We welcome First Impression posts! Please be nice to those posts.
So it turns out all I had to do was change the window mode so that it wouldn't lag out on large maps. This took out like 90% of the crashes. Obviously, there are still occasional crashes but it's much more in line with what you expect from software of its age. I also noticed that they made bosses near act ends give you waypoints "in case of crashing" so this was obviously something that the designers and I'm assuming players had been aware of at least as a likelihood.
I'm still a total newb and getting help is quite difficult, but that's normal for any MMO with a cult following, so I'm enjoying the ride even if I end up having to trash this character later. |
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" All characters are given a free full respec on each new league start, or at least that's what has been happening so far. So you'll have chances to fix the skill tree if you need :) SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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" Getting help is not so difficult on the forums, if you are patient. Make sure to post your problems in tech support. No, your problems do not sound like the norm, so you should probably make that post if you intend to continue playing. Waypoint placement is not designed to be a compensation for tech problems. In any case, having to "trash" a character because of poor skill-tree choices is completely unrelated to tech issues. As Fruz said, you get free respecs every new league, so it's more or less a non-issue. Wash your hands, Exile!
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I would like to give my feedback too, since i believe i played the minimum required to have at least a basic idea about the game.
First, thank you GGG for making a very nice game that can be approached in the beginning for free. I upgraded my stash tabs to premium only when i felt i needed it. About the game: Path of Exile is fun. Lot of, at least for me. What i liked the most is the progression, which isn't too slow; it is possible to choose many powerful builds that aren't too expensive and that can carry you far enough to see most of the contents, and this is cool. I also liked that during basic story mode you could drop something worth enough to gear your character, like an Ex orb or a card worth about that, so when you start the end-game you might have an Ex or maeby two saved up, and you can start mapping/delving without too much efforts. I liked Delve a lot, delved around depth 130 i believe, never found it annoying. What i disliked the most, is that the game is very time-consuming. You can do all kind of things on your own, but to get things done you have to play in my opinion a very big amount of hours, and i often felt that playing an hour/an hour and a half wasn't enough to accomplish anything, and i wanted to spend more time playing, which isn't possible if you aren't a kid. So in the end i had to take a pause because i was putting too many hours into the game, which i couldn't afford. Still, i read the forum so i can keep up with the updates. But anyway, a very nice game if you approach it with some calm, without concentrating too much into the end-game, so you can enjoy a slower and more relaxed experience. Thank you for reading! |
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I am really liking the game, i ran a few characters and builds up to the end of act 4 to see which ones I liked and I think I found my personal favorites.
The freedom that the gems and passive system allows to make some crazy builds is making me kinda hooked. The only real problem is that I absolutely hate the labyrinth, and having to run it multiple times with the same and others characters to get ascendancy points and enchantments is sucking all the fun I was up until now. There is nothing more infuriating than to finally learn the layout and pattern the labyrinth takes on the current day, manage to scrape a victory just to the game disconnect and throw all the progress away, because next day everything is different. It just feel so different than the rest of the game and it's experience, especially with the only one try thing that makes it look like hardcore instead of standard. It makes me have no idea why it is even there, or why such important parts of the game are locked behind it. |
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lol labyrinth was 10x longer and harder a few leagues ago. It's cakewalk now comparatively.
Once you get the hang of it though, it'll be super easy and you'll wonder why you ever hated it. |
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" I also hate Lab. But a tip if you don't know: just go North East. It is almost always the right direct to go. And learn this rule: 1k HP for normal lab 2k HP for cruel 3k for merci 5k for Uber |
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Thanks for POE to all of you GUYS! Devs, Programmers, Artists, Marketing Team, ALL OF YOU! ENORMUS AND BIG (no small here)!
You are saving the gaming industry! Love you guys! |
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Overall I think POE is a very good game with nice graphics, beautiful music, interesting game play and a story to spice things up.
Things I did/do not like a) I think till LVL 40 , game is too easy. Even for me that I love easy games b) Lack of ability to respec character. As a newcome its only natural to make mistakes so the ability to overcome those mistakes as well as quickly test new builds would have been a welcome addition. c) Messy skill tree. Even though the skill tree looks nice artistically it is difficult to navigate around. d) A bit lack of options, I feel the skills overall behave very similarly and the skill tree is mostly an upgrade to characters attributes. So it can be a bit boring at times not to have a bit more variation and depth. I know this is a Diablo variant and Diablo is not known for its depth as a CRPG but nonetheless I would not mind more complexity and variation. e) Collision detection. I play a witch summoner and I find myself in many cases dying simply because I could not move around because of too many enemies. Either this is a bug or feature its really annoying at times that the character is so immobile. f) Waypoints. Its 2018 , so saving the position on the map should be a standard. I dont find waypoints a valid way to enhance my experience with the game or make the game more fun for me. I prefer fighting and exploring than having to go the long way back to the place I died. Fortunately this does not happen too often. g) Auto sort could help with making sure items do not take too much space in the already very limited inventory space h) Loot drop mayhem, not only the game needs a item filter which makes little sense for me , the drop still can be so crowded that even clicking to pick an item can be a challenge i) Lack of camera control. I love that the game tries to be isometric staying faithful to original classics but its 2018 and I would like to appreciate a bit more the graphics that artists of the game worked so hard for me to enjoy. I would welcome an option to rotate the camera at times when I want to just enjoy my surroundings. At times I am annoyed I cannot even see the NPC that speaks to me. j) Animation hell, at times out of the blue I come under attack by tons of enemies and I cannot even figure out where I am , where my minions are and where is even my totem. There are times I have to put my face close to monitor to figure out what is going on and whether my skills have been triggered. Last edited by kilon_alios#6182 on Nov 21, 2018, 7:46:42 AM
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FUCKIN hate this game!
Same ole EQ crap when you die, but 10% loss on maps, that is the same reason so many people left. Only way to play the game is with multiple characters and rare gear! Thought it might be different, but it’s just the same old shit, grind, grind, grind! Not surprised considering the designer couldn’t have an original thought if his life depended on it! Sad! |
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