[1.3.0]PewPewPews official Starter-Friendly Incinerate Build | Stronger than ever!

avarcis wrote:
14qr23we wrote:
Good day.

First of all, I'll apologize in advance if what I'm going to
inquire about has been done in the hundreds of replies on
this post..

Is it possible to make this build tankier by using a Lightning
Coil? Although you have to make up for the lightning resistance
penalty and the armor's lack of ES by having really good ES
helm/shield/boots, and it's really difficult to get the required
socket colors in the said armor,

assuming those difficulties can be successfully done, will
Lightning Coil be good for this build? to make a tankier version?

1. I'm getting a feeling you didn't bother reading what the build was about tbh. Our es gets converted to mana, otherwise our mana pool is a bit too low and we tend to have issues.

Infernal mantle vs some other armor has indeed been discussed a 100000 times. Mantle, as stated by the op in the first post 5 times is there for a reason.

2. Without it we are weak vs fire resistant mobs or map mods.

3. Besides, I personally believe that you don't really need a tankier version of this build. I pretty much facetank about any combination of mods on 77maps at this point and my gear is not that great.

1. I know it's a bit difficult, but I think it is still possible to make up for the loss
of an ES armor by acquiring tier-1 ES helm/shield/boots/gloves

2. What if i can do something about fire-resistant mobs other than using Infernal Mantle?
I've used 2 Incinerate builds in the past not using Infernal Mantle and I know it's not the
end of the world when you meet fire-resistant mobs

3. "Personally" i think the tankiness of this build can still be improved, because I really
give a high priority to defense (my other characters are really tanky). That's the reason why I was inquiring about Lightning Coil

**thanks for the reply but I'm still waiting for a discussion of the feasibility of Lightning Coil in this build, not the disadvantages of losing Infernal Mantle.

Update:[Still alive]

Due to personal circumstances, I haven't had too much time to play. Sadly. And I have to be honest: I'm quite out of the game right now. It's been since August since I had some proper playtime. But depending on how things turn out, I'll might get enough time to get back into the game, and give you all a proper update.

I mean, yes, I can poop a random tree for the witch that might work, but honestly I rather not do that. Especially the new tree seems rather promising for the witch, it has a lot of potential, and might even get a separate topic where I explore some of the new mechanics.

Can't promise anything, but I hope I won't disappoint you all get the playtime I need to get back into the game :>

Happy new year guys, let's make it a good one!
I am a nice guy.
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is this build atziri/uber viable in 1.3?
I never tried Atziri in 1.3, even though there were a few Incinerators who told me they beat Atziri in 1.2. I have no record of this, but as it stands now, I would say the build would need some good gear to beat her - but it is not impossible.

I've only come to realisation that the new witch tree I've been working on, it taking longer and longer to be finished. As for now, I updated the witch tree as they were in 1.2. They should still be extremely effective! I routed a bit more to the HP side, took a bit from the damage side, due to the moved(and nerfed)mara fire nodes. But don't worry, you shouldn't be able to notice a drop in power. It should be slight. We should still be very strong!

Sorry for the late update ._.
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Yeah. Soooo... This is happening.

Quick Q&A!

Why did you make a separate topic for that guide?
I am changing a lot. Even though the core mechanics will stay, there will be a few others in there as well. So it is going to be it's own version of this incinerator.

What are the differences between the two guides?
The most important changes are Herald of Thunder and Warlords mark. Also, it won't be having any required uniques, giving it far more freedom then this guide does. I believe it is possible for that guide to be completely self found, and still be able to solo everything. You could see it as an extremely beginner friendly guide.

Does that mean this guide will be outdated?
No. I still believe this will be the more solid option. Ever since Domination, this build has been able to almost do whatever it pleases. As patches keep coming, I will aim to keep this guide as close as possible to the same play style and the strength it had during the past year.

Isn't warlords mark/Herald of Thunder better for this guide?
Maybe. I am still testing all kinds of stuff(look at me, enjoying 1.3 like it's new, when 1.4 is around the corner), but I have the feeling it won't be. Like I said, this guide has a specific type of play style, and I am not sure if those mechanics really fit that style.

Keep an eye on the other topic, I'll keep you updated in there!
I am a nice guy.
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Would the Cloak of Flame Scholar's Robe work well with this build? I would think that with its chance of ignite mod and increased ignite duration that it would compliment the incinerate aspects of the build.
Since we run AA, it would be great for mitigating damage. But other than that, I see no reason for using it. We don't really need ignite chance, since our base damage is already rather low, ignites won't do as much as most other burn builds. Our damage come from our direct damage. We also skip on Celestial punishment, so we won't get the 30% damage bonus as well.

It might work with the witch version, I'll be sure to test it there :)
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So as I'm in the process of respecing slowly to my current tree, I am forced to play without aa, due to a shortage of mana. I noticed something though. I'm breezing through content. Made me think.

What does the EB/MoM do for us?
- It mitigates 30% of the damage we take, increasing our life pool by quite a lot - giving we have mana to spend.
- It allows us to run Arctic Armour, making us immune to reflect damage and mitigating physical and fire damage.

Since we are running Vaal Pact, the benefits of Arctic Armour are lessened. The only real benefit is the immunity to incinerate like/gatlinggun like attacks. And even though there are a couple of enemies that do use this, is it really justified to spend roughly 20 - 30 points just for a bit of mitigation? How would Incinerate work without EB/MoM/AA. Are there other options to run it? Especially now I'm using Vaal Pact, a lot of closed doors open up to me.

I am looking at a few different trees right now, but I don't know if it will work. Currently, I've only ran 66 - 67s as a lvl 61 incinerator, so not anything extremely difficult. But who knows what might come out of this.

I'll keep you guys updated!
I am a nice guy.
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I'm currently running these gears atm following your scion build on torment. i'm able to completely sustain the AA while running with about 3400 mana. My question is mostly is this build capable of doing normal atziri? i'm only level 85 currently with 4665hp and planning on wanting to try it in 2 more levels when i have the Constitution circle fully filled.
few Incinerators who told me they beat Atziri in 1.2. I have no record of this, but as it stands now, I would say the build would need some good gear to beat her - but it is not impossible.

here is a 1.2 video i found https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s16nJ5ayZLU
Also this is my current tree
Last edited by Fluffylife on Jan 19, 2015, 5:52:24 PM
Alpha's Howl seems better than just any random helmet for the frozen immune and chill dodge, on top of that the +2 to socketed aura gems. It just seems too good to not use in this situation, it solves a lot of our problems with being frozen, it is cheap, and buffs our auras.

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