We welcome First Impression posts! Please be nice to those posts.


I discovered PoE at on the last week of Essence league. I got hooked by the sheer amount of content, the diversity, the freedom of choice, the so many different mechanics.

I played on and off since, cause the learning curve is steep.

I've only really gotten into this game about halfway through Harbinger league.

The hardest thing I find is to understand how to scale my damage. I've been spending more time studying the game than actually playing it.

Some questions I have about the game still no one I know can answer them for sure. Maybe it's because no one really knows ?

well I finally focused on one build and tried to make it work and it feels great. Been buying coin and doing prophecies, cause I wasn't around during that league, it's cool you can still explore the content of the past leagues.

Overall, I love the game and I'm going to get more into it in the future. Thx to the dev team for your dedication and integrity
GGG says they welcome first impression posts but then yank comments from the new expansion announcement? HA!
Already have problem what maps in my stash i didnt unlock in atlas and now i have even check what map owns shaper and elder, how can i check maps i own, when i can not open atlas while i have stash open?
Just started. Was looking for a D2-esque game, and seems what I have found has brought my old fave into a new era, yet, with the old-school feel. I look forward to exploring the rest of this game and hope it has the replayability worthy of a decade+.
Oneshotted whit 6.5k hp in alot of maps by mobs whit high elemental damage ....Anyway we dont have immortal call for elemental damage and alot of spell are undodgiable (like cold snap type)so for me the game is impossible if u make every mob elemental hit 1500/2k dmg and those mobs are in packs of 6/8 mobs i'm dead.
Last edited by ErPorpetta#6893 on Dec 7, 2017, 3:12:19 AM
When you add controller support ???
ErPorpetta wrote:
Oneshotted whit 6.5k hp in alot of maps by mobs whit high elemental damage ....Anyway we dont have immortal call for elemental damage and alot of spell are undodgiable (like cold snap type)so for me the game is impossible if u make every mob elemental hit 1500/2k dmg and those mobs are in packs of 6/8 mobs i'm dead.

Cool story. /s

You're not supposed to play maps with multiple added elemental damage mods + crit + the - max res + curses without effective ways to address each mechanic...

I never got "one shotted" except for untankable damage since 2.0 hit, as long as I was prepared and knew what I was doing, and I had a good guess about what to expect from each situation...

Having ways to bypass that exact limitation is one of PoE "strong" points.

It's just that it requires knowledge, a well built character, decent/great items and "up to snuff" skill play...

PS: There is an Immortal Call for elemental damage, and it works for any kind of damage too, it's Vaal Immortal Call. Combined with Vaal Grace and efficient flask management, it helps in most of the situations where you're in over your head...
PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"...

Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days...
Qarl wrote:

We have a lot of first impression posts at the moment, and I can't individually address them, but thanks! How people interact and experience the game the first time is important to us. If the feedback is negative, special thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts! We much prefer getting feedback than not.

Existing players: we appreciate your thoughts too, but please don't flame the people providing negative opinions about their first impressions. It may well be because they don't understand something you do, but we need to know what those things are.

A Large Part of the POE Community would still like to see doubles and triples (MTX) be able to trade those in for some store currency. if you do not have more then 2 of the same item ie (1) it is locked out from trading in. Please make this happen.
i was wondering if there is ever going to be a stash tab for collecting unique items, possibly similar to the div card one

i was wondering if there is ever going to be a stash tab for collecting unique items, possibly similar to the div card one

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