Changes for Season 7

You could add 3 minutes to each boss and their group would still dominate. It's the only group with a bunch of top racers, that's really all there is to it. Look at things like 90min turbo party. Everyone else farms sins or crypt but they go through pyramid, because most people are playing solo and Weaver is a huge obstacle that way. With such a lack of any other real groups/competition, they should seriously cut down on the number of party races or make them duo races. It's a bit stupid.
Anarchy/Onslaught T shirt
Domination/Nemesis T shirt
Tempest/War Bands T shirt
Hilbert wrote:

Another addition would be another ruleset named Iron Man. This ruleset allows only 1 character creation and no rerolls at all. This is also targeted to prevent muling because for example Witches mule Firetrap, several classes mule spectral throw etc.
It would be far better to see general balance in races when players have to use class resources like in Descent for example.

I endorse this for every race.

P.S.: Probably the cheating is rampant during races. Comparable with cycling in the 90's.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE 2 is designed primarily for console.
Last edited by Reinhart#6743 on Feb 12, 2014, 3:58:13 PM
reboticon wrote:
You could add 3 minutes to each boss and their group would still dominate. It's the only group with a bunch of top racers, that's really all there is to it. Look at things like 90min turbo party. Everyone else farms sins or crypt but they go through pyramid, because most people are playing solo and Weaver is a huge obstacle that way. With such a lack of any other real groups/competition, they should seriously cut down on the number of party races or make them duo races. It's a bit stupid.

It is pretty unfair to punish us because other groups might not have put in the work to beat us in party races and therefore don't take it seriously.

And or quit racing when it became apparent that they no longer had any advantage over us.

Hilbert accusing CWU of maphacking is hilarious tbh. Where is our moderation for Hilbert? How has this person been allowed to post such consistent garbage for over two years.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
I don't have any viewers because:
1) I've never streamed for them. I started streaming because i wanted to show my gameplay. Since seasons 2-3 i'm streaming to show that i'm playing legit
2) I've never named my characters Twitch_Tv_***
3) I have zero interaction with the viewers, i don't provide commentary
4) I never ask the viewers to "hit that follow button"

Regarding my signature races, what are those "times" you are talking about? Vaal kill times? I've only done 4 sigs this season and the vaal times were:
1) Scion - 58m
2) Scion - 54m
3) Ranger - 1h05m (remade for practice after hailrake death)
4) Templar - 1h03m

It took me 2 attempts to set the current scion record. Those times are not top 10 (class-adjusted)? Even the scion ones? I must be playing different game than you then.
You've accused me of cheating in party races. Then you've accused me of having low viewers numbers. What's next? Language mistakes, poor information presentation or no-lifing?

Posted by Chris on February 4, 2014 1:51 AM
"When we mass-ban people for running these tools, don't say you weren't warned :P"
cwu wrote:
I don't have any viewers because:
1) I've never streamed for them. I started streaming because i wanted to show my gameplay. Since seasons 2-3 i'm streaming to show that i'm playing legit
2) I've never named my characters Twitch_Tv_***
3) I have zero interaction with the viewers, i don't provide commentary
4) I never ask the viewers to "hit that follow button"

Regarding my signature races, what are those "times" you are talking about? Vaal kill times? I've only done 4 sigs this season and the vaal times were:
1) Scion - 58m
2) Scion - 54m
3) Ranger - 1h05m (remade for practice after hailrake death)
4) Templar - 1h03m

It took me 2 attempts to set the current scion record. Those times are not top 10 (class-adjusted)? Even the scion ones? I must be playing different game than you then.
You've accused me of cheating in party races. Then you've accused me of having low viewers numbers. What's next? Language mistakes, poor information presentation or no-lifing?

only three letter name stop trying to be special
Last edited by janimauk#6808 on Feb 12, 2014, 4:21:31 PM
Morsexier wrote:

It is pretty unfair to punish us because other groups might not have put in the work to beat us in party races and therefore don't take it seriously.

And or quit racing when it became apparent that they no longer had any advantage over us.

Hilbert accusing CWU of maphacking is hilarious tbh. Where is our moderation for Hilbert? How has this person been allowed to post such consistent garbage for over two years.

I don't really think it would be punishing you at all. The fact is there is a lot more interest from the population as a whole for solo races. There has been a crazy amount of party races (at least during the 7 hours through the week that I can make races) vs solo races. Last weekend was majority party races. There should be less of them. Most of you would still take Demis in solo races anyways, so you didn't really lose out on anything. The reason I care is because you guys get like 8 levels on most everyone else and it appears to cause the points brackets to be moved higher in party races.

edit: it's reboticon but I'm doing dom race from an alt and was logged in after gear post.
Last edited by rebo6000#4301 on Feb 12, 2014, 4:56:29 PM
cwu wrote:
I don't have any viewers because:
1) I've never streamed for them. I started streaming because i wanted to show my gameplay. Since seasons 2-3 i'm streaming to show that i'm playing legit
2) I've never named my characters Twitch_Tv_***
3) I have zero interaction with the viewers, i don't provide commentary
4) I never ask the viewers to "hit that follow button"

Regarding my signature races, what are those "times" you are talking about? Vaal kill times? I've only done 4 sigs this season and the vaal times were:
1) Scion - 58m
2) Scion - 54m
3) Ranger - 1h05m (remade for practice after hailrake death)
4) Templar - 1h03m

It took me 2 attempts to set the current scion record. Those times are not top 10 (class-adjusted)? Even the scion ones? I must be playing different game than you then.
You've accused me of cheating in party races. Then you've accused me of having low viewers numbers. What's next? Language mistakes, poor information presentation or no-lifing?

Sir, please stop bringing facts and logic into this discussion. There is no place for that nonsense here.
Hilbert wrote:
First off I think Season 6 is horrible.

Shedulewise and exploitwise.

So you can expect several suggestions be reposted again.

So let's start with the ancient ones:

/top should show you the Top 10

/ladder should show your Rank in ladder with 5 players above and 4 under you
This has been suggested like forever as /meladder but the command is quiet long.

/class should show your classrank
This also has been suggested in CB.

The next suggestion is also a pretty old one:

Seperate the ladders into a SOLO and a PARTY ladder.
Especially since party races barely offer full parties anymore.

Now looking at the exploits:

Just like in CB only the highest character should be rewarded. I checked the old threads there certainly WAS a time where only the highest character counted.

Another addition would be another ruleset named Iron Man. This ruleset allows only 1 character creation and no rerolls at all. This is also targeted to prevent muling because for example Witches mule Firetrap, several classes mule spectral throw etc.
It would be far better to see general balance in races when players have to use class resources like in Descent for example.

The next issue is the massive use of maphack and zoomhack in races.
For example check the top parties who are streaming. The streaming is incosistent and it's really strange that the runner isn't streaming.
And before the Top Runners join and claim they don't use anything I just remind you of the incident one Top Runner got caught on stream dying with an illegal .ahk script activating.
The script is obviously the one possible to be obtained on the same site as maphack.

This leads other needed Racemodes-->First Revealed(like fixed seed but with different maps)
No magic(This might be executed in 2 ways either remove the additional experience from blue packs or remove blue packs from the race)

Fixed seed is a good step but it's really inefficient. Especially since Chris refused to add 2 lines of code to detect it.

The last point would be the 1 player HP exploit in Party races mainly abused by the leader Parties.
The best way to fix it would be to Add/Remove HP based on 1 player HP with normal/cruel/merciless modifier similar to Hillock instead of using the D2 way to reduce damage you deal.

This needs to be fixed because Harder Race modes offer a higher difficulty and a risk of a Rip. The 1 player exploit reduces the chance to rip next to nothing. For example Turbo Vaal, Vaal Immolation especially, Piety or Dominus make a major difference if they are exploited or fought with a 1 player HP.

The next point is the shedule:

Do you remember why more mods have been introduces in Season 2? Season 1 only had normal mode races with 1h 2h or 3h I think there were 2 4h iirc and some Turbo in the end.

Races need a big variety and that's totally missing in Season 6.
Most of the races are either Sig, DC, EL or Burst.
The other races are mostly some normal mode ones.
Having a balanced shedule succeeded here but the variety dropped.

There are always easy to implement modes.
Turbo for example isn't liked by several players, for being hard or a "desyncfest at brutus"

But how about implementing Swift(only higher movement speed it could be as well set to 80-90%) and Fervorious(attackspeed+castspeed raised 40-60%)

Then there are several complaints about RNG. So a completely skillbased race would be:
Fixed Mapseed, Fixed Mobseed, No Blue packs and only white items.
Even taking into consideration to remove certain uniques would be a good step.

Anssue I see is the implementation of Cruel and Merciless in short timed races such as Descent and Descent Champions.
I would like to race in Cruel/Merciless but not with level 16-20 but rather with 30+ or 50+

Players grew tired of longer races so why not save the progress or add a void race type which already gives you a higher character and some currency. Such as Descent for example and you start as level 20 character and gems are leveled already.

To keep the race character alive players should receive more experience or the upper expenalty needs to be removed. The idea would be instead of having a 1h race between 1-26 it would be a race from 20-46.

Open Race format would be a Time Trial race with or without upper exppenalty.
For example the goal would be to beat certain boss low as possible(in a given short time window) or fast as possible.
The 24h raceslots were a good idea but they aren't suited for racing.
The time trial could be used for example to attempt to kill brutus at level 1 or in ~7min for example.

Bursts shouldn't only be 12 minutes they could be between 5 and 18 minutes.
Another idea would be to add up burst exp. So instead of having a 1h race you create 3 15min bursts and add up the total experience.

Variety is important so a big must for Season 7 would be to reduce Sig races to 3 a week.
No matter how balanced CT will be, a party of six will always kill a solo player, so instead of adding 1-5 hours party CT you should first run some solo vs party tests and see which work out for the better.
I suggested several others easy to implement mods in another thread.

Now to the point factoring:

The RP system is kind of bad. Players just create other accounts to receive several rewards.

So instead of a tier system each race mod should get a difficulty factor. Such as normal being 1, slower projectiles being 0,8, turbo being 1,5, lethal being 2,5, ancestral being 1,1, multi shot being 1,2 etc.

So instead of filling a bar all your results will be factored and each level means 1 represents a point and you divide it by the number of races.

Instead of having Full Clears you could add an achievement list for reach race which qualifies for random rewards.

Examples would be killing Hillock, Fire Fury, Hail Rake, Dweller and Kuduko in Blamt with different scaled.
For example Brutus in BLAMT should reward you 10+ points. Hailrake should reward more than Kuduko etc.

Those points would qualify for random rewards. This would add another goal in races such as progressing as far possible.
So instead of farming sins level 1 for 32 minutes in a 1h race players could attempt to finish as many quests possible to receive random rewards.
This way even the highest tier rewards could be awarded in a short race if they are almost impossible to get.
Such as Merveil in a 1h Blamt race.

The last issue I got is the awarding of Demigods.
The competive/fun declaration is really inconsistent.
Sometimes a race is fun other times a race is competive.
So why not handle it like Season Demigods?
Instead of giving a Demigods with the same flavour Text, the demigods got something like "First X in S7EY"
This makes it much easier to track RMTed Demigods. While I know some alt Art Demigods got RMTed. I think that Demigods should be rather a collectors item than an income source for virtual/ingame currency.

You ever just think that maybe its you? Maybe there are ppl that are just better racers than you? Why do the ppl that are doing well have to be cheaters? I'm sure there are ppl that cheat but just randomly accusing ppl of cheating isn't really needed.
muling should never be taken out of races
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