We welcome First Impression posts! Please be nice to those posts.
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Hi all,
Okay so im knew here I head about PoE online when people were calling it The real Diablo 3 and being the Diablo fan that I am I figured I better give it a try. My first impression was DAMN the graphics were alot better than I expected them to be and the gameplay was alot of fun. I did run into one issue while I was just playing around with the graphic settings, every time i would click apply the game would crash to the login screen and my settings wouldnt apply :( But besides that it was alot of fun. While playing there was a couple things that I think would make the game alot better (if that is possible) 1) The map should be a little more clear and I love the Diablo style on screen map but it can get hard to use with that being the only map option, maybe you could add a minimap in the upper right hand corner of the screen. 2) This issue might just be my ignorance but when I joined a party from the message board Nothing happened and i think it actually told me I left the party im not sure but either way it was a little confusing. 3)One of the things that I always took for granted in the Diablo games was the whenever I scrolled over one of the items I had in my inventory it would compare it to the item I had equipped. Is there a way to get the game to do this or is it one of the things that hasnt been added yet? Besides these minor issues i ran into this game is awesome i mean really im still on ACT I and its still getting better. |
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" Hi Floyd: #1) you *can* have a minimap in top right - maybe it has to be enabled in Settings->UI? #3) when you hover on the new item in your inventory, hold "ALT" and it will do the compare. (the new item has to be in your pack, it can't be on the ground) |
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This is a little first impression I had a while back so I'll post it here.
I thought of a way to differentiate the classes without having too much developer work to be done. As it stands you have 6 classes based on str/dex/intel. And that works. But I'd like to take this and apply it more to the pretty large skill tree. And do it by changing the number of skill points each class needs to use a different type of skill. And here by skill I mean the passive skills on the skill tree. I am not talking about gem skills at all here. The Marauder Strength skills take 1 skill point to use Dexterity skills take 2 skill points to use Intelligence skills take 2 skill points to use The Ranger Strength skills take 2 skill points to use Dexterity skills take 1 skill point to use Intelligence skills take 2 skill points to use The Witch Strength skills take 2 skill points to use Dexterity skills take 2 skill points to use Intelligence skills take 1 skill point to use The Duelist Strength skills take 1 skill point to use Dexterity skills take 1 skill point to use Intelligence skills take 3 skill points to use The Templar Strength skills take 1 skill point to use Dexterity skills take 3 skill points to use Intelligence skills take 1 skill point to use The Shadow Strength skills take 3 skill points to use Dexterity skills take 1 skill point to use Intelligence skills take 1 skill point to use Sure you could change these numbers for balance but you get my idea. In this vain every class could use every passive skill eventually but it's easier to use those of your same type. This would make the initial character choice more notable even into the end game. You could also edit the number of skill points you get per level up or something to compensate. I don't know. it's just an idea. What do you all think. |
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Though I have only been playing for about a month, these are my first impressions (current main char - Ensireka - 60 Minion Witch) I'd like to say PoE is a fantastic step up from the garbage that is out there currently ... d3 anyone? lol What a fail. PoE reminds me of d2 which is held in extremely high regards by many players, including myself. When I first started I was lost in game mechanics. Thankfully through my brother who introduced me to PoE, I was able to alleviate a lot of confusion. So, the starting tutorial is ... nonexistent ... and reading the forums takes time away from PLAYING! :( I heard the skill Gems called Materia (from Final Fantasy 7), which completely made me reminisce of the Materia system which is alienly to the Gem system. However, still a GREAT system. The Passive system is awesome! What passives I want are too far away! Must get that next level! lol The major lacking part I see (even though I have never played prior to 0.9.12) is the minions are mentally stupid. They have issues attacking. O look, a monster! Walk over to it and stands there, doing nothing. I have had my minions surrounding a boss before, just standing drooling all over it. Skeletons RUN AWAY from combat. They are spawned near a mob, they turn around and go the other way. If its a problem that they are all melee (Zombies and Skeletons) then there needs to be a way to change the Skeletons or Zombies to be either melee or Ranged / Casters. Overall, PoE is a FANTASTIC game. I look forward to watching the game grow and highly anticipate a new act soon. I heard something about a new Champion too! Exciting! Lets hope it doesn't take 9 years to get the other 9 acts (taking us to 12). -Me |
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only played for couple of hours but what I have has been really enjoyable the bow animation are some of the best I've seen on any game the currency system is interesting and different and I look forward to playing more of the game. :)
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the game is pretty nice and makes fun!
but i dont know if ill continue playing it because of these murder lags and especially desyncs! my marauder is now about 1 month on lvl 85 only because of desyncs this frustrates a lot and if they arent fixed soon i wont play it anymore cuz it doesnt makes sense to waste my time in farm xp if i die all time without monsters in my area! |
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Okay... I have only played for a few hours, and I am not impressed.
First impressions, chronologically after one evening's play: 1. Cool character selection screen! 2. Hmmm but the animations are bad. 3. GENDER LOCKED??? This is SO 1999. 4. Graphics are actually pretty ugly. Max settings on 1600 x 900. Looks very much like a fantasy version of Doom 3. Skins are very plastic, shadows are too sharp, animations are stiff. 5. Hmmm so online only??? Why? 6. Can't name my character to what I want because of 5, nor can I customize her in any other way... Had to settle on misspelling her name on purpose. At least I don't have to name her xXX_KillStealerz4967_XXx to get an unique name (yet?) 7. Rangers are really boring early in the game. 8. Why is my town filled with other players? I wanted to play alone! 9. Why no gold? The shop system do not feel natural, and is very clunky to me. 10. Too little loot. 11. Where the &%#*^$( is the mini map? 12. The mini map is worthless, it lacks any kind of detail. 13. I don't have a middle mouse button. Why is the game assigning an attack to my non-existing mouse button? 14. Where is the action, exactly? Early at least, this game seems to have dropped the A in ARPG. Dragon Age 2 has much more action and better combat. And that is not marketed as an ARPG. 15. Do I really have to walk all the way back to town? I have no portals or scrolls or anything I have noticed. 16. Also, confusing menus. I will push through a little bit further, but so far this is not a game for me. All things above are cons. the only pro so far is that it is free. It is also no better than D3, since this, too, is locked online (and even harder so, since you cannot name your character to the same name as any other character). Torchlight 2 got all of this right. So... in short, the biggest flaws are, in order: Gender Locked. This, really, makes it feel like an old game. Always Online. And handling it worse than Diablo 3. No "Create single player" button, game uses characters names and not login names to make sure players are unique... Bad graphics and animations. Detail is good, but detail is not everything. It simply lacks soul and and it looks very plastic on high resolutions. Frustrating and boring gameplay. |
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Must admit this game is really good and promising! You guys are doing a awesome job!
Have only played it for a couple of hours but already feel I am probably gonna spend many more. When I've played longer I'll get back with some more feedback and perhaps some pros and cons. Keep up the good work! Regards SirHeimdall |
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Running on an SSD does wonders for the game.
I don't hate diablo 3, but i really liked this game. Gaming in general is getting really ugly right now, it's really nice to find i can actually like. i grew up playing Diablo and just like dark looking games like this one but i also appreciate the non-dark aspects of this game. the dark environments with the forests and not so dark environments are nice two. I've only gotten to act 2 though. The game is beautiful, this games really looks like a PC game. The spells are beautiful, the bloody zombies running, looks awesome. This games hold that strong addictiveness that i felt playing diablo 2, constant little quests, passives and skills, constant kills of dense mobs, scaling xp elements, immersive environments. The first time i saw the passives skills tree, i saw a carpet of absolute fun. Thank you for keeping the micro transactions to cosmetic, if the game is free2play microtrans are expected but pay2win ruines a lot of the game. Nit picks time! Gender locked: It would be really fun to be able to play all the classes in diffrent gender, i personally always play as women and don't even go near male classes and i'm sure there are people to feel the opposite. Cool downs: Please don't get too into long cool downs, if you really have to balance a skill with cooldowns than so be it. Summoned army playstyle for the witch:Personally, and i don't know how many people feel this same way, but a really fun playstyle is to go full summoner. D2 was the only game where you really play a necromance well with a swarm of a skeleton army, no games has really been able to do this as well as D2. right now you can only summon 6 zombies and timed life skeletons, there really aren't that many summoning passives compared to other skills. It would be cool to be able to have 20 non-timed pets. The combat: the combat feels so stiff, i know that a lot of people who like the game also complain about the combat, it's not that it's slow it's just that it's feel static when you attack, there is little room for kiting. Online alwaysI don't want to encourage the idea that we are all pirates, but it's regrettably understandable why it's online only, if it wasn't though i would buy it because of how well you update the game. I don't rally mind the Online only since it's free, but lag does effect performance in a single player game. AnimationsWhile i don't mind this, this could use improvement, the games looks really good though and a lot of areas. The camera: it would be nice to have more freedom in this, it's like, almost isometric. Online groups: the chat is really fun but online games really benefit from a more noob friendly social groups similar to starcraft 2 groups, and guilds for the not so noob. The music it would be nice to have more immersive music to add more atmosphere, I'm only on act 2 though... I really hope you continue to listen to the fans and Thank you very much for this fun and satisfying game in an age where the should be rule but it's the exception. Last edited by worldoflies#5797 on Apr 29, 2013, 12:07:31 AM
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