We welcome First Impression posts! Please be nice to those posts.
hi! i like pie!
Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change... That. Is. Crazy. thinking: "This time is gonna be different. No, no, no please... This time is gonna be different."
-Path of Exile |
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I played for 2 days and my 1st impression so far is this:
@What i like: -POE is free which is a good thing -i like the skill tree sistem,very nice allows many builds -i like the sockets and how the socketing sistem works -i like the fact that the game is challenging. @What i hate: -i hate the fact that the inventory is so damn fucking small,i mean that's the first thing i noticed when i started playing and got some items.60 slots is realy low ,when you take into consideration how big the items are. -i don't like that there;s no option to buy microtransaction points with 1$ and only 5$ and above.For example i want the 6 stash tabs which is 110 points atm,so i need to pay 15$ to get ,wtf,and with the rest of points i can't use them...at least not for what i want. -i don't like how small the drop rates are. - |
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This is one of the best free to play games I have ever played.
Here are some of the things I love about your game. -Beautiful graphics with constant retouches and additions -New content regularly added, including story content -Exceptional character customization -A unique world with excellent play areas -New game modes released regularly -A micro-transaction system that is not required to play (and doesn't offer play to win gameplay) -Endgame content that keeps the game fresh at higher levels -prompt technical support Keep it up guys 9/10! |
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Hi there,
I've been a hardcore Diablo 1/2/3 player for almost 20 years (since D1 release), and I only started playing PoE one month ago. I really appreciate this game, it's awesome! I really enjoy: - the passive tree, even if as a beginner we really can be lost in it - sockets/skill gems system with support gems - crafting materials - end game with maps and artisans - dynamic gameplay But I quickly noticed some great potential quality of life improvements: - we should be able to search by keyword in the passive tree! we shouldn't have to go to the web in order to do this. This feature is nice on the official website, the same should be possible in game. - when we open the passive tree it's centered on our starting position... it would be nice to open it centered on the last position (or last allocated node) - sometimes I die and I can't figure out what happened. It would be good to have a message with some details: which monster killed us, with which attack or element... I know we can see details about the monsters under their name, but most of the time we don't have enough time to check and read this. - small thing, but be able to ctrl+click with the guild stash Thanks for this game! |
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" Hi! I like trains!! ;) 3:) Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Jan 11, 2016, 12:40:39 PM
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" Hi and welcome to Path of Exile. @chat: you can simply disable each chat variant. I just run with guildchat and for sure the party chat is up, thats all, no spam. Dont run around while youre in trade chat, that cant work if youre chatting with party or guild besides it :) @inventory: thats a controverse thing... actually you need to choose what loot to pick up and what not. At the beginning this is quite time consuming and challenging. Maybe thats the biggest and a endless learning process in this game. Cuz also things around items change from time to time, these priorities can change. Later on you will see, that it is impossible to pick up all loot, for example on a map with 6 portals for 1 person even. You wouldnt be able to with a 180 slot inventory too ;D 2.0 made that easier cuz of the (with all rights) hyped item filter option. So you dont need to learn to check 10 items with just a hush in 0,1 seconds of your eye over em. Pickup worthy things can be marked as that, also you can see kinda priority from that. I cant explain that in depth here, cuz its very complex. Try to google a guide for this, that explains step by step how to rate items fast especially with the help of a good itemfilter. I hope that was helpfull. Have fun! |
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My first impression after last voice acting changes is that Scion's quote after killing hillock before changes wss 100 times cooler than now.
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Playing since a month, rougly.
First impressions so far : - Game is great :) - After doing game in normal difficulty, doing it in cruel and merciless is a bit repetitive. I was happy when first i saw in challenge that you have more optional quest in cruel and merciless, and disappointed when i understood that it's juste that some quest became optional. I would love to have more choice in the path followed. Like, in act 1, Piety block the passage : you go in Merveil's cavern. Why not having another choice here, one leading you to, i don't know, climb in mountain. Anothers mobs, another boss, another landscape. This way, maybe in normal i will fight this boss, in cruel i will go to merveil, in merciless i will do the one i prefer, for example. Of course, it don't work for all the acte, but a little more variety, for time to time, would be so great. - Sarcophage can give you item but i was expecting that some time, instead of item you got a raising skeleton. Would add a little surprise to the opening and fit the atmosphere. - I don't know if it's because english isn't my native language, but when i first encoutered Elreon, since he was loremaster, i was expecting him giving lore informations. Why not, after an Elreon mission, the relic give some lore information ? A little like the letter of the vaal in corrupted area. Would add some cool stuff to read about story of the game. - When i want to sell things to a npc in town, it become very annoying to hear him telling you "SPEAK" or "What you want" nearly everytime you speak to him. Maybe we could have a little more delay between two phrases ? - I don't have anything against difficulty, and dying don't bother me (i don't play in hardcore), but i think that some monster are like "instant death, can't do nothing", and it's not really fun. When it's "reflect" or "corrupting blood" and other stuff like this, it could be hard/dangerous but at least it's my fault if i didn't take attention and attack not carefully. When it's just big damage out of nowhere... Less fun, and not really a challenge. Because challenge implies for me that i can DO something. - I started in talisman league. The idea is not bad, but it require a looooot of farming, like really a lot. Maybe find a way to make the process more fluid ? Like, high lvl area could have t2 talisman ? Or asking for 4 different talisman instead of 5 ? Sure, unique will be a little more common but it will also be less tedious. - I would like to have tab windows for chat. I like to follow global chat time to time, but it's hard to find again private message and party message. Something like : "all chan" "global" "trade" "private" "guild" "party". Of course, you could disable some chan in "all chan" like now, if you want private and party and guild in one windows. But if you want to find quickly a private message, you just have to jump to "private". - Please, it is possible to have item visible by default ? First step in the game, didn't see the weapon and the gem and... Curiously, it's a little hard to try to kill zombi barehanded at lvl 1 :D - Make the swords in Daresso fight more visible. I've lost the count of how much this thing killed me. I just want be able to see that something is hurting me. - I would love to be able to put a warning on my life bar, like if it's under 30% it make a sound (once). It will not make a sound during some second, even if my life goes up and down during this time. Because there is too much to follow on screen. Enemies, effets, special grounds, special abilities on enemies, mana, life, minions and totem life... I can't see everything, so be able to hear that something happen would be great. |
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Game depth = awesome
Skills = awesome skill tree = awesome drop rates = complete shit Map drop rates = complete shit game suffers from core problem of. Is it a trading game or is it not? over all the game isn't bad but if you want to play casually you will never achieve end game or any items at all. this game is made for the people who play this game 100% of their life. |
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" Agree with everything you say, especially drops. After lvl 85, exp goes down hard aswell, I get like 2% per 8 tier maps and if I make any mistake is -10%. This game is basicly for ppl with no life. But I like the currency system (never played such system before, only gold based ones). I just play it to get the items I want and to kill atziri (the only really interesting and funny thing after you leave dried lake/Dom farm in merciless, but only drops crap). If you have nothing else to do with your life, it's an interesting way to watch the time goes by. Idk how ppl reach lvl 100, you gotta have a HUGE amount of boredom tolerance to do that. I wonder if any of them died of boredom doing that lol. :) Last edited by SupaMF#6823 on Feb 9, 2016, 12:54:45 PM
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