2x 1 week races during the race season?

If it makes you feel any better the reward for level 80 will probably be about 20 points.

Just skip the races that are too long for you. That's what I do- and my cutoff is not 1 week, it's more like 2 hours.
PolarisOrbit wrote:
If it makes you feel any better the reward for level 80 will probably be about 20 points.

Just skip the races that are too long for you. That's what I do- and my cutoff is not 1 week, it's more like 2 hours.

Sure, I can just skip the races, but that' not the point. We are discussing week races on a conceptual level and not on a pragmatic level. Honestly Polaris, sometimes your posts are hilbert-level stupid.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
So he is making good posts.
Last edited by Hilbert#4232 on Jan 9, 2014, 8:34:10 AM
Hilbert wrote:
So he is making good posts.

Like I said, sometimes you make valid points and sometimes you just come up with the wildest ideas, like GGG holding one-week races to support botters. I mean that's just so far-fetched I don't even know how you got that idea.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
SlixSC wrote:
PolarisOrbit wrote:
If it makes you feel any better the reward for level 80 will probably be about 20 points.

Just skip the races that are too long for you. That's what I do- and my cutoff is not 1 week, it's more like 2 hours.

Sure, I can just skip the races, but that' not the point. We are discussing week races on a conceptual level and not on a pragmatic level. Honestly Polaris, sometimes your posts are hilbert-level stupid.

On a conceptual level, GGG should feel free to take risks and shake things up. Not everyone is going to like it when they take risks and shake things up. This time you're in the party that doesn't like the change. But you probably liked Descent, Endless Ledge, etc. Some changes will not be to your liking. But it's still better to have change than stagnation.

Sorry for my pragmatism.
PolarisOrbit wrote:
SlixSC wrote:
PolarisOrbit wrote:
If it makes you feel any better the reward for level 80 will probably be about 20 points.

Just skip the races that are too long for you. That's what I do- and my cutoff is not 1 week, it's more like 2 hours.

Sure, I can just skip the races, but that' not the point. We are discussing week races on a conceptual level and not on a pragmatic level. Honestly Polaris, sometimes your posts are hilbert-level stupid.

On a conceptual level, GGG should feel free to take risks and shake things up. Not everyone is going to like it when they take risks and shake things up. This time you're in the party that doesn't like the change. But you probably liked Descent, Endless Ledge, etc. Some changes will not be to your liking. But it's still better to have change than stagnation.

Sorry for my pragmatism.

That's not the point, I am arguing why I think that 1 week races are a bad idea and shouldn't be part of the race season, but rather post-season events. Obviously GGG can do whatever they want, but that doesn't invalidate any argument I make against their decisions.

You could be an all-powerful deity that regularly performs wrong or evil actions, but the fact that you are all powerful and can do whatever you want doesn't make your wrong actions somehow right.

And spouting platitudes gets you absolutely nowhere. "change is better than stagnation"... not if the change is for the worse.

And I apologize if my previous response to you seemed kind of rude, but it's just very disheartening when you type out your honest opinion and make several arguments explaining in detail why something is wrong (in your opinion) just to then have someone come in and go "lol what u say dont matter, GGG can do whatever they want".

I mean I'm clearly aware that GGG can do what they want, that's why I'm discussing 1 week races on a conceptual level and not a pragmatic level, because on a pragmatic level nothing I could possibly say would ever make a difference. Believe me I'm fully aware that nothing I post on here counts for shit, as is evidenced by the actions of GGG which I sometimes find ludicrous and almost bizarre.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
Last edited by SlixSC#6287 on Jan 9, 2014, 9:08:39 AM
Like I said, sometimes you make valid points and sometimes you just come up with the wildest ideas, like GGG holding one-week races to support botters. I mean that's just so far-fetched I don't even know how you got that idea.

You don't got my post then.

The 1 week+RMT post was bitter sarcasm because you don't understand that GGG does next nothing aside waving the finger on RMT players, saying "RMT isn't ok" so the RMT players take the warning as a warning to take more care.(See Feedbackthread or reddit since Reddit allows shaming you can see such cases and see that the accused users took steps not to be caught again)

Their defined combat against RMT are ONLY spambotaccountdeletes.

The leagues are dying several RMT players already cashed out with obvious evidence who they are here.

1 weeks add an economyreset so RMTers return for 1 week, so there are those aiming for a high rank and there are those aiming for fools gold.
Since several high tier players also use the Botterboard the RMT players provide endgame maps and currency to the ladder players.
After the race ended the Ladder players sell their stuff for less fools gold.

Domination 1 week will be linked to Domination and Nemesis to Nemesis.
A 1 week during a league start will have got far less RMT but the races are sheduled in a way in hope to extend the lifetime of a league, meaning the leagues are already dying or dead.

Both races are prior the 23th Feb. The next league starts later and you can expect the next season will get a 1 week after some time passed in the new challenge leagues.
If not there will be a 1 week solo.

KoTao wrote:
And still not one long term solo event.

Not impressed at all.

It's at least remotely possible these 2 races are solo. Like 0.01%.

Hassefar60 wrote:
What could be nice: A 1 week solo where you could only log in between 6 PM and midnight (for example), determined by your time zone (you would manually select which 6 hour time span you wanted when creating your character, locking that character to that time slot for the duration of the event). (Could be party, but that would possibly annoy cross-Atlantic parties if there are any of those).

I like the basic idea, but even simpler/better would be a fixed clock. E.g. any character created is capped at 40 hours /played. Once the char hits that, it is frozen. Huge bonus: utterly trivial to implement, i think.

1 Week 40-Hour-Cap Nemesis. Do ittt.

SlixSC wrote:
You found a good time to hold 1 week races (post-season) but instead of simply improving the reward system for that post-season event you make them regular season events. It honestly blows my mind. "we found a solution" - "fuck that solution!"

It's not like they just added 1 weeks to the race season for the first time ever. Season 5 was the first time ever with no 1 week+ races. One can only imagine your opinion of the 1 month races. :)

I personally cannot compete level-wise in these races, despite having "no-life" free time. I don't really have the attention span, endurance, nor experience. I still enjoy playing them, moreso than shorter races, because i have a ton of room for improvement, and it's a part of the game i don't experience often.

SlixSC wrote:
especially given the fact that the recent 1 week race (which was an off-season event I might add) was probably more popular than any of the previous 1 week races. What this implies to me is that even the people who want to play in 1 week races don't necessarily want them to be part of the regular race season, so who exactly does this change try to satisfy? It just seems so pointless.

It's the first 1-week since release, it was inevitably going to be the most popular ever, by far. Though it looks like it even doubled my optimistic prediction of 10000. I don't think we can say whether it being off-season had a major impact. Though i do like the idea of moving 1-weeks to off-season so that everyone can give it their all.

KoTao wrote:
So im pretty sure GGG doesnt want the long term events to be competitive*.

I think a more likely explanation is that they did the best they could. They haven't been provided a solution that makes them very competitive. The simple capped version could be the idea they were missing.

SlixSC wrote:
It's such a simple solution and it worked fine in season 5, so why would you change it for season 6... why oh why oh why.. I just don't understand.

I don't think they thought they had a problem that needed a solution. They randomly didn't put 1-weeks in a season for the first time, then people clamored for one, so they threw it in post-season. Given this, is it any surprise they brought 1-weeks back this season, with a vengeance? I don't think they believe there is a problem.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
Obviously GGG could be under the impression that there really is no problem, but that's why I made several arguments explaining in detail why I think there is a problem, at least in my opinion.

But again I am fully aware that nothing I say counts for shit anyway, I don't expect GGG to really change anything, irrespective of how good and valid my arguments are. If the majority wants week races during the season they will get week races during the season, even if it's retarded for several reasons.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
The point I am trying to make is not that GGG is god and can do whatever they want.

The point I am trying to make is that GGG are people too and there's no way to know what the outcome of certain actions will be without taking them. Sometimes, they will be bad, but the fact that they might be bad doesn't justify not trying them. The 1 weekers haven't even occurred yet, let's at least wait and see rather than continue speculating! Who knows, maybe after the 1 weekers end there will be a burst of activity in the short races, increasing participation counts? Or some other beneficial side effect?

The season schedule is not a permanent thing so I support experimentation with it, even when the experiment does not favor me. I'm just trying to impart my perspective- like you, I don't generally enjoy long races- but it doesn't bother me to see this change because I'm viewing it from a different angle.

The lack of Descent races has me a bit more miffed, but it's just 1 season. I guess I just find it harder to get upset about the addition of something new than the removal of something old. Even though I know both are needed in the long run. Damn, after writing that out now I'm not even that mad about the loss of Descent. Look what you did to me Slix!

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