[1.3.0]PewPewPews official Starter-Friendly Incinerate Build | Stronger than ever!

I had long considered this one of my more glass cannony characters, but when you can kill Merc Dominus at 2000 life, glass cannon works fine.

Until today when I ran Coward's Trial with the build. Final boss showed up, and though I was warping like mad, my life and mana never left full. It's not the insane map mods Appels takes on but that was awesome to watch.
BreakingHearts/RhoaHood/BackAndVeryLate (Standard) | HushtailSweep/HushtailWeeps (Ancestor)
hey guys lvl 60 atm with build loveing it.. just 1 thing i can not get a 5L inferal mantel for the life of me.. anyone on here have any extra? i got 1 ex 5 chaos currcny atm

help a fellow flamerthorwer out heheh

also how do you guys get 3k lie 3k mana? i am at 1700/1800
dirtydevil87 wrote:
also how do you guys get 3k lie 3k mana? i am at 1700/1800
Life nodes and life on gear. Having one or the other high will get you about 2k, getting them both up will get that 3-4k range. A good leather belt, mid-high life on your gloves, boots and hat, wheel of life should get close.
BreakingHearts/RhoaHood/BackAndVeryLate (Standard) | HushtailSweep/HushtailWeeps (Ancestor)
dirtydevil87 wrote:
hey guys lvl 60 atm with build loveing it.. just 1 thing i can not get a 5L inferal mantel for the life of me.. anyone on here have any extra? i got 1 ex 5 chaos currcny atm

help a fellow flamerthorwer out heheh

also how do you guys get 3k lie 3k mana? i am at 1700/1800

My advice, make one on your own. You can buy a good infernal mantle for 1 chaos. Take a few jewelers and, on average, 50 fusings and you have made yourself a 5L. Potentially a 6L. Just make sure that you are starting with 6 slots before you try to link it, NEVER try to 5L a 5S chest.
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Wouldn't faster casting deal more damage than faster projectiles? Is the extra range really worth it?
gfeldman wrote:
dirtydevil87 wrote:
hey guys lvl 60 atm with build loveing it.. just 1 thing i can not get a 5L inferal mantel for the life of me.. anyone on here have any extra? i got 1 ex 5 chaos currcny atm

help a fellow flamerthorwer out heheh

also how do you guys get 3k lie 3k mana? i am at 1700/1800

My advice, make one on your own. You can buy a good infernal mantle for 1 chaos. Take a few jewelers and, on average, 50 fusings and you have made yourself a 5L. Potentially a 6L. Just make sure that you are starting with 6 slots before you try to link it, NEVER try to 5L a 5S chest.

Not always as easy as it seems, spent over 400 chromes trying to get the colors on a 4L, and 26 fuses to link the 4L, can be cheaper likely to just buy the 5L.

That's my Mantle. Trying to 6L it would likely result in me quitting the game in frustration so I won't even bother. Mana Leech lets me run half regen and heavy mob damage maps without worrying about mana and with Haste aura instead of Discipline for a ~200 tooltip dps boost which is more than I get with Faster Projectiles and Disc. The increased range would be useful to catch certain mobs like the Gulls but it works fine just with Q20 Incinerate and the +range from passives. If I had a 6L I'd likely stick Faster Casting in the last slot but atm that results in a dps loss if I have to take Chaos Damage out for it.
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thatdumbguy wrote:
chaosphysik wrote:

Point is: You dont have any time that will elapse while you prepare the spell. Compare it with Fireball. You cast 1 Fireball and then you need to start over. Here will boost your faster casting each fireball.

In this build, it will boost only the inital cast of incinerate if i understood it correctly. So therefore FasterCasting will NOT help you while building up those stacks or so.

Where are you getting this information? Bottom post here indicates otherwise...

Kind of confused by your comment. The way I understood it, faster casting made the incinerate "tick" faster, because the spell is not really one continuous cast, it is a bunch of tiny rapid casts.

I just saw the discussion about faster casting does not help incinerate so I want to clear the confusing: Faster Casting does help and is a major boost to your incinerate dps!
WHY? The reason is simple: with faster casting (any fast cast speed modifier) you will reach the highest incinerate stage faster. This means that you will burn mobs at maximum incinerate output much earlier than without the fast cast speed.

Just compare it with the acceleration of cars. Which one do you prefer:

1) Bugatti Veyron Super Sport -> 0-100 km/h in 2.5 sec

2) Average familie car -> 0-100 km/h in 10.5 sec

You can test it yourself by casting incinerate with and without faster casting and time how long it takes to reach the max stage.

@Holocaustus: Just buy another mantle and try to 6l that one.
The dragons begin to speak, yin and yang are commingled
@added lightning damage/faster casting: I haven't done the math yet, but from testing, it felt like added lightning damage is only worth it, when you have a taming or two. The damage increase is nice, but faster casting + added chaos damage is insane.

For the record: Faster casting will decrease the time between "casts". Incinerate is just like any other spell, it rapidly casts a spell, instead of a stream of damage(liek searing bond does). Therefore incinerate gains the same benefits from faster casting, like any other spell. Since it is casting a spell that's actually dealing damage per projectile hit, it's not directly affected by DoT and Burning nodes. So Faster Casting will still increase your damage by a lot, and will get you to the last stage faster :)

@Alpha's Howl: It's definately nice. Especially if you go with grace/IR, it can help big time against physical hitters. A cheaper helm is the hrimnor's resolve, that also gives decent protection against freeze(and chill), but instead of increasing the aura output, increases your fire damage by a bit.

@dirtydevil87 I wouldn't worry too much. Having a 5/6L helps, but I still refused to accept any 5Ls on this char(friend of mine actually offered me one for... 1 chaos or something? I forgot. Anyways cheap). It is very possible to run endgame content with just a 4L :)
If you really want one, I'd also recommend you to craft your own :>

Getting higher life/mana is basically gearing and leveling. Check my items, you will see most of them have at least a bit of life/es on them. Get some Piety kills done, or even dominus if you can handle him, for some rares. A few runs might yield some easy upgrades :>

@Tormenx: The range is worth it if you don't have a 20%Q Incinerate. But the reason I am using Faster projectiles is that I ususally don't even need mana leech. I often swap both of them around, just for the faster clearing speed. I'd say Faster casting is only an option when you go 6L(5Link benefits more from Faster projectiles/added chaos, depending on the color).

I am a nice guy.
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How much mana regen do most people have? I'm trying this build on Nemesis right now, and it's a lot of fun, but I can't seem to replace the mana leech gem in my mantle. I want to use faster proj instead, but it seems impossible to keep my mana up while spamming Incinerate and getting chunks taken out from MoM.

Does the molten/firestorm/leech help a lot? I haven't had a chance to try that yet.

Also, does anyone else feel kind of vulnerable to heavy hitting physical mobs? I've had some pretty close calls already, and I'm worried about survivability as I get to higher level maps.
Last edited by Verith on Jan 27, 2014, 2:56:58 PM

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