Last night I had a dream...
LOL dude you keep changing your mind all the time, not to mention twisting what I say and putting words in my mouth. I didnt say spells suck, in fact I have been saying the opposite. I am not close minded at all. I do know what I am talking about, I have eaten 3k hp from a fireball, and I know the guy's setup and he had limited multiplier. Who said I told you to scale it without crit? I said you dont need absurd crit multi like 1000%.
Fact is 500 crit multi is enough, end of story. Maybe right now its best off to go all out crit but when (if actually, since thats the point of this thread) block is nerfed and damage is levelled, you wont be here telling me spells ''need 900 crit multi to even scrape my opponent, qq'' |
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" "you prolly have wrong tree / gear setup and hence are relying on crits." that is indicating I am scaling it the wrong way going for crit. I am still waiting for some explanation of how else to scale it not(or less) focusing on crit. " Nor did I say you said spells suck. So don't see what words I should have been putting in your mouth. And "changing my mind"? Please quote me saying something that contradicts myself. " Well you don't even seam to understand that I called you close minded for jumping on the marylene's fallazy suck train without actually understanding what kinda of builds you can do with it. You seam to think I called you close minded for not agreeing with me on fireball scaling (that is not being close minded but more clueless imo) Last edited by Grildrak#3477 on Feb 6, 2014, 8:05:40 AM
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I am close minded, clueless, and retarded. Why would you argue with someone like that then? Awaiting your next insult, ty men
Yeah, you didnt do the wrong thing by going for crit damage with your fireball. What I meant to say is you simply dont *necessarily* need more than 500 crit multi (how many times have I repeated this?) They still do very good damage with that much multiplier. Why are bow builds also feeling like they are eating all your damage? I dont know man, I dont have an answer to that, all I know is I have eaten good fireball dmg before with average cc and multi and 77 res and if it wasnt for PA and SB I would have played much less wrecklessly. Fireball has 400 average damage and 6 base crit, thats very good on a spell. Fwiw, EK has slightly more avg dmg but less base crit and fcr. EK doesnt need lmp though, but it cant be boosted with conc effect either. EK is more likely to be used with PA. However again EK doesnt get as much %increases as fireball, fire and ele increases dont work with it - only spell increases. While fireball can see 400% increase easily, EK needs good gear to break 200%... Now Ek is physical, which is its main issue, its a bloody physical spell. But you can do 60% of your damage with fireball vs the average player using fire pen. All I am trying to tell you is to me ... you come off as if you seem to have a definition of what is good for damage in pvp as being something that takes off 6k+ in one hit (minimum hp / es for serious players). You just want to 1 shot stuff before they one shot you, which is understandable in the current state. But what I am saying is lets find a way to level damage and let stuff hit more often and for a good average amount. I dont think high crit multi will be needed, very high crit as it is now is obscene with anything. I am agreeing with you that spells do need crit damage right now, maybe even high amounts, but I know for a fact with spell block nerfing / fixing / what fucking ever and stupid things like flicker and bear trap and molten / RF and EK crits toned the fuck down (because they seem to belong more in that shitfest of a 'pvp' known as Diablo 3 brawling than here, to be honest) then ele spells will move up, and they wont need 900 crit multi or massive buffs to their base dmg. Bar of course stuff like ice or shock nova or discharge, lol. Those spells just aint good for pvp. Oh and please enlighten me on marylenes fallacy. It would be very useful for puncture crits I am sure, but for fireball, to gimp your non crit dmg not to mention crit chance for that little extra crit multi when you finally do hit doesnt seem too feasible to me. Last edited by ancalagon3000#6581 on Feb 6, 2014, 9:29:24 AM
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Sorry to break the truth to some of these clear enthusiasts, but the world does not revolves around path of exile pvp.
IGN: Barbara_Jay
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Last edited by RoryC_GGG#0011 on Feb 6, 2014, 3:53:17 PM
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IGN: Barbara_Jay Last edited by RoryC_GGG#0011 on Feb 6, 2014, 3:53:23 PM
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Last edited by RoryC_GGG#0011 on Feb 6, 2014, 3:53:32 PM
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IGN: Barbara_Jay Last edited by RoryC_GGG#0011 on Feb 6, 2014, 3:53:40 PM
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Last edited by RoryC_GGG#0011 on Feb 6, 2014, 3:53:48 PM
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And it was in this same fashion that the pvp enthusiasts always conducted their business.
After all, your eyes are exceedingly clear. But their clarity is not that of intellectuality, it is a gift path of exile pvp bestows upon those who base their livelihood upon it. IGN: Barbara_Jay Last edited by Barbara_Jay#0072 on Feb 6, 2014, 10:49:38 AM
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