This support was an extremely welcomed surprise for my phys split arrow build. Replacing pierce with this (and replacing crit weakness for proj weakness to get that 100% pierce back) my unfrenzied DPS went from 14k to 19k, and the gem is still only lvl 15.
I think they put this gem in to buff other bow builds aside from the most common Lightning Arrow, since LA requires LMP+Chain+LoH+Blood magic (or weapon ele dmg if they have BM passive). Split arrow builds, and ESPECIALLY Puncture builds have gotten a lot stronger and now rival LA builds in my opinion.
However, reflect will now be more dangerous than ever (quality problems, i know)
Problem with your "Projectile Weakness" assumption:
1. Parties won't allow you to cast that buff.
2. It won't help you with the main asset of bow builds: off-screen shooting.
This buffs builds that are already very strong in current meta: Physical Bow Users, Spectral Throw users and Lightning Strike users.
The gem should be removed or redesigned. Currently it is just basically a copy of "melee physical damage".
I dont know what build you are talking about but pure physical bow builds are not in anyway OP
As an example of this my ranger has every bow passive available and a high damage bow (not lioneyes) she gets from a 5 link set up of(split arrow,faster attacks,added fire,WED and mana leech) 7.2k dps FAR from OP i cant use hatred now after the aura destruction as i prefer to live doing maps.
Do split arrow + faster attacks + added fire + physical projectile attack damage + pierce.
Get % mana leech from skill tree or gear.
The area that covers is effectively one of the best AoE attacks ever invented, only surpassed by discharge.
Alternative is going Rain of Arrows + Faster Attacks + Concentrated Effect + Blood Magic + physical projectile attack damage.
Get life leech from gear or high blood dancer regeneration.
This build has lower AoE area than the split-arrow-pierce build, but higher damage per enemy if it hits.
Physical projectile attack damage is better than WED in the former case and better than added fire in the latter case assuming that both cases run at least lv20 36% hatred like they should. This is why it is a buff.
And before you shout about "you are unable to do physical reflect maps": having a spare lightning arrow + Blackgleam 50% quiver (+ mana leech or blood magic gem in the case of split arrow) easily takes care of that issue by just using those specifically for such maps.
Given this info, it is evident that both Rain of Arrows and Pierce+Split Arrow mainers can easily do any map in the game.
Something that all bow-users can do is to kill stuff from off-screen. (although can't offscreen with rain of arrows as far as I know XD) They can easily check on their hp or mana bar if they hit something. This includes trivializing 99% of all boss fights.
Cast when Damage Taken + Enduring Cry + Immortal Call + Increased Duration easily gives you enough time to react to just having shot into a off-screen physical reflect pack.
Due to the CWDT setup, you can safely go crit build and that's where the release changes really shine and make bows be crazy good. The only thing you would worry about is off-screen physical reflect, but the cwdt setup takes care of it. Not to mention that Ondar's Guile + evasion armor + grace really mitigates a lot of the damage you take from reflect as well as gives you 100% evade chance against projectile attacks.
I cant use hatred ATM as i need both grace and determination for 70%+ damage reduction(evasion isnt good enough to use on ,high level maps)while this gem helps, physical bow rangers are still one of the most gear and point intensive builds out there yet they are weaker than most other builds.
As a crazy example of this my blender duelist using my rangers bow, gems and gear gets only 400 dps less.
This support was an extremely welcomed surprise for my phys split arrow build. Replacing pierce with this (and replacing crit weakness for proj weakness to get that 100% pierce back) my unfrenzied DPS went from 14k to 19k, and the gem is still only lvl 15.
I think they put this gem in to buff other bow builds aside from the most common Lightning Arrow, since LA requires LMP+Chain+LoH+Blood magic (or weapon ele dmg if they have BM passive). Split arrow builds, and ESPECIALLY Puncture builds have gotten a lot stronger and now rival LA builds in my opinion.
However, reflect will now be more dangerous than ever (quality problems, i know)
Problem with your "Projectile Weakness" assumption:
1. Parties won't allow you to cast that buff.
2. It won't help you with the main asset of bow builds: off-screen shooting.
1. i usually don't run in parties, but when I do it's ez to put pierce back into the 5link NP
2. i'm not sure how you play, but off-screen shooting isn't an asset to me. I want to know exactly what i'm attacking so i don't get reflected; i purposely avoid any projectile speed for this reason. also, 6 arrows will still project off-screen after they pierce through the cursed pack (with 35% pierce) hitting a few more stragglers
also, i can put that pierce back in when i finally 6L my bow
Last edited by Plethora#4306 on Dec 13, 2013, 6:53:36 PM
This gem improved my survivability since I'm relying on physical life leech on gears to free up a slot in my 6L. When this gem came out, my first thought is immediately replace my added fire for this gem.
Last edited by mlvnk83#6685 on Dec 23, 2013, 12:34:11 AM
Serxus, Ethereal knives is a spell, therefore this gem will not affect it. You will benefit greatly from Iron Will as your 5th
Iink, if you have a decent amount of strength.
The chance to Vaal +1% maximum resists on an amulet is less than 1/300.