
OpenHell wrote:

Make the charge time dynamic. So the early stages can be quickly cast while a larger charge takes longer. Here's a suggested formula.

I am recommending this because you need to kill white mobs quickly and as mentioned in the Reflect Mobs section there needs to be a flexibility to this skill otherwise this skill will always have to be complimented with a Skele Totem.

Erm.. first stage of the blast can be cast in a split second.
I just want to say that this skill is the most fun I've ever had with PoE. I like my incinerator on standard, but tried out flameblast cause it seemed like a similar yet totally different skill. I didn't even know it was being used by everyone for being overpowered, it just seemed fun and it really is.

If this skill needs to be nerfed, give it a minimum cast range to offset the potentially gigantic AOE being used on mobs unaware. Or make it so that enemies become aware on first cast, rather than from taking damage. On top of that, stop it being able to hit enemies that you do not have line of sight with, as currently you can attack through walls at certain angles. I think the safety of these 2 abilities is a bit more than is necessary.

Meanwhile, tune damage at lower levels. I'd say it's balanced by around level 15. But please, don't nerf it too hard. Cause this skill is just plain really fun to use.
IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
This gem is just ridiculously overpowered. D:

I know right. I picked this gem up in Invasion and was killing things pretty easily normal bosses and the new ones.

My friend was a tanky maruder who stood and took the heat while I used it
OpenHell wrote:

Make the charge time dynamic.

I am recommending this because you need to kill white mobs quickly.

Here bruv, made a video just for you. Doesn't get more dynamic than this:


So.. umm.. yeah stage 1 FTW, aaand my fingers are tired.
Oh, and there was a reflect in there as well btw.

Lvl 43 Witch, Cruel.
Last edited by Kadajko#1253 on Mar 10, 2014, 10:42:43 PM
Love this skill, so much fun. ^.^
This spell got nerfed too hard in the current patch. I lost more than 30% of my avg dmg in tooltip and I am having trouble killing things in the earlier stages. While it is still viable in low level area, in 75+ maps where things can easily kill you, I don't see myself charging more than 4 stages to kill things. Nerf was maybe needed but not to this extend. Furthermore while partying, things die before flameblast reaches stages to do enough damage most of the time in maps, unless it's a full party map. This seems to make this build boring to play in party, but difficult to play solo with the current nerf.

I use cold snap, decoy totem and flameblast with shavronne's. I am using 6L searing touch with low life build on shavronnes. I find it difficult and annoying, I don't need it to be op but the last nerf was too damn strong!

Didn't realise the skill was bugged to deal double damage, thought it was less severe. Thank you for buffing the skill then instead of just outright fixing the bug. I'm sure the nerf won't be that big of a problem and I'll still be enjoying my character :) Will give feedback later tonight when I have time.

E: lag was pretty bad but I'm no longer 1-shotting level 67 enemies without charging past around the second or third stage and rares are able to withstand a 10-stack if I don't have fire penetration in or crit. Note this is without conc effect. Overall, not a bad nerf, still a good skill.
IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
Last edited by Wooser69#4318 on Mar 14, 2014, 4:14:58 PM
The nerf was a bit harsh IMO. Pre-fix average damage was 1000, down to 700 after patch. Even after immediately respeccing to add 42% fire damage i still only managed to get it back up to 850.

Its simple really. Monsters that I used to be able to kill with one or two stacks of flameblast don't die to that anymore. This is pretty important since you rarely get to stand around and charge up a 10 stack blast. A good flameblast user spends a lot of his time using quick blasts to pick off individuals or groups of 2. This nerf has decreased the effectiveness of that methodology by making the player stand there longer to charge up to a killing blast. It may just be one or two more seconds but in the endgame that can be life and death.
Nonsensei436 wrote:
Its simple really. Monsters that I used to be able to kill with one or two stacks of flameblast don't die to that anymore. This is pretty important since you rarely get to stand around and charge up a 10 stack blast.

Of course, you don't actually need a ten-stack blast either. If you one-shot stuff before, you now need at most two stacks. Two stacks becomes three. Oh nose. That's 0.3 seconds at zero Increased Cast Speed. It's not going to be "one or two seconds".

Yes, it's less effective now. That's the entire point. Being able to one-shot trash with a ~0.2 second cast explosion is stupid powerful.
Vipermagi wrote:
Nonsensei436 wrote:
Its simple really. Monsters that I used to be able to kill with one or two stacks of flameblast don't die to that anymore. This is pretty important since you rarely get to stand around and charge up a 10 stack blast.

Of course, you don't actually need a ten-stack blast either. If you one-shot stuff before, you now need at most two stacks. Two stacks becomes three. Oh nose. That's 0.3 seconds at zero Increased Cast Speed. It's not going to be "one or two seconds".

Yes, it's less effective now. That's the entire point. Being able to one-shot trash with a ~0.2 second cast explosion is stupid powerful.

I don't know how many level 75+ maps u've done to understand this, but standing still in the same spot for 1.2 second, and 0.6 or 0.9 seconds makes a big difference. and technically, it is not op to be one shotting after charging that long. If you've played a flameblast build, you'd realize that a lot of mobs that charge or chase u will move out of your small aoe, forcing you to either charge longer, or distrupt your cast and start a new cast. This is purposeful design of the skill, and as a result they've decided to make it powerful, so you can analyse the situation and decide to cast a larger, or recast a smaller. This fun dynamic of flameblast is broken because the only time I'd decide to recast it is if i'm playing a reflect map now.

You also seem to imply that increasing cast speed scales well with flameblast.

Ppl think flameblast is op because it one shots, but a lot of builds out there atk once every 0.3 or 0.4 seconds, doing 30~40k dps (quite easy to build as well). In the time which flame blast users charge to "one shot" those builds have killed and already started moving on. Does this make flame blast OP? so in the same amount of time, if it is single hit damage, it's OP but if it is multiple shots, it isn't? I'd think it's the other way around because flameblast is more susceptible to elemental reflect. But then again, this is just coming from my opinion from my experience of endgame maps in both solo and party settings. It's highly daunting to be charging all the time while others are killing, just to do mediocre damage, especially considering that you can't re-aim whilst you charge. The incredible damage was a necessity to make flameblast a more mobile skill, and the stupid damage of 10 stage charging was just a way to die to reflect mobs (or kill stationary bosses that have absolutely no threat).

P.s. one shotting with 0.2 cast will probably be only in the lower levels, because I am pretty sure I am very geared (over 200 ex worth) and I couldn't do it in level 69 maps. Furthermore, even if it did 1 shot trash, the aoe would be so small, that you'd be targetting single targets, or 2~3 at max. That is in no way 'OP'.
Last edited by 2dakkon2#6756 on Mar 14, 2014, 8:03:28 PM

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