that level which doesn't help.

Would you consider the Goddess Scorned a bad build? If so, what reason do you think it is?
Yup good idea. Disable gear swapping in PvP.
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AleronDescends wrote:

Would you consider the Goddess Scorned a bad build? If so, what reason do you think it is?

It's good in terms of the damage scaling extremely high. I managed to get just short of 10k dps on a glass cannon build I made with it.

The downside is that you can't use any other skills like molten, bear traps, or arc to destroy other people's bear traps, so it leaves you vulnerable against a number of things.

Another downside is that you can't equip a shield, which are quite important in lld.

However I saw one guy recently who made good use of it. He would lightning warp in and multi flicker away which would often kill the other guy.

tl;dr It's not top tier but still a good build.
IGN: _Firebitch
I see, a lot of those are definitely drawbacks, but I believe block will probably require a higher investment for usage in the upcoming patch due to the devs explicitly stating their acknowledgement of the dominance of block in any build, so I don't assume it will be a problem in a bit. I suppose it doesn't really compare when put in perspective of pillar and facebreakers... There certainly is a lot of balancing to be done in PvP for low level dueling. But I just want to make mine work because I really like The Goddess Scorned anyways :p. Would you mind sending me a link of your glass cannon build anyways? If you don't mind, I'm sure it would help with my build planning. Thanks!

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