Me and my friend played D3 mainly because of the promised team-based arena system, and since they didn't add it yet, and the game had a lot of other issues, we decided to give PoE a go. Now, we're both very competitive players, so I sat down and did some research into the game last night. But that whole passive skill "forest" is very confusing. Granted, I haven't played the game yet myself, so I was just wondering if anyone more experienced with the game had some good feedback: We want to do 2v2/3v3s and we were wondering if there were any kind of class/build synergies in the game? Say in 3s, have one witch in the back spamming and stacking debuffs and curses while having a shadow built around doing damage based off those debuffs? Thanks for your time. Much appreciated. |
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A dual arc totem witch paired with a physical sword based flicker-crit style build would be very effective, as arc totems have a very large tendancy to stack shock everywhere and very fast, while being lethal in their own right.
Since the dual totem node in OB seems to disallow damage to be done by the user of dual totems, said witch can then concentrated on mobility (Crit-caster-dagger/shield) and dual/triple curses (Windscream boots increase her damage, add a little bit of MS, and allow for an additional curse). Likely in conjunction with ES, allowing her to build up to be extrodinarily tanky, and maybe even at some point, employing bear traps. The flicker striker would be the main damage dealer, using swords because swords have the only nodes that allow you to mitigate block, as shields are an absolute must in pvp. Must be physical in the end, because physical damage is completely unblockable if presented in a large enough damage number (Shock+Curses+High Crit multi) At least those are my suggestions. (Open pvp of course.) Last edited by EpsiIon#3923 on Jan 20, 2013, 5:45:05 PM
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Well I have just about no clue what you just said, since I haven't played the game. Maybe it'd serve some inspiration for others coming by this thread.
So if we look at it from a perspective that i'm familiar with, such as the pvp system in Guild Wars 2, do we have any kind of supporting builds that would be viable in 3s? I'm thinking of anything to do with peeling and pushing enemies away from your friends while tanking alot of the damage output from the enemy? I had another question but forgot what it was... |
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" Thats sort of the thing I am mentioning with the arc totems. They behave somewhat like "Turrets" and punish players, rather severely, for spending time near them. They are lightning, so they apply, on crit or on hit if quality/static blows(Node) a debuff called "Shocked" which stacks up to 3 times, under which the affected takes 20/40/60% MORE damage. There's no real KB or CC in this game, nor is there any kind of taunts. The best you can do is area denial, by using totems to cause an area to be so dangerous, no one would enter it willingly, therefore giving you a sort of "Safe zone" Also, due to the nature of dual totems, and shock, he is relatively free to get signifigantly tankier after that, as totems in this regard are rather item-independent. This game is very one dimensional in pvp, it's all about 1 shotting everyone, and/or setting them up to be one shot. Damage over time is very very weak. |
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Thanks for your reply.
That sounds abit crappy. GGG should definitely think about CC and DoTs to make PvP "less one-dimensional". |
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" For a pve oriented game, the pvp is actually quite exceptional. Needs a workover in a few places, but the architecture is there. Issue with adding CCs is this IS an ACTION rpg. Being taunted for 5 seconds, or stunned for 3, in a game where you can easily be 1 shotted, is not the best idea. |
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" This is true. To some degree, wouldn't pvp become less one-dimension if they did like D2 did and reduced damage output by a % for each player in PvP? If I do 100 dps in PvE, I do 33/66 in PvP? Might encourage some thinking, rather than building for the one-shot. |
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" Thats the funny part, there is a very harsh damage reduction. The issue is that players who use physical damage, can crit to the point of one shotting, and due to the nature of armor, is unresistable. (Armor resists less and less the more damage is being inflicted.) |
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So would armor have to be rebalanced?
I sort of like the mechanic of armor, since it keeps you from going god-mode if you stack tons of it, but it seems a bit counter-productive at times then. If you look at all the other protection types (ES and Evasion) they all have prime counters to some form of attack. Evasion would be good against hard-hitting mobs, but absolute crap against large packs, and armor is great against large packs of mobs, but can't do anything against boss types. ES is pretty much in between. IMO, off the top of my head, things should work like this: ES mitigates all spell damage, but not physical. Armor uses it's normal damage reduction formula, but negate crit damage (reverse back to non-crit damage). Should only work against physical damage. Evasion should work as it currently does, but should also work against spell damage. Maybe up the scaling of it, to balance out with the other protection types. But I don't know. Current implementation seems a bit dull and unbalanced. EDIT: To clarify the 'negate' part of armor, you could look at it like this: Boss crits dude for 1000 (100% from 500), and dude has 100 armor, so it now crits him for 900 instead. And then the game calculates damage based off the original formula. If dude has 1000 armor, then the damage should be 0 basicly. Non-crit 1000 should be calculated with the original formula. Last edited by Chrjs#7656 on Jan 20, 2013, 9:47:48 PM
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" Its a problem you can't understand really, except to see the progression of it as the game has evolved. It is more of a powercreep, then a plain issue. It will get fixed in time, pvp in this game is quite young |
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