[1.3.0]PewPewPews official Starter-Friendly Incinerate Build | Stronger than ever!

Would it be viable to swap out the firestorm+moltenshell+manaleech CoDT link for auras or something else? I have about 3.6k mana and 1.7k unreserved that i feel like i should be running another aura with or something. Also got 2.7k HP at level 72, good or bad? Also not running arctic armor until i get a solid amount of chromes to re-color my mantle.
~3945 18/12/2023
Last edited by Morelli_ on Feb 21, 2014, 6:12:43 PM
If you really want to run another aura, replace Discipline. Running another aura on top of what you have will make you get to low mana faster, meaning, you will take double the spell damage far more often.

2.7K is somewhat low-ish. Most likely due to the lack of high life on your boots/gloves/dreamfrags(keep the dream frags though, will help you a lot). But you should be fine in lower maps, and easy bosses :)

Also, if you don't feel like recoloring the mantle, you can also drop frost wall, or the faster casting/reduced mana from the manual lightning warp. Saves a lot of chromes in the end ;)
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Been trying this build, EPIC EPIC EPIC! Finished olmec's sanctum with it, althought i had to take off the CwDT LW sometimes cause it cuts off my life leechs and gets me killed.. have been playing it for 3 days and i can solo 75 maps... I finished my first 70 map at level 62

Current Gear
Just want to say thanks. This is an amazing build, it is by far the most tanky character I ever played. I just broke 3K life and have about 1100 dps and don't envision either going much higher. I do plan to take the arsonist nodes. What can I expect endgame life and dps to be like? I went in a different direction with some skill gems. I use a level 1 devouring totem and a level 1 molten shell linked to culling strike. Having a blast right now. I'm doing fine without Inner Force. Is IF mandatory? Here's my gear.
Last edited by IchiMorghulis on Feb 22, 2014, 3:28:23 AM
Big thanks to the OP, this is my first post in the forums after lurking for a long time. Just want to show my appreciation for this GREAT build!

Having no problems whatsoever (I've only tried up to 70 maps though, still haven't acquired 71 or higher maps yet). Really really tanky and great fun face-rolling maps. This build has helped me enjoy maps that I couldn't even achieve with my other toons.

My current stats are:
2.7k HP
1445 Mana (1638 Reserved)
1853 Armour
82% Resists
12% Chaos Resist
998 Incinerate DPS (Haven't 5L my chest yet)

Here are my gears btw:

My question is, if i were to 5L or 6L my Infernal Mantle, what gems would you suggest based on the colors of my socket?
(NB: I would have 5L my Infernal a long time ago if the 5th socket was blue so i can insert Added Chaos Damage, but alas it was green before blue.
Mana leech is not needed unless it's a no regen map and I could easily switch the one from the CWDT Firestorm+MoltenShell with my Faster Projectiles whenever I roll that affix)

Thanks again! PEWPEWPEW!
IchiMorghulis wrote:
Is IF mandatory?

Not at all. I barely notice a difference with it compared to before (I use lvl 22 AA). There are better per-point dps nodes than Arsonist btw unless you already have those.
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Last edited by OwVEmrkMLX on Feb 22, 2014, 2:14:35 AM
Not at all. I barely notice a difference with it compared to before (I use lvl 22 AA). There are better per-point dps nodes than Arsonist btw unless you already have those.

Good to know Inner Force is not necessary. I been following your tree so far. I don't intend to take Elemental Adaptation. What would be better than arsonist? The only thing I can see are the projectile damage nodes in the Scion and Ranger area. I'm still messing around with gems placement and trying out different skills. I have a level 18 desecrate waiting on my CoDT to level up. I combine both Lightning Warp into a 4L and it is working really well.
3% cast speed = 8% projectile dmg > ~7% fire damage (that's arsonist per point).
Depends on your current stats though. I linked the dps calc tool a few pages back, maybe it could be added to the OP. It's really useful.

My tree atm:

Waiting for the free respec next patch and the changes in the Witch area.
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If you really want to run another aura, replace Discipline. Running another aura on top of what you have will make you get to low mana faster, meaning, you will take double the spell damage far more often.

2.7K is somewhat low-ish. Most likely due to the lack of high life on your boots/gloves/dreamfrags(keep the dream frags though, will help you a lot). But you should be fine in lower maps, and easy bosses :)

Also, if you don't feel like recoloring the mantle, you can also drop frost wall, or the faster casting/reduced mana from the manual lightning warp. Saves a lot of chromes in the end ;)

Swapped out Discipline and just choosing what else to run, still have a large mana pool without it so i should be fine, coloured my wand to B/R/G and that should negate a lot of damage now. Thanks!
~3945 18/12/2023
Would running vitality be a good option? The damage auras as useless as incinerate is a spell, ele resist auras are not needed, determination multiplies you armor and i only have around 811 so it isn't worth it. Grace is eva, haste might be ok for the cast speed.
~3945 18/12/2023

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