Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update

is it better to use plain WED rings with flat eledmg instead of the tamings ?
Thorien_Kell wrote:
GrimgnawIsNoSaint wrote:
Level 81 now and aside from Academy boss and Undying Evangelists nothing can stop me. Academy boss kills me withing 1-2 seconds while Evangelists are annoying but still manageable. How do you guys handle these?

I whirl to their bubble and take them down with my melee (BM/dual str/multistrike/wed)attack in 1 second, but yes they can be annoying.

Funny, yesterday I had problems with museum bosses, usually I deal with maps up to lvl 70 easily.


Someone mentioned Cast on Damage taken with End Cry + Incr Dur + Immortal Call, but first 4R is not possible on a pure evasion gear and second with only three End Charges I dunno how effective this is.

I knew about troubles for "green" gear so my char was built as armor/eva from beginning, since it's low end gear I've lost a little to acrobatics (like 7% of damage reduction, down to 8%) but most of my defense (as yours) comes from evasion /dodge.

CoDT is too powerful gem not to use, It raises survivability twice at least (and for this build it's already quite high)

I know about new immortal call CoDT combinations but I use my old melee variant that proved sturdy in past; end. cry, molten shell, decoy totem - CoDT is low level so it's often recast (I have 4 end charges from Oak) so I am often with nice damage reduction (20% + shell armor) in harder struggles.

btw that amulet is awful. Did you link it by mistake?

Thanks for your reply. I will just skip academy boss, as do people in most map parties I've been in do anyway, so that's not too big of a deal.
And no, that amulet is what I'm actually using as of right now. Ofc it's just a placeholder until I can get a nice WED amu.
The rest of my gear is decent though, especially all the gems in 6L being 20/20.
Almost hitting the 10k dps.

homoneekeri wrote:
is it better to use plain WED rings with flat eledmg instead of the tamings ?

The taming is actually pretty decent for this build because of the high APS and your inability to shock naturally due to RT and lack of static blows but ive never tried it myself.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Last edited by Nephalim#2731 on Jan 19, 2014, 12:38:35 PM
Languidness wrote:
Level 87 on Nemesis right now, looking to start bumping up my stats for endgame.
8K ST with haste, though I usually run grace, for 6.8k ST.
1.3k armor/10k evasion with grace. 87/82/87, 5.3k HP.

Any suggestions on what needs to happen first?

I'm thinking 20/20 gems -> get 6L coil.

Nice gear. That sounds like sound plan. I would definitely suggest you grab acrobatics, both + ondar guile. You play on nemesis, that's why, and those things help survivability alot. You would get more with that then with grace. You could perhaps even swap a shield.

I doubt you lack too much of dps, if you can survive well, does it matter if mobs need 2 or 3 sec to fall?

But yes, grabbing all near life nodes would be a good idea too. When things pass by your defenses (and it happens sooner or later) you need health pool to stay alive.

IGN STD Ajax_Deadeye| Nathaniel_Corwin| Itane_Shira| Tetra_Mayani| Arkanis_Gath
[Build] TK's CoC Crit Shadow aka THE WELDER /view-thread/787487
[Shop] TK's Adventurers Pawnshop /view-thread/570071
What about dropping 2-3 life nodes to grab static blows and the next 10% shock passive?
20% chance sounds like a good dps boost to me.
Rynphos wrote:
What about dropping 2-3 life nodes to grab static blows and the next 10% shock passive?
20% chance sounds like a good dps boost to me.

It is, I use it and you can really feel the difference.

However, as I was warned, with better dps/gear/level reflect could become a problem.

IGN STD Ajax_Deadeye| Nathaniel_Corwin| Itane_Shira| Tetra_Mayani| Arkanis_Gath
[Build] TK's CoC Crit Shadow aka THE WELDER /view-thread/787487
[Shop] TK's Adventurers Pawnshop /view-thread/570071

just made this beauty, perfect for this build :)
Thorien_Kell wrote:
Rynphos wrote:
What about dropping 2-3 life nodes to grab static blows and the next 10% shock passive?
20% chance sounds like a good dps boost to me.

It is, I use it and you can really feel the difference.

However, as I was warned, with better dps/gear/level reflect could become a problem.

So it could be a nice and safer boost with a lower-budget character like mine. Thanks, i will try it out.
homoneekeri wrote:

just made this beauty, perfect for this build :)

Wow, that is perfect. I'm jealous! How many orbs did it take you, if I may ask?

Tho I am really happy today - almost doubled my DPS, now over 6k. Got an Alpha's and a new chest. By simply exchanging Faster Attacks with Weapon Elemental DMG, my Tooltip DPS went from 4500 to 6017! So, if you are looking for an affordable piece of armor for this build, get a 5L hybrid armor/ES piece that you can easily chrom to RRRGG!

That being said - it took me exactly 1 Jeweller and 1 Fusing to get my RRRGB Alpha's. Couldn't believe it either, but the Jeweller gave me the right colors straight up. How (un)likely is that?! lol :)

Also running all 5 auras now. You don't need level 20 reduced mana it seems, level 18 is sufficient.
Last edited by therealjcool#2040 on Jan 19, 2014, 3:25:10 PM
it took like 20 chaoses to get ias, cold and lightning. eternal exalted it and boom, top fire roll

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