[1.3.0]PewPewPews official Starter-Friendly Incinerate Build | Stronger than ever!

JTDSR71 wrote:
I'm surprised, oh well. I figured the 26-44 cold damage would make up for 1% of spell damage lost overall.....very interesting..

The mentioned cold dmg adds up to the weapon dmg and not to your spell dmg (incinerate).
The dragons begin to speak, yin and yang are commingled
Thanks swarmofseals for clarifying the differences between my build and the original. (writeup is on page 24 of this thread, I made a guide in the scion forum as well) You are totally right about most of them.

I believe my build is very tightly optimized, but with the caveat of losing some gearing flexibility and being more expensive than PewPew's. PewPew's is definitely the build to use for beginners, but if you find yourself wanting more DPS out of incinerate as well as Block, I think it would be hard to beat my setup.

I will say that having 2-3x (tooltip, not even counting shock stacks) the dps of many incinerate builds is worth the difficulty in gearing.

You kind of glossed over the benefits of having a high block character I think. If you have ever done a character with 60+ block you know how powerful it can be. I really believe that high block is the most powerful defensive stat in the game. Even if speccing into block caused a loss to dps (which it doesn't really) it would be well worth it. The boost to survivability is really huge.

As far as flexibility goes, I can run no regen maps just fine without switching out gear. Lavianga's flask x2 is really really helpful in this regard. However, if needed Added Cold could be switched for Mana Leech, or Berek's Grip could be used to great effect as well.

I expanded my original comment into a full guide detailing my variation of the build, which you can find here:


I hope to get some videos added eventually.

Something i didn't mention originally is PVP
Simply put, this build is insane for pvp. Tempest shield with block counters almost every melee build out there. Out of 100+ matches I've done the only build that can beat me is Poison Arrow. I hope to get some pvp videos up eventually, but this build is pretty much unstoppable for PVP.

Finally, how does one calculate the DPS of stage 3 incinerate? If I do 3.6k per Projectile with GMP does the math look like: 3.6k x 5 x 3 = 52.5k? Or is it figured differently?
SpaceJanitor wrote:
Thanks swarmofseals for clarifying the differences between my build and the original. (writeup is on page 24 of this thread, I made a guide in the scion forum as well) You are totally right about most of them.

I believe my build is very tightly optimized, but with the caveat of losing some gearing flexibility and being more expensive than PewPew's. PewPew's is definitely the build to use for beginners, but if you find yourself wanting more DPS out of incinerate as well as Block, I think it would be hard to beat my setup.

And thank you for posting the variations -- I love it when a build is strong enough to branch in multiple directions!

And yes, I intentionally tried to avoid editorializing on the effectiveness of the variations as I am honestly not experienced enough at the game to come up with an accurate judgment. I'd rather just crunch the numbers and let others come to their own conclusions. Personally I am building toward the original spec because I'm a poor bastard, but once I have more resources I'm almost certainly going to give your variation a try as well. I was able to snag a 10% cast speed/8 life per spell hit paw for 1 chaos today, so that was pretty sweet. I'll need to mess with the sockets quite a bit but still it's a good start.

Standard: Gyakufu | Gyakufuu
Warbands: Tsukikage
Tempest: Yamakage
#Kronox001: Not sure. Right now, I am getting those three flask points near the witch, granting 1% max res while using a flask(quite usefull) after that, most likely the life nodes near the templar, or maybe some aura nodes.

@swarmofseals: I have been messing around with aura's and the like, and I have been thinking myself to drop discipline for hatred. Seems it works as it is right now. Once my hatred is levelled, I will give it a full testride to see it's advantages.

@sirsadi: yep, and I will!
right now, two pieces come to mind. Your amul(no res, no life, no mana regen, doesn't really seem worth it for just 17% spelldamage) and your gloves(just life, are you capped on res now? If so, then these are fine, but still). Other then that, it looks good enough. The build doesn't need too many expensive rares luckily :)
If you level up a bit more - which you most likely already did, I'm pretty sure you will have an easy time mapping :)

@Taurgarr: I wouldn't go for vaal pact myself. The leech might be really nice, being instant and all, I would hate to repot every now and then during chaos maps. But that is just me :>

Everyone, thanks a lot for the replies. Since I'm not much of a number guy, it's nice to read some of the math that's been going on in here, and the comparisons(especially yours Swarm, 'twas a nice read!) made, storys told etc.

Nice to see so many different set ups coming from this build. I've been thinking about including them in the first post, but I won't - as for now I want to keep this build as it is now, for starters/people with low funds. But I am planning to update my 3rd post(forgot to make a reserved post when I did this build :<)with links to comments people made, different builds, comparisons etc. There are so many replies others could read about before doing this build, and having you all sharing your experiences.. well it's just a shame if they all fade away on some random page in this topic!
So there is that.

Another thing is, after getting some time again to play - I completed every map + boss(except for one - lady stormfly -, but I expect no difficulties with that boss)with my current gear: almost 100% selffound(with the exception of saffels), proving my point: this build can solo everything with even imperfect gear(I have many upgrades lying around in stash) :)

My next step is a thorough research with maps. I plan to use the third post to put a small guide explaining what mods are harder then others, what maps are easy to do, and what map + mod combination should be avoided etc etc. Planning to go through every map(and might even make a vid doing every map/boss).

- will try to answer questions here/ingame/pm, but since I'm also working on another build, questions sometimes might take a bit to answer :>

Once again, thanks all for the many replies :)
I am a nice guy.
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holocaustus wrote:

About the above wands. Keep in mind that if you use an added chaos damage gem, it only benefits from spelldamage, not fire damage. Try to find a wand with +cast speed even if it has lower spelldamage, it's a massive dps increase as it's a multiplier to the overall projectile damage, not to mention faster casting on utility spells.

You're right... I found these wands

Boost my incinerate by like 70 damage even though it has a lot less spell damage. Honestly I don't even know why. :\

Found this earlier today and it boosted my tooltip DPS by like 25%! It's probably my best self-found item so far.

Also, if anyone cares I think the following would be the "perfect" wand for this build:

20% Spell Damage (implicit)
108% Spell Damage
30% Fire Damage
22% Cast Speed
69% Mana Regen
109 Life
34 Mana

Or substitute IIR/IIQ if you are looking for that.

Standard: Gyakufu | Gyakufuu
Warbands: Tsukikage
Tempest: Yamakage
Last edited by swarmofseals on Jan 22, 2014, 6:58:06 PM
sounds fun
Hello, i am lvl 68 new player and i followed this guide from start.

Just one question.
I have 2033 UNRESERVED mana (and 2,4k HP) According to some people that posted on this thread, (who are clearly experienced) u need to have at least 2k mana unreserved mana in order to run MoM.

My items are not ES based. some are armor, others give just high Life/RES.

Should i go for more ES based items ? Is a large mana pool a MUST ?
swarmofseals wrote:

Or substitute IIR/IIQ if you are looking for that.

Those mods don't appear on wands to my knowledge, or on weapons for that matter (apart from one unique).

There is, however, Projectile Speed which can be very useful especially if you don't have quality Incinerate.
Shop closed until further notice. Check out my Dominus musical tribute instead:
Why did you prioritize armour over ES and Life for your gear?

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