We welcome First Impression posts! Please be nice to those posts.

Last edited by Methox#8296 on Jun 23, 2019, 2:41:21 PM
Will you do something to make debuff more noticiable? Cause im bored to die cause I dont see debuff on me and the icon is way to far on the corner of the sreen... I can not look at debuff icon, my HP and mob's move at the same time... Comon...
First Impression:

Started last League, got to Lvl 75. Most frustrating experience: Dying and losing lots of xp. Started new with a Templar, used a build i found in the forum. Got to Lvl 92 around two weeks before the League ended, but never came closer than 60 or 70% to 93...
Bit my Keyboard once or twice...

Started new in this League, planned the Character, got tons of resistance and damage and again: After reaching Lvl 90 it got frustrating losing so much time just by dying once. Need a new Keyboard...

As a causal Gamer, i'm grinding most of my play-time of the day my A** off, trying to get to the next Level.
Actual Level: 91.
Was at 70%.
At the moment I am at 5%.
I just died 10-15 times in the last two days. One- or two-Hits. Only 2 of those deaths would have been avoidable, when i was just distracted.

I am not motivated to do more - quite the contrary. It's not a matter of being to "noob" or not having the right tactic. In fact, it's very OK to die in a bossfight and go back in to "get him".
But dying in a bossfight and having to do at least 10-20 maps just to get back to the point where I was yesterday ? Or actually: two weeks ago ?
I would like to get on in the Game, get to the real endgame. Currently max was a map tier 15, last league it was tier 16 - never made it to "Uber Elder". And it looks like i never will.

And yes, I know: There are people out here, who do "Uber Elder" with lower levels. But as i don't get tired to tell anyone who's interested (or not): I'm a casual. I play to relax and to have fun. There are some things I don't know by heart (every Boss-tactic in every Map, heck: not even what every modifier on my map means).
And I don't want to (and don't have the time to) learn all that by heart.
Let me play the game for 2-3 hours in the evening and let me get my Characters to max level. It's no fun playing the evening away just to see the XP-bar drop from 70 to 5%...

I like the Game, but this is something I can't stand: There are 9 levels missing and i cannot reach the next. That is no fun. Nor relaxing.

Of course there are players who like this challenge (are there ? Probably yes).
So: Please make a Side-League (or something) for casuals with no XP-loss. Not easier. Not with shortcuts or something. Just without this frustrating, funkilling XP-loss. And not for only a few weeks like those ssf-leagues.
Or leave them in the same League, but take them off any ladder or give them their own ladders or whatever, just make it possible for people who are playing only casual, with very limited time and (probably) not in any guild to reach Lvl 100. To fight a boss 3,4,5 times to "get him" and then having a moment of "YES! I Did It" instead of a moment of "Oh, NO... down to 20% again..."

Thank you for enduring my manic ranting - I just felt frustrated after loosing so much time/fun/xp/...
Valatasia wrote:
First Impression:

Started last League, got to Lvl 75. Most frustrating experience: Dying and losing lots of xp. Started new with a Templar, used a build i found in the forum. Got to Lvl 92 around two weeks before the League ended, but never came closer than 60 or 70% to 93...
Bit my Keyboard once or twice...

Started new in this League, planned the Character, got tons of resistance and damage and again: After reaching Lvl 90 it got frustrating losing so much time just by dying once. Need a new Keyboard...

As a causal Gamer, i'm grinding most of my play-time of the day my A** off, trying to get to the next Level.
Actual Level: 91.
Was at 70%.
At the moment I am at 5%.
I just died 10-15 times in the last two days. One- or two-Hits. Only 2 of those deaths would have been avoidable, when i was just distracted.

I am not motivated to do more - quite the contrary. It's not a matter of being to "noob" or not having the right tactic. In fact, it's very OK to die in a bossfight and go back in to "get him".
But dying in a bossfight and having to do at least 10-20 maps just to get back to the point where I was yesterday ? Or actually: two weeks ago ?
I would like to get on in the Game, get to the real endgame. Currently max was a map tier 15, last league it was tier 16 - never made it to "Uber Elder". And it looks like i never will.

And yes, I know: There are people out here, who do "Uber Elder" with lower levels. But as i don't get tired to tell anyone who's interested (or not): I'm a casual. I play to relax and to have fun. There are some things I don't know by heart (every Boss-tactic in every Map, heck: not even what every modifier on my map means).
And I don't want to (and don't have the time to) learn all that by heart.
Let me play the game for 2-3 hours in the evening and let me get my Characters to max level. It's no fun playing the evening away just to see the XP-bar drop from 70 to 5%...

I like the Game, but this is something I can't stand: There are 9 levels missing and i cannot reach the next. That is no fun. Nor relaxing.

Of course there are players who like this challenge (are there ? Probably yes).
So: Please make a Side-League (or something) for casuals with no XP-loss. Not easier. Not with shortcuts or something. Just without this frustrating, funkilling XP-loss. And not for only a few weeks like those ssf-leagues.
Or leave them in the same League, but take them off any ladder or give them their own ladders or whatever, just make it possible for people who are playing only casual, with very limited time and (probably) not in any guild to reach Lvl 100. To fight a boss 3,4,5 times to "get him" and then having a moment of "YES! I Did It" instead of a moment of "Oh, NO... down to 20% again..."

Thank you for enduring my manic ranting - I just felt frustrated after loosing so much time/fun/xp/...

First of all, thank you for sharing your story. I understand your frustration.

The situation, the way I see, is two-fold.
1: Powercreep.
2: Expectations.

Let's tackle the first one first. Because I feel that your frustration with the death penalty actually comes from somewhere else, without you realising.

1a. The XP loss: Without a penalty for dying, the game would become a snorefest with every single player running around with absolute fibreglass nuke builds and not a care in the world. Not only would that be bad for player experience, it's also detrimental to the game's economy and the value (gratification) from completing challenges.

1b. Powercreep: I feel that the reason you are experiencing such frustration dying is because dying these days has become so easy that even the most defensive powerhouse builds are having trouble playing the game deathless. And that's NOT okay, because many compromises are made on such defensive builds to achieve that, which already cost a significant amount in player experience, be it fun or actual XP. The game wants to be hardcore, deadly around every corner and players have been given so much power that the only thing left to threaten us is one shots, so we have one shots. Lots of them.

2. The other part of what I feel frustrates you so much is your expectation. What do you really get from getting 93? A passive point and a small amount of flat life and mana, that's IT. However, you keep telling yourself you need to reach that number, you can't play the game without reaching that number, it's the ultimate goal. In reality though, PoE isn't made to be played to max level, it's not designed to have that as a realistic goal. Gear, wealth, challenges (in leagues) taking down bosses, trying new builds. Those are things you should be aiming for. You will find these goals much more achievable, because you're going along with the design of the game, rather than up against it.

Those are just my 2 cents anyway. Not saying you should play the game my way or whatever, you need to do whatever you want and nothing else. I'm just trying to offer you my view and suggest a different approach, should you be interested.
Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more.

'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league.
Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave.
Last edited by Xavathos#5130 on Jul 15, 2019, 8:32:11 AM
Is Avarius, Reassembled (and his map equivalent in the Defiled Cathedral) basically identical to normal Avarius minus the transformation into Innocence? That fight could do with some spicing up IMO.

Perhaps have him share the arena with whoever 'reassembled' him. There are no unique Kitava Zealots mentioned in the wiki so one could be created for this purpose.
I love the game and I have played it for years but theres one class of skills that still arnt in the game:

Druid Skills.

D2 is right up there with this gane as favorite Looter/RPGs (PoE has more content for sure but nostalgia is crazy, lol) and Druids were my favorite class.

I would love for GGG to add some Shape Shifting Abilities (Wolf, Bear, Tree, etc..), Animal Summons (Wolves, crows, vines, bears, etc..) and Druid Elemental Attacks (Like Hurricane and Volcano from D2).

I'm sure from a design perspective the Shapeshifting be a nightmare for developmen (From new animations, new models, etc) but the summons should be easier too do by just adding to the already established minion/zombie/skelly nodes.

How many others here feel like it be awesome to have in the game?
A little Update (this Post sure gets around... is this the third thread I find it in ?):
I started a new Character, had a breeze. Great Build. Fun to play.

... until now: lvl 87. And again this *!-&$% XP-loss. grinding starts again, fun is gone.

PLEASE: I loose interest in the game just because of this "feature". A possibility to play without xploss and I don't mind, if this would mean no playing in ladders, in guilds, or even in groups.

And all those Threads with discussions just show, that I am not alone here.
Valatasia wrote:
I started a new Character, had a breeze. Great Build. Fun to play.

... until now: lvl 87. And again this *!-&$% XP-loss. grinding starts again, fun is gone.

If you die a lot at level 87, it means that your character has quite some room for improvement.

Have you not been able with every character to go a bit further than the previous one ?
If yes, it means that you are building characters better then, and you can still improve, so try to look for a way to make your character more sturdy maybe, or to get more dps if that's what it lacks, et whatever else.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Cabdyman5OS wrote:
I would love for GGG to add some Shape Shifting Abilities (Wolf, Bear, Tree, etc..), Animal Summons (Wolves, crows, vines, bears, etc..) and Druid Elemental Attacks (Like Hurricane and Volcano from D2).

I'm sure from a design perspective the Shapeshifting be a nightmare for developmen (From new animations, new models, etc) but the summons should be easier too do by just adding to the already established minion/zombie/skelly nodes.
Eh, GGG could just reuse existing models, we already have bears, wolves and birds ingame, already with attack animations. Just a little bit of recoloring, and acts 11-15...erm, i mean, new shapeshifter forms are ready!
pls delete bots!
allow us trade with anyone from anywhere and add more stash everywhere so we dont leave area for trade

and buff all spctres and minions with all summoners! why all builds was buffed but never spectres?
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Last edited by TreeOfDead#4438 on Aug 7, 2019, 11:19:07 AM

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