We welcome First Impression posts! Please be nice to those posts.
My first impression: 1. way too few uniques at all levels, some people are asking more for a level 8 Meginord's Girdle than I could ever hope to make with any character that actually wants it. 2. Trading sucks, you can spend 3 hours looking for trades and accomplish nothing. more outs for people who want to play self found to get uniques and good rares is really necessary 3. Levelling solo is WAAAAAAY too hard once you hit A3 or so, you just don't acquire good enough gear fast enough to get through it unscathed. The only real exception I've found is the marauder sicne you can just stack life from the getgo and just keep using better weapons. 4. People are jerks, people will scalp you, overvalue their items, undervalue yours, no one wants to give anything up for a reasonable price, welcome to bartering with overly competetive mooks. 5. The games visuals and mechanics are washed out and boring. All of the cool effects are limited to cosmetic items or high priced uniques for extra gore. The mechanics are really very vanilla, theres no shapeshifters or aoe damage auras, nothing super unique about most of the skills either. 6. For the love of god give quiver base stats better scaling, its horrendous. |
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" Was gonna write something of my own, but I thought I just had to reply to this, since it's just so far away from my experiences. 1. Uniques drop at a good rate. Few enough to feel rare, and still plenty enouugh to drop from time to time. Once you join a party, or progress further into the game, they drop at a decent rate. 2. I have had only good experience from trading. People are generally fair and friendly. Prices are very decent unless you're looking for some 6L extra good unique. 3. Solo leveling works well. And if you hit a wall, there are usually some public parties you can join for easy leveling. Good builds work for any class. (Soloing A3 Merciless does really test your build though.) 4. See 3. 5. I think that is the point. Why spend cash on effects, if you can get the same for free? Good way to keep this game funded, imo. The overall style of the game is great. Love the more realistic and dirty look. 6. Yeah. Quivers could use a buff. :) Now to my point... I was gonna write a lenghty post about my experience playing the beta since mid june. There is SO MUCH done right. There are however a few little things here and there that could improve. I will focus on the aspect of immersion, which I think is really important for a game to work well. However, since Release is less than a week away, it might be too late for feedback, but... hopefully they will keep working on new content even after the game left beta. First of all, there is some improvement that could be done story wise. I was gonna mention Clarissa's dialogue, which was waay to cheerful for someone having had the love of her life tortured to death. Gladly, GGG fixed that in the latest patch, and now it's perfect. It still bugs me a bit that most of the NPCs seem to know your story - they seem to know you, and know that you've dealt with Piety along your journey. Are there telephones in Wraeclast? Facebook even? A more curious NPC attitude towards you, and your story would work better. (The voice acting in A2 still needs an overhaul, imo. The fake russian accent just isn't working.) Also: Kudos to whoever wrote Lady Dialla's dialogue. I've listen to it all, every time I visited her. "They will burn for their sins, Not-a-Cockroach, they will buuurn". <3 The one main thing that bugs me though, is the environment/weather system. Like, what happens when you go from the sunny, mid day section at Crossroads, and progress into dark and gloomy Fellshrine? Do you lay down to sleep for a few hours? A VERY sudden change in the weather? Don't get me wrong - i love the weather, mood and visual styles you have now. It's just the transition needs to be smoother. Also, having dynamic weather and a daylight cycle would really boost the visual impact of this game. Imagine being in Sarn encampment at night. Fires lit, and the blue light of the full moon casting long shadows. Or Lioneye's Watch an early morning after the storm - still raining, but the orange yellow sunlight breaking through the clouds. To me, this would all make the game's visual experience twice as good. (Are the environment lit with HDR images, or are there something more simple? Just plain lightsources? I read somewhere they were working on water reflections. In that case they need a good sky map for it to look real good.) A final thing is the lack of 3d art for a lot of the unique items in game. Really disappointing at times. If it's a resource issue, I'm sure you could outsource some of the 3d work to the community. Maybe making it into a contest? I know I would definitely enter! Keep making the best ARPG currently on the market! |
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My first impression of this game was clunky diablo clone with a seriously complicated character customization system, an economy pulled out of bizzaro world that boils down to gambling, and a nasty habit of killing melee characters because sometimes the servers just need a little break(not a tech guy, this was how my brain saw desynch). Gems, sockets, and links I loved right away, really excellent system.
After 2 weeks of playing my current impression is sometimes clunky fantasy arpg that outshines diablo 2 in many areas including the deepest character customization system that actually feels consequential that will allow users endless experimentation and an economy pulled out of bizzaro world that boils down to gambling but somehow works. The game is challenging, occasionally bordering on cruel/impossible. This game is hardcore to its bones but once you learn the basics a whole new world opens up, all-in-all I would have to say GGG seem to know what they're doing and who they're doing it for and I plan on sticking around for a while. Props to them for creating a shockingly original experience that broke my expectations of what an arpg should be. |
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Hello everyone,
I am especially grateful for a game like this. I have many years experience with beta testing and playing games and I am sure I am in perfect company here! Feel free to call on me for any kind of testing, grouping, questing, lore, etc, it is never too much to ask as I live for this. With that said, the interface, design, skills, nice! I love it. Quests, lore I would imagine will develop over time. My only question at this point, will players be able to direct, with in reason, the lore for quests? There is so much more I would love to ask, but I understand it will all come in time. (Creating dungeons, guilds, mail, etc.) I am not a fan of auction houses, as I feel that just leaves the door open to abuse. Anyway, do not want to ramble, great game, love it! Thank you so much for developing this. Blacklisting this website, please delete this acct.
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I played D1 and D2 for years and thought that the gameplay could never be matched. I was terribly wrong. My Girlfriend bought me a subscription to PC Gamer which had a F2P article and PoE was in it.
I have hope that this game will far surpass anything Blizzard has done so far and make a new standard for what a game is to it's players and how a developer handles such responsibility. Fahx- My First Shadow
SparkFahx- Lightning Witch |
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Thank you so much for those map!!! There are so define and elaborate and there are big. I was waiting for a game with that gameplay and those type of map for a long time.
Thank you all for that |
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I played it since it came out and I did not know much about the game. I've played D3 and TL2 and I generally enjoy games like this, at least for a while. I am I guess a more casual player - I do my research though and read up a bit on what I am playing and how it's supposed to be played etc. That said here's my opinion.
The game looks good, the areas are big enough but the fact that all the areas reset after a while is quite annoying if you have quests that require to visit them several times. You can find your quest guy (since there's no indication which direction they are supposed to be, which is also a bit annoying) and next time you come back they are in the other end of the map, re |
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I'm not sure if it's good place because I'm not new player. I'm playing PoE since march 2013. I already have 3 char over 80 lvl, shavronn's wrappings (5l) and some ex in my stash, so I think I can say some more then just first impression. To be honest - I love this kind of games. I've been playing them for 8 years, then I had a break and now I'm playing PoE. This game gives plenty of new opportunities and it's great advantage of it. In those kind of games nothing will be the same for me after playing PoE.
I decided to write a post not to give more glory to GGG - I think u guys know u did great game. I'm writing because I'm very very disappointed after new patch. To be honest my disappointment is not connected with some new things patch gave - rather with some things I was thinking this BIG patch will change, but nothing changed. 1. Trading. The system still is as it was and I hate this system. One must sit and paste items/needed items name for hours to buy/sell. It's not funny at all!!! Of course I can use forum shops. The problem is average player doesn't have his own shop and doesn't look for items on forum. Also pasting new items in topic takes time and it's rather boring. I can use some www like http://poe.xyz.is/ which gives great opportunity in looking for items. Some traders even gave b/o!! But usually there's no b/o, not many items and half of them belongs to players that doesn't play anymore. Speculations. I won't say much about constantly changing prizes. To be honest I made more than half of me orbs/items by sitting on trade channel for hours and selling/buying items - selling expensive and buying cheap. 2. Self-made builds and items. The huge passive tree is definitely sth interesting. I've spent hours just to optimize my builds. It's fun! But there's first problem. There are some nods on the tree that are "must be" if char is near it and there are some nods that are useless in nearly any situation. New patch and changes in passive tree upgrade in my option the situation, but still I think there's a problem. In fact some builds for example connected with fire will be the same in 80% nods regardless of gem used. I hate to say it but I think there're actually about 10-20 main builds in PoE that are playable and... that's it. When I started playing I thought there're many many more options. Crafting items. Ok. It's not really an option. Average player doesn't have enough orbs to buy good items not mention to do really god items. Of course player can just alch white items - I usually do this, but when I started playing I though I would actually do some miracles in future - when I'm rich. I'm not rich and there're no miracles:) 3. Lvl up/farming. It's real fun to play till lvl 70. There are quests and lvls are going up rather fast. After 70 lvl it's time to exp on docks, lunaris and maps. My best char has 86 lvl. To be honest I exp mainly in lunaris. The maps are fun but I hate to be dependent on someones good or bad mood. I don't have orbs to spare on maps to buy my own - I still have to buy some items and drop of maps is rather low for average players so if I want to have my own maps I should constantly buy new ones. So lunaris is good option till lvl 85. Hm sorry - it's now a past. I was rather sure that new patch will give some new locations maybe even with 70 lvl. Nothing of this happened. Now upper scepter of gods has 68 lvl and lunaris is down. There's something new that gave me a hope - I read in wiki: " I did some runs in upper scepter of gods with my 86 lvl char. Any change is just in illusion. Of course - if u play many many hours u'll probably exp some lvls but this 2% doesn't change anything for me or I just can't see any difference. Maybe before the patch I'd exp for 10 hours to lvl up and now it's just 8 hours. I don't see any diffrence. I haven't yet play maps after new patch, but from friends I heard drop didnt changed - not mention that it's now more easy to die on it. The problem with exp after lvl 85 is a reason for me constantly starting new characters. But now I don't have orbs to constantly do or buy really good items and I'm out of good build ideas which would actually work (as I was saying first I plan and optimize new build before start playing). I hoped that new patch will change sth in matter of lvl up and I could actually come back to everyday farming but I guess not. now I'm just playing from time to time with friends. 4. Players rotaton. Nearly nobody from players that played in march is now playing. Nearly nobody from players that played in june is now playing. I'm not suprised. Why would they? Nothing changed and there's a limit about 85 that u want exp easy but with pain. Because of trade system, quantity of orbs and prizes of good items u can't do many builds. So what can actually do player that has 85 lvl? Stop playing. There're now guilds - maybe it change sth. So to summarize - PoE is a great game to have one or two characters to play few hours on weekend but that's it. I used to play that kind of games everyday, so it's not IT. Maybe I've just grow old. |
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Hey guys,
I started playing a few months ago, but dropped out because I couldn't get used to FOV... Came back a few days before 1.0.0 (not knowing). My impressions: The Good 1) Lighting effects are AWESOME 2) Music and ambiance are also TERRIFIC (in both senses) 3) Passive skills trees may be a bit overdone but they are essentially cool The Bad A) Having to be online to play and not just sync every once in a while B) Quality and Rare Item drop rates (have only seen a few quality items that my character can use and NO rares, i'm level 37 on act 3 and play alone) C) Playing in a party is obscene (everyone steals the loot and I always walk away empty handed), why not just do like Torchlight 2 exclusive loot for each player? D) Game economy: does it EVEN exist? I have some of what is considered currency items and there is nothing to do with it... Items sold by vendors SUCK, and you find LOADS of blue items... So basically the in-game vendors only exist for show or for you to sell items. Why don't vendors' items refresh every X time and why don't they sell Yellow (quality) items?? This seems very ILLOGICAL. Regarding trades with players: don't care, won't use it... The Ugly: I) Act 3 is waaaaay too difficult playing alone... I was grinding a bit on act I and II to make things easier for me, but as soon as I got to act III my margin was gone in a flash! II) LAG, LAG and MOOOOOORE LAG... I have a 120 Mbit connection (so not on my end) and sometimes the game lags so much that I only realize it when I'm already DEAD! Come on... Why does this happen? Game is on my drive so why the need for the constant connection dependency? I really don't get it! III) Also, I don't get a reason to go at it again with another character... It's just so repetitive that after playing with one character (and I haven't finished the game with it), I can't think of a reason to play a second time around, either on higher difficulty or with another character. Before anyone starts telling me "If you don't like it go away", it is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE. I like the game, but the game is somewhat unbalanced and by the time you get to the 3rd Act, it really wears you out... The game isn't bad but with a few SIMPLE tweaks it could be much MUCH better. I'm just a REGULAR game, not an uber competitive type. I play for fun, not for Leagues or rankings or whatever... So sometimes I feel like the game DOES NOT welcome me at all... Hope this feedback helps. Anyway, it's obvious that the DEV TEAM have produced something compelling and interesting. Here's hoping that the Future brings good things for you! Warm Greetings |
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i have been playing this game for 6 mouth
dont like the new up date my mine build is done i worked so hard and put in a shit lowed of hour building my guy know i cant even use it know most of my friends stop playing this game cuz of the new up date nerf are guy we where have tons of fun on till you put a stop to are build cuz there op but you need a op build to even try to ruin a 75+ and we never had the chance to ruin then we where mapping before the up date to get 70 maps we have 50 70 maps 20 71 maps and 12 72 maps all chisel and roll just right know we cant even ruin a 66 map i like the scion girl but there is no point to even trying to make this build op cuz you will just make a up date put a stop to it thanks ggg games y would you have a update that would make you start all over again i love my build and my friends loved there builds too |
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