Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update

mustafa2812 wrote:
Is there any way someone could give a brief explanation of how to go about the leveling process with this build? The leveling skill trees are broken.

I can only assume to get life nodes when in doubt, get the big notables and keystones before the peripheral type stuff, but any tips would still be appreciated. Thanks.

EDIT: Also how do you run Wrath with only 50 int on the tree?

At low level I used mana for Spectral Throw and ran Clarity to sustain it, but otherwise as you say. A Decoy Totem is also very useful.

Int is tough to get now. You'll need at least one piece of gear with it on and you might have to delay levelling the Wrath gem to what you can sustain. At level 89 I have an amulet with Int/Dex and took one of the +30Int nodes to get the 144 Int needed
Last edited by covaruk#0619 on Dec 16, 2014, 1:39:59 AM
covaruk wrote:


There's a crit version of this build in the forum if you want to go that way, but you'll lose way more damage by dropping Resolute Technique out of this build than you'll pick up with 3 or 4 crit nodes.

Plus the sword is too slow - you need one above 2.0 speed at minimum, especially at higher levels. Also a physical damage mod on the sword is wasted, this build does almost no physical damage.

Well, if I have
should I still go for a higher attack speed?
lilmrock4457 wrote:

Well, if I have
should I still go for a higher attack speed?

It's ok until you can find a better one. High speed on the weapon improves this build more than virtually anything else. Obviously if you can get 2-3 good elemental rolls on it that's nice and adds a fair bit, but the majority of damage comes from [attacks speed x elemental damage from auras].

Last edited by covaruk#0619 on Dec 16, 2014, 5:22:13 AM
is there a leveling progression for the skill tree?

also, whats the best way to lvl? just use spectral throw with a high dps 2 hander until u get more of the ele nodes and then switch over to daggers/fast swords?
I leveld with a +bowskill weapon and poison arrow + firetrap until arround lvl 45-50 without problems.

I just hit lvl 77 and i like the build a lot so far. Very smooth maping, enough dmg and already pretty tanky. Probably i got a bit lucky so with my gear - the 6L took me about ~5jews and ~10fusing:

I took the Sovereignity-Cluster so I can use an Empower-Gem in my Alpha's which will ofc take some time to level. The notable and one of the 4% nodes result in 26% total reduced mana and allow Empower in the helmet and although for the heralds with exactly 100% reservation:
Last edited by Azze28#7218 on Dec 16, 2014, 2:09:16 PM
I thought about respeccing my shadow/scion into Buzzsaw after the reset and I have two foils available in my stash. On one I crafted Attackspeed. Which one would be better? I'm thinking about the faster one with less eledmg, it has more attackspeed and 10% weapon elemental damage. That should bring up the overall damage with the auras and stuff, right?

Yes, speed > all other stats.
With crafting it's pretty cheap and easy to get a decent foil.

Just alt a high level foil until you get a high elem roll along with a top tier attack speed. Regal it and craft Weapon Elemental Damage and any missing elem damage onto it. Job done - not perfect but good enough until you can afford better.
Last edited by covaruk#0619 on Dec 16, 2014, 5:07:16 PM
Another question: Would you swap LMP for single target and if yes with what gem? In a 6L.

Im currently running this tree. I can run Wrath, Anger, Haste, Herald of Thunder, Herald of Ice. I have 34% reduction on tree. Alpha's Howl, and a level 18 reduced mana. I think this tree is far more worth it for SC players. I think for HC you would use Mathil's, but I'm currently enjoying my version and hopefully others will too.

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