Finding Names for your Characters - List of Resources

Google Translate is your friend, too :-D

Anyway, @harddaysnight, so I started following up on your suggestion and I've added
Old English Poems and
Scaldic Poetry - no translations of the actual poems but with a word list/dictionary. :-)

I didn't realize the list was still being updated.

For literature try:

It has the full text of poems, essays, short stories, plays etc. I like names from poems because they can have a nice ring to them. I have several from Edgar Allan Poe like:

As I nodded nearly napping

Deep into the darkness peering

Nameless here forevermore

I saw similar links but not this one.

That's the native American page but there are others. A friend takes in rescue animals and names them after Native American names and phrases. I help her name them and kept the bookmarks.



Ships, planes, trains, etc
Last edited by harddaysnight#7837 on Jul 9, 2015, 11:16:42 PM
Yes, it's an ongoing project :-) Thanks a lot for your contributions, I would have never thought of e.g. US aircraft names or passenger trains :-D
The names are still not available right? Because I cant get a single name I want yet. It happens at launch?
We're fast approaching 200 links and a lot of them are random generators so - no idea on availability but I've yet to run into problems naming my chars :-D

Anyway, yeah, the new policy might fix some of the naming issues but it's pretty much just a bandaid and not a long-term solution since the requirement of having a unique name hasn't changed. Basically, of the 7633298 people who'll try to grab "Thor", 7633297 will be dissappointed (if Thor is actually up for grabs). Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure that most owners of a "randomly mashed mah keyboard" name can stay away for as long as they want and their names will still be there when they return :-D

Good luck though :-)
Chaos skill hype :-D

Poisonous & Venomous Species

List of poisonous funghi
Poisonous plants sorted by common name
Another list of Poisonous plants by common name
Toxic plants by scientific name
Top 30 deadly animals in Australia
List of poisonous animals
List of venomous animals
Last edited by Alysma#5080 on Dec 10, 2015, 5:36:42 PM
Had some fun poking around here, since I didn't play in just over that year mark. RIP my many glorious, and short, names.
Oh Demon Alcohol
Glad you found it useful - and sorry for your losses...

Volcanoes of the World, listed alphabetically.
List of Volcanoes by continent and country.
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
Sure, but with naming system like the one here, you can be as creative as you want and spend hours coming up with a great name just to be greeted by "a character with this name already exists" just because it happens to be a popular cat name in another corner of the world for example :-D

Also, people definately have problems with this step, so this list is to minimize the character creation frustration :-)

Anyway, snatched this from a post by Dan_GGG:
List of NZ approved Fish Names - cool since it also includes foreign languages, too :-)

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