[1.3.0]PewPewPews official Starter-Friendly Incinerate Build | Stronger than ever!

ok just made the change for inner force is this normal the tooltip not update the bonus to artic armor from inner force?
should i get a +107% spell dmg +10% fire dmg rare wand or Apep's?

which one would give more dps increase?
Last edited by vasimre4242 on Sep 10, 2014, 5:46:01 PM
Garrinch wrote:

This build cost me around 6ex btw.

ONE Apep is at least 4 exalt and you're dual wielding them saying the whole build costed you 6 exalt.
Garrinch wrote:

This build cost me around 6ex btw.

ONE Apep is at least 4 exalt and you're dual wielding them saying the whole build costed you 6 exalt.

He's on rampage, like me, and apep's nerver cost 4 exalt, i have two apep's, one at 35 chaos et other one at 1 exalt ;)


I finish my night with map level 75 / 76 and many times 77, buils is insane.

respec'd my passive tree from the tentative 1.2 to the final one! i now have 295 mana per sec. time to change mana regen to dmg! i also have like 2000 free mana.
Last edited by alkoxide on Sep 11, 2014, 12:25:45 AM
What can I say?

I love this build.

I should be updating my other builds, had a few busy days, so they are quite behind now. But for some reason, I could not let this one alone.

I recorded another two video's, one from a double boss shipyard, and the other one is the full Death and Taxes map. They are uploading as I'm writing this(though quite large, expect them here in a few hours).

I'm really happy with this build as it is now. It rolls through everything, even though most of my gear is still mediocre. The only thing I died to in the past couple of levels was a Corrupted Blood mob in a 77 extra damage map, and I would have lived if I didn't swap around my flasks(pressed the flask in time, but the wrong one >.<). I'm 89 now, most likely going to level to 90 coming days, just for the heck of it.

I'll upload the links to this post, and the first one, once they are uploaded.
I am a nice guy.
Looking for cheap builds/builds for beginners? Check out one of my guides! /806789
I managed to get a Apep's.

What strikes me about this build is how Apep's is best in slot. ( unless you can get another wand with 30% ICS?)
Mana leech is arguably necessary. Not for Incinerate but for EHP. It won't do you any good to take a string of hits and be oom, relying on mana pots.
Which means one less gem slot for dps, which has to be faster casting. leaving Incinerate, Mana Leech, Life Leech, Spell echo and LMP/GMP.
Without Apep's you'll be lacking ICS.

The 40% increased mana cost is meaningless with mana leech, the chaos damage is great and the ICS fills the missing cast speed.

Pretty cool really. OP literally made a build that utilizes not one but 3 items ( Infernal Mantle, Saffell's and Apep's) and the whole build makes perfect sense, items and passive points all there for a reason.
Even the fire damage cluster is taken for a reason ( besides the obvious dps value, your weapon and shield are lacking spell damage mods so this cluster makes up for it)
Really a very cool build.
I'm not sure if you did it on purpose PewPew but it all makes sense, every aspect lol.
I'll be using a legacy Saffell's.
Never have I been more glad that I have an old item sitting in my stash
Last edited by DamageIncorporated on Sep 11, 2014, 2:15:35 PM
I've been working on this build for half a year now, you can say I put a lot of thought in this build :>

I did another update to the tree - minor stuff, better routing at the witch, saving one point. it's 9 regret for a full build, feel free to skip this update if you don't feel like spending those.

Ah right, the video's are uploaded :x

[1.2.1]VS Double Warmonger(77) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oD8qKN6H__Q
[1.2.1]VS Death and Taxes(75) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVgHKtCtN9E

I am a nice guy.
Looking for cheap builds/builds for beginners? Check out one of my guides! /806789
What am I missing?
Weather you go down at Eldrich Battery or straight left, it's the same 3 points spent.
Certainly not 9 regrets.
I just started this build two days ago and I'm only level 48 and don't even have any of the CwDT setups yet and my gear is absolute shit but I am having a blast! Using flame totem for now just for some extra dps and, with the synergies of the nodes, it's actually quite effective.

Can't wait to see how this build works once I have better gear and am fully setup.

Thanks so much for the time you put into this!
Well hello Mister Fancypants. Well, I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things right now: Jack and shit... and Jack left town.

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