[1.3.0]PewPewPews official Starter-Friendly Incinerate Build | Stronger than ever!

Sorry english is not my 1st languange.

Taking the increased chaos damage is useless and not noticable, because it only scaling the chaos damage.
You better taking the %increase spell/projectile damage and its will scale all of your damage included fire, chaos and ice(if u use herald of ice)
Sorry english is not my 1st languange.

Taking the increased chaos damage is useless and not noticable, because it only scaling the chaos damage.
You better taking the %increase spell/projectile damage and its will scale all of your damage included fire, chaos and ice(if u use herald of ice)

Useless? How about this, my setup is: lvl 16 q20 incinerate, lvl19 q20 chaos damage, lvl 19 q0 herald of ice. My damage breakdown on incinerate: 212-319 total, 82-122 fire, 25-34 cold, 105-163(!) chaos. Sure, my gems are unlevelled, since I JUST gcped them, but I expect my chaos damage to be slightly below 50% of my total damage at gems lvl20. The reasons for having so much chaos are simple: apeps, q20 chaos damage gem ( increases chaos damage), infernal mantle.
Now, here is how it affects me:
On one hand we got chaos damage. Since I got next to 0 of anything increasing my chaos damage for every 1% of additional increased chaos damage from gear or talents I get (surprise!) 1% increased total chaos damage, or 0.5% total damage. Still with me?
On the other hand, our fire damage. I already have 44% elemental damage. Therefore, every EXTRA 1% of elemental damage increases my total damage by (100+44+1)/(100+44) or a 0.69%, however that doesn't affect added chaos damage from apeps (chaos is not elemental) therefore it's actually less.
Simularly, for fire damage: currently got 106% increased fire (infernal mantle+ talents), so for 1% extra fire (100+106+1)/(100+106)= 0.48% of extra damage (question to the more savvy of you here, does that 0.48% affect apeps added damage? Or does it end up to be even less than 0.48% of our total damage?). Which is LESS than what a 1% of increased chaos damage gives us. The reason is decreasing returns for extra point invested.
Spell damage would depend on how much you got on gear. I've got 80, so: 181/180= 0.55%
Projectile damage is great for us though, since we got so little. Unfortunately we have too few ways of picking any up.
Plug in your own numbers into this an you can see if going for extra chaos or extra spell damage is better for you, but 1 thing I can say for sure- chaos is worth considering, and is NOT useless by any means. You also have to remember that chaos damage penetrates resists and the actual benefit would be greater than what I demonstrated here.
Now, does anyone have the balls to challenge my fail napkin math? Do you think it's full of holes? Prove it.

Ps: I realize that I'm not counting molten shell and lightning warp, but I have no ways of estimating their total damage in a fight and choose to believe it's very much negligible anyway.
Last edited by avarcis on Sep 20, 2014, 11:07:25 AM
avarcis wrote:
Sorry english is not my 1st languange.

Taking the increased chaos damage is useless and not noticable, because it only scaling the chaos damage.
You better taking the %increase spell/projectile damage and its will scale all of your damage included fire, chaos and ice(if u use herald of ice)

Useless? How about this, my setup is: lvl 16 q20 incinerate, lvl19 q20 chaos damage, lvl 19 q0 herald of ice. My damage breakdown on incinerate: 212-319 total, 82-122 fire, 25-34 cold, 105-163(!) chaos. Sure, my gems are unlevelled, since I JUST gcped them, but I expect my chaos damage to be slightly below 50% of my total damage at gems lvl20. The reasons for having so much chaos are simple: apeps, q20 chaos damage gem ( increases chaos damage), infernal mantle.
Now, here is how it affects me:
On one hand we got chaos damage. Since I got next to 0 of anything increasing my chaos damage for every 1% of additional increased chaos damage from gear or talents I get (surprise!) 1% increased total chaos damage, or 0.5% total damage. Still with me?
On the other hand, our fire damage. I already have 44% elemental damage. Therefore, every EXTRA 1% of elemental damage increases my total damage by (100+44+1)/(100+44) or a 0.69%, however that doesn't affect added chaos damage from apeps (chaos is not elemental) therefore it's actually less.
Simularly, for fire damage: currently got 106% increased fire (infernal mantle+ talents), so for 1% extra fire (100+106+1)/(100+106)= 0.48% of extra damage (question to the more savvy of you here, does that 0.48% affect apeps added damage? Or does it end up to be even less than 0.48% of our total damage?). Which is LESS than what a 1% of increased chaos damage gives us. The reason is decreasing returns for extra point invested.
Spell damage would depend on how much you got on gear. I've got 80, so: 181/180= 0.55%
Projectile damage is great for us though, since we got so little. Unfortunately we have too few ways of picking any up.
Plug in your own numbers into this an you can see if going for extra chaos or extra spell damage is better for you, but 1 thing I can say for sure- chaos is worth considering, and is NOT useless by any means. You also have to remember that chaos damage penetrates resists and the actual benefit would be greater than what I demonstrated here.
Now, does anyone have the balls to challenge my fail napkin math? Do you think it's full of holes? Prove it.

Ps: I realize that I'm not counting molten shell and lightning warp, but I have no ways of estimating their total damage in a fight and choose to believe it's very much negligible anyway.

I have to say I've been thinking about what to do with the points. I'm not saying you're wrong but it sure seems like you've made up your ind before posting and just wanted an argument? lol...
Also, I would like to give a warning to anyone doing the boss on lvl 72 labyrinth map. i'm not sure why he posted it as easy as I almost just got like 2 shotted and had to run away. I'm lvl 79 and almost have 4k life. So his description there is very inaccurate.
Drackenith wrote:
Also, I would like to give a warning to anyone doing the boss on lvl 72 labyrinth map. i'm not sure why he posted it as easy as I almost just got like 2 shotted and had to run away. I'm lvl 79 and almost have 4k life. So his description there is very inaccurate.

My gears not that great and iv never had a problem with him. Pull out all the blues before you start fighting the boss, explode all the corpses and he dies in a few seconds. I dont think iv ever come close to dieing once I took the hint on getting rid of the corpses.
Is there a variant of this build with some mf gear or skill gem?
Well, I've reached 85, my highest level character yet (83 previously) and want to say again what a great build this is. I finally got together enough fusings to 5 link my chestpiece, got an Apep's and like a few here I bought myself a Doryani's belt as well and, for now, replaced life leech with fire penetration (so I don't need to mess up my coloring to put a chaos damage gem in, I sometimes switch it for life leech again for some bosses, just to be sure)

Currently have around 3200 life and 3000 mana or so. Tooltip says 2100-2500 dps or so (* whatever the calculation for the incinerate stages and GMP is) So far its all pretty easy. Died once yesterday, killed by the boss of the Academy map (The Arbiter of Knowledge), because I kept lightning warping back into the tornados. I also did a Palace map yesterday, and Dominus was easy peasy.

This is my current gear:

I'm not sure about the rares. Knowing which items are crap and which aren't is still not really my thing. Anything I should try to replace?
I was considering replacing the Goldrim with a Three Dragons, since I do have the feeling that enemies burn quite often, so having them be shocked would increase damage even more right? (Also need to have a master put some extra fire res on one of my rings or something then)

I would also like to know where we go from here, what other nodes do we take in the tree (spell damage seems the most obvious?)

And also, on which gems is quality really useful? If I use any gcp's or buy a better quality gem, which ones do I go for first?
Djolonator wrote:
Is there a variant of this build with some mf gear or skill gem?

I run the build with a Tabula and have Incinerate linked to Fire Pen, Culling Strike (with quality), Item Rarity, GMP, and Spell Echo, and the dps is till amazing as well as my defenses. I use an Alphas for my auras (Clarity and Haste), and I'm sure if you replaced the second aura (in this case, Haste) with Purity of Elements you could use an Andvarius. You can find an Alphas for like, 25 c this league. And if you grab Iron Reflexes (like I did) you'll have plenty of armour + never be frozen!

Sorry if this is shitty advice but IMO the build is strong enough to use as an MFer. If you balance your resists you could throw on some Goldwyrms too.

Buuuut the build is awesome! Just hit level 80 and it's a lot of fun with the Lightning Warp + CWDT set up. One thing though: isn't the Infernal Mantle supposed to be there for reflect? I use a Tabula and reflect doesn't do shit to me. Like my health doesn't budge at all and my tool tip dps is 2500 (around 10,000 dps at 3rd stage). Fire resist mobs still die almost instantly among other mobs with the Fire Pen gem. I don't really think the mantle is necessary at all but that's just my opinion.
Last edited by freezingnipples on Sep 23, 2014, 4:36:18 AM
Arctic Armour is for reflect.

Mantle is for increased fire damage (+gem level) and extra chaos damage, plus some extra mana thanks to EB
Well, I've reached 85, my highest level character yet (83 previously) and want to say again what a great build this is. I finally got together enough fusings to 5 link my chestpiece, got an Apep's and like a few here I bought myself a Doryani's belt as well and, for now, replaced life leech with fire penetration (so I don't need to mess up my coloring to put a chaos damage gem in, I sometimes switch it for life leech again for some bosses, just to be sure)(...)

So first off, I'm going to link my own gear, to give you an idea of what you could be looking for:


Note that I actually found the shield myself, so I have no clue what something like that would go for. I never really got around to buying myself a Saffell's. I keep meaning to, but I rarely run into problems, and I usually avoid certain bosses (such as Shock and Horror) anyway.

If I were you, I would try to get rid of Goldrim. It's a nice low-level item, but I find it too lacking compared to the other items out there. Three Dragons wouldn't be a bad idea, but personally, I think the build deals enough damage as-is; you'd benefit from having a good rare helmet. I'd suggest some kind of hybrid, preferably with 100+ ES. You should be able to find some relatively cheap ones if you look carefully.

Your gloves aren't bad, but if I were you, I would try and find some with more life, and with 2 elemental resistances (chaos doesn't count). Bonus points if you can find a pair with 100+ ES (hybrid or otherwise), as the extra mana will allow you to resist yet more damage.

Your boots are decent, though once again, I would recommend getting a better life roll if you can. You say your life is at 3200. Personally, I find that having less than 3500-4000 life isn't quite enough. Personally, I recently got to 86 myself (highest so far), and I'm at 4500 life, with every intention of grabbing more life nodes.

Your rings have good resists (and that mana regeneration must help), but it would greatly benefit you to get some with life on them. You already have a lot of uniques as it is, and none of them give you any life. I'm pretty sure your life pool will increase quite a bit if you were to get life on your jewelry. On that note, Atziri's Foible is a good amulet, but it also suffers from not having any life, not to mention the lack of resists. Getting a good rare amulet with life and resists would easily make your life better, though I don't know what your mana regen is like with and without it.

Lastly, I find that gem quality doesn't do a whole lot for this build. Personally, I'm running a Q20 Incinerate. This gives you increase projectile speed, which increases Incinerate's distance, allowing you to hit further, and therefore more enemies. I'm also running a Q20 Increased Chaos Damage gem which I was lucky enough to find as-is. Q20 gives it an extra 10% chaos damage. Though I'm not running one at the moment, a quality GMP/LMP ought to give more attack/cast speed. A quality Fire Penetration would give bonus fire damage, though I don't use one. A quality Spell Echo also grants spell damage.

>>TL;DR<< Get more life. You simply don't have enough, and you have too many uniques, none of which give you life. Ditch Goldrim, get a good helmet with high ES, life and resists. Get life on your jewelry. Consider replacing Atziri's Foible with a rare amulet that has resists and life (mana regen is a bonus). As for quality gems, if you want more DPS, consider quality GMP/LMP, Spell Echo, Fire Penetration and/or Added Chaos. Quality Incinerate will grant projectile speed, which appreciably increases its range.

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