Rogues at Brutus

Hilbert wrote:
Igna can shot gun you with her fireballs how is that not strong? Not to mention as soon as you see her the lagstorm spam happens, especially on turbo. Imagine fighting turbo brutus on top of that.

You have to dance around to prevent shotguns, that's time intensive. Burn doesn't stack.

I consider lightning shotgun damage far more dangerous because crit shotgunning is just broken.
You could can survive 4 slams by brutus but a skeleton in upper prison with LMP crit can One Shot you.

The problem is how critrolling applies. Instead of each projectile rolling like every proper game does it, it's a roll per attack.

Imagine you do a draw in Poker and you instantly get a triple and crit would be triple Ace.

Well since we are comparing skeletons to igna heres some insightful information for you:

The difference between a skeleton and igna is that a skeleton has slow cast speed doesn't lag you when you encounter it. Igna on the other hand can rape you with the buffed fire storm ability and then shotgun you. Igna also has more hp and one fuck up will kill you. Also if you are actually racing and not fighting a terraces Igna shes usually got more hp than your damage output so yeah.. I'll take ez lmp skellys over igna all day.

Exile spawn rates in rogue events seem mostly even to me. I dont recall encountering any specific exiles more often than others (in any locations).
IGN: KoTao
There is a cold snap one already. He is not fun either.

Luckily Cold Snap on monsters got a delay just like players. That exile would be really annoying with CB Coldsnap without delays.

In CB the elem Weakness Water Elementals could freezelock you.

The difference between a skeleton and igna is that a skeleton has slow cast speed doesn't lag you when you encounter it.

Yes I know about the initial alt Art lag and that's a reason I don't like to take the Avatar of Tempest Route in DC.

And cast speed doesn't matter. If you get crit shotgunned by lightning you are down.
Fire gives you a 4 sec ailment you can counter with potions.

Sure the Arcs and Sparks used by the Hybrid Exiles are weak but a lightning based exile with an Arc Totem casting same level arcs or sparks in a small corridor are something you can't counter.

Also if you are actually racing and not fighting a terraces Igna shes usually got more hp than your damage output so yeah..

How are you racing in BLAMT?
Rushing through glyphs and fighting Brutus?
Hilbert wrote:
There is a cold snap one already. He is not fun either.

Luckily Cold Snap on monsters got a delay just like players. That exile would be really annoying with CB Coldsnap without delays.

In CB the elem Weakness Water Elementals could freezelock you.

The difference between a skeleton and igna is that a skeleton has slow cast speed doesn't lag you when you encounter it.

Yes I know about the initial alt Art lag and that's a reason I don't like to take the Avatar of Tempest Route in DC.

And cast speed doesn't matter. If you get crit shotgunned by lightning you are down.
Fire gives you a 4 sec ailment you can counter with potions.

Sure the Arcs and Sparks used by the Hybrid Exiles are weak but a lightning based exile with an Arc Totem casting same level arcs or sparks in a small corridor are something you can't counter.

Also if you are actually racing and not fighting a terraces Igna shes usually got more hp than your damage output so yeah..

How are you racing in BLAMT?
Rushing through glyphs and fighting Brutus?

BLAMT? This thread is talking about TURBO exile races. These last few weeks there have been TURBO Rogue races. This thread was started because of these races. I looked up the last few races you have done and you haven't't done any of them. So I've come to the conclusion you are just talking out of your ass and giving no further insight into this discussion we are having.

In fact the only rogue race you've done in the last 50 or so races I've seen is the 135 min lethal rogue race. I don't think you've encountered Igna, let alone turbo Igna, so I don't think you have any clue what you are talking about.
Last edited by Rithz#0502 on Dec 28, 2013, 1:00:26 AM
Rithz wrote:
BLAMT? This thread is talking about TURBO exile races. These last few weeks there have been TURBO Rogue races. This thread was started because of these races. I looked up the last few races you have done and you haven't't done any of them. So I've come to the conclusion you are just talking out of your ass and giving no further insight into this discussion we are having.

In fact the only rogue race you've done in the last 50 or so races I've seen is the 135 min lethal rogue race. I don't think you've encountered Igna, let alone turbo Igna, so I don't think you have any clue what you are talking about.

Stuff like this is pretty annoying.

In case anyone has not noticed by now, this thread is NOT about BLAMT and NOT about closed beta. Why some players keep comparing stuff to closed beta is beyond my imagination. It is 112% i to the r to the r-e-l-e-v-a-n-t.

But to be honest Rithz, I would not say that this is only about turbo rogue races, but in fact any rogue race type. Rogues partying with brutus is a no go in any rogue race in my opinion.
Last edited by Hassefar60#0882 on Dec 28, 2013, 2:48:40 AM
Hassefar60 wrote:
Rogues partying with brutus is a no go in any rogue race in my opinion.

Would be fine if it occured for everyone (at all bosses, for that matter), and everyone also got the same exile with each boss. 100% of the race getting xandro with brutus and igna with merveil is fair; might only have 1% of the race make it to act 2, but its fair nonetheless.
IGN: KoTao
KoTao wrote:
Hassefar60 wrote:
Rogues partying with brutus is a no go in any rogue race in my opinion.

Would be fine if it occured for everyone (at all bosses, for that matter), and everyone also got the same exile with each boss. 100% of the race getting xandro with brutus and igna with merveil is fair; might only have 1% of the race make it to act 2, but its fair nonetheless.

Not fair at all, Spectral Throw would have it so much easier than double strike/heavy strike single target.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
SlixSC wrote:
Not fair at all, Spectral Throw would have it so much easier than double strike/heavy strike single target.

How is this different than skill X vs skill Y in any other boss battle?
IGN: KoTao
In fact the only rogue race you've done in the last 50 or so races I've seen is the 135 min lethal rogue race. I don't think you've encountered Igna, let alone turbo Igna, so I don't think you have any clue what you are talking about.

I stopped racing with this account after I got LeHeup and used alts to get more flasks.
So yeah I got no clue because you don't read race threads and obviously see that there are ALTs with Destilate points......

I did that to prove a point that keeping rewards for future leagues will backfire big time.

But to be honest Rithz, I would not say that this is only about turbo rogue races, but in fact any rogue race type. Rogues partying with brutus is a no go in any rogue race in my opinion.

Rogues in Party races at boss areas would be fine. But solo races are a no go.

Would be fine if it occured for everyone (at all bosses, for that matter), and everyone also got the same exile with each boss. 100% of the race getting xandro with brutus and igna with merveil is fair; might only have 1% of the race make it to act 2, but its fair nonetheless.

Xandro is a disqualifier in boss areas, tight spots and quest items.
It would be much fairer if Xandro wouldn't get Regeneration and half damage/speed.

KoTao wrote:
SlixSC wrote:
Not fair at all, Spectral Throw would have it so much easier than double strike/heavy strike single target.

How is this different than skill X vs skill Y in any other boss battle?

because it amplifies the effect? ST already has an insanely easy time with bosses compared to pretty much any other skill (be it melee or spell). You put a guaranteed exile next to bosses and ST classes have it even easier to kill bosses compared to gimped classes like templar or witch.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.

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