We welcome First Impression posts! Please be nice to those posts.

Hi everyone

It may be a little late to post a first impression feedback because i'm playing this game for about a year, nevertheless it gave me time to see a lot of things :

Graphics : i won't comment a lot on this because graphics are not my top priority in a game, let's say i can distinguish my character from the monsters (most of the time, in party it may be hard between inferno, summoners and cast on critical strike builds) and that's pretty much all i need, still the game is far from ugly.

Skills : in a year i didn't have to do twice the same build, huge replayability, you can have an overpowerfull set of gems and a less effective one but nothing can prevent you to do it, you can't say this for lots of games and it's great. The passive tree is a bit confusing at first, but afer 1 or to character you get used to it and it is a very strong point of the game.

Trade : i understand GGG want an economy in the game but i feel it's a little to much. the good thing in an hack&slash is to find your gear by killing monsters, you are happy when you finally kill this big boss and he drops the boots or the weapon improving your character. But in the game, most of the time (hopefully not always) items found yourself are average if not bad : itemlevel 70 with +20 life, who would equip that ? So you trade for good and very expensive items because you can't find them. That is a very bad point. Trading for unique items that's ok, they are not easy to find (and that's good) but other gear should be found or crafted without the need to sacrifice an arm and 2 legs. It is too late for 1.2 but that's something to look for the next version(s)

Lore : I know a lot of people don't really care about story in this kind of game and yet Wraeclast has a very good lore and the story is not bad (yes i know, you have to read, well... reading is mandatory in every aspect of life). Oh and special mention to Lady Dalia.

Music : i feel a little desapointed about this. Beside Merveil fight in act 1 and the credit, i probably won't remember them several year after playing the game like diablo 2 (the rogue camp, the harem, kurast...).

Updates : Only one thing to say : keep the good work, you are amazing. Do you ever sleep ?

N.B : everyone say it so i have to as well : do you have any plan to fix desinc ? Well, i'll deal with it.
Last edited by Manakel2#7319 on Oct 9, 2014, 11:28:44 AM
I'm loving the game despite the frame rate, so far so good ! I'm loving this should be reward the rpg of the year. Don't change anything like what other rpg's did just keep the way it is.
I heard I should check out this game being a big fan of Diablo 2 and disappointed with Diablo 3. I've only played for about an hour or two so it's hard for me to comment on the mechanics, but so far they seem good. One issue that annoyed me right from the onset:

The big red highlight that shows up around monsters when I hover the mouse over them isn't necessary and takes away from the mood of the game. It's a pity there is no way to turn this off or change its appearance or anything. From searching your forum it seems this has been talked about by others as well, seems like an easy thing to fix... Give us a way to turn it off or change it to something less obtrusive please!!
SpeedyGonzolas wrote:
I heard I should check out this game being a big fan of Diablo 2 and disappointed with Diablo 3. I've only played for about an hour or two so it's hard for me to comment on the mechanics, but so far they seem good. One issue that annoyed me right from the onset:

The big red highlight that shows up around monsters when I hover the mouse over them isn't necessary and takes away from the mood of the game. It's a pity there is no way to turn this off or change its appearance or anything. From searching your forum it seems this has been talked about by others as well, seems like an easy thing to fix... Give us a way to turn it off or change it to something less obtrusive please!!

Pretty much this ^

Amazing game though love it
Ive only been playing now for a few days now and i must say coming from D3 to this game was the BEST idea i ever came up with!! not only am i having tons more fun the community (for the most part other than a lot that the answer to every question is alt+F4 LOL) has been very helpful and welcoming to a new player such as myself!! I have a long way to go still and only working on my first build so far but i think it will certainly be the first of many!! The boss fights.... man the boss fights is what sealed the deal for me! they can be quite intense especially on the first encounters! soon as i get a better feel for the game and how everything works i certainly plan on playing HC! but for now im still having a blast cutting my teeth in Rampage ATM! Thanks for the great game! I played the game back when it was first available in beta but i just didn't get into it at the time because i had alot going on then restricting me from playing such a game! but now that i have the time to invest i feel like it is certainly time well spent!! Thanks again!! Back to the ol grind!
Im sure you've heard this a million times but... this game is what D3 SHOULD have been! \m/
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
This game makes me think, i love curency system and i enjoy a lot of builds in 2 years, i am sorry that none of my friends gamers dont play this game... and i could buy new graphics card!
Glad there's a forum about feedback. I think it's important to see what kinds of experiences everyone is having. I'm 29 years old and have been gaming since I can remember back in the old commodore PC days. I've really taken a liking to RPGs especially Diablo II when it was new. There's obvious similarities in this game except I always love to call this game "The game Diablo III should have been". Seriously though, this is a game that builds on a very solid game playstyle as well as having its own set of unique and genius concepts: Currency, Passive skill tree, Skill gems, and oddly enough the game store.

Currency system is truly genius. There's very expensive items out there and I've never seen this mysterious "Ex" drop ever, but the fact that we can collect common items and still be able to trade them in for more expensive items to gradually horde them up is awesome. It really gives grinding a feeling of progression beyond simply leveling your character. Everything might be expensive, but is at the same time attainable to everyone (depending on the level of persistence of the player). I love this currency system and I think it should set a standard for other games out there if it hasn't already.

The passive skill tree is something that, as a new player, looked overwhelming admittedly. It was massive and I thought there's no way I'd be able to figure this out to be competitive with others. I was totally wrong and I figured out the logic rather quickly. There's no way to really destroy your build beyond repair, and even if you do "screw up", you can simply use the currency system to horde up orbs of regret or use the quest rewards for your free respecs to refine your build after you've learned what you've done as a new player. It's a truly unique (at least to me) idea and I love that you can choose any class you want but can decide to spend points in other people's tree at the sacrifice of your own depending on what you've gotten fond of along the journey. I think even the most seasoned of players will never be truly satisfied with their characters and there's always room for optimization/refinement and even room for players who've simply changed their minds and wanted to try something new. Love it love it love it.

Skill gems are a really awesome idea. The fact that anyone in any class can decide to utilize a skill gem depending on how they optimize their passive tree is a seriously awesome way to add another layer of depth when making a customizable character. Being able to switch out gems for new equips with added layers of RNG for number of sockets or socket color makes use of the currency system yet again. I love the interaction between all these systems.

Also I think what really should be restated over and over again is the game shop (which I hope really becomes more developed). I've seen a ton of both positive and negative comments about this store and the prices, which is to be expected when asking players for money. I however believe that GGG should be commended on the items that are currently for sale in the shop for one simple reason: It's not "Play to win". There's so many games out there that I've played where the game style is similar to being given a car with the engine of a lawn mower, no windshield wipers or doors or tires but it can drive. You have the "option" to pay for better stuff to optimize your car, but you don't "Have" to...you'll just be blown out of the water by people with bigger wallets. That's the current mind-set of other "Free" games out there and this is the first time where I've spent money in a game where I felt it was truly out of enhancing enjoyment from this game and didn't feel like an obligation. I truly hope players are giving decent support because I'd be rather sad to see this game resort to "Play to win". I really doubt that would happen though. I just hope everyone really recognizes this crucial detail as it really is against the grain when it comes to free games with online stores.

Sorry for the ridiculously long post, but I feel like as an experienced gamer, there needed to be some feedback about this game. Though all of this is positive, I feel it's fair and needs more recognition.

Only down-sides I can see currently is the on-going issue of server "desync's" that me and my brother termed "rubber-banding" lol. When suddenly I appear on top of monsters I thought I was Line-of-sighting behind a wall but apparently the server thought I was last next to the monster I was trying to delicately defeat. Annoying but hardly changes my opinion of this game whatsoever.

Also...Please come out with more armor/skill re-skins because the graphics in this game are gorgeous and I'm always looking for new ways to look pretty myself :D

Congrats to you GGG on a really awesome and unique game.
Hello, I've been playing this game for 3 months now and I'd like to share my thoughts about it.
The game is absolutely amazing! Best ARPG experience I ever had. I like the small details you have put in game like small opening pathway animations after defeating bosses, text shrines in different areas and so on. The storyline is smooth and the game is much fun to play. The skill tree was overwhelming at the first sight but gradually all made sense and it was a lot of fun to mess around it.
The game is cleverly designed to provide challenges at every level of your gameplay. The map device and forsaken masters system is just amazing. I love this game because it is challenging at every point and it doesn't get dull until you reach the very end. This feature must be in every RPG!

However, there's one problem that is bothering at least me. Finding uniques doesn't feel so rewarding after finding out that almost every single one is cheaper than an average rare item. Even after the special unque animation added to the game. I think there are more early game uniques than end-game ones. And overall number of them is also quite low. Adding more end-game uniques would make me jump in my chair from happiness again when I find them ^^

I would also think that different classes should have different leveling process in terms of attributes. Instead of 6 life, 4 mana and 3 evasion for everyone, I would naturally think that marauder gets more life and ranger gets more evasion. But maybe it will cause some balancing problems in the game at this point.

All in all, thanks for this awesome game GGG!
"What's do you what?" - Kira of the Maraketh
Last edited by Entropher#7747 on Nov 22, 2014, 4:59:24 AM
I just started playing this game a couple days ago, and I think it's my new biggest addiction.

Since I wouldn't mind staying addicted forever, I have a suggestion about the enemy targeting mechanics.

I want to be able to hold down right click (or any other button) to make my character move until his axe is in range of an enemy, then, without letting go of the button my character kills and moves to the next enemy(s).

Maybe I'm spoiled by my level 99 WW Barbarian, but I don't like clicking several times for every little group I come across. So please, for short ranged attacks and skills in particular, less clickity click clicking.

A similar cool thing could be; for ranged attacks/skills to also function to move the character until the cursor highlights an enemy, which would cast the spell or w/e until the cursor is back over the ground, resuming movement. Although this functionality aught to be optional(toggled with the press of a button?), especially for ranged AoE skills where casting on the ground may be desirable.

Awesome game GGG, Thanks for making it!!!
Welp my first impression of this game is good really good but there is one thing that just drives me up the wall at the moment. We all experience this rubber banding of mobs or hero yep the dsync thing. I have currently macro-ed all my key binds to have the /oos and this helps but man it is crazy how often this happens. With this issue alone I am sure many have raged over their HC death's. Rating of this game to me is a 7/10 mainly from the rubber banding all in all this is a solid game.

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