Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update
" pretty much the same as Mathil's 1.2, here are some SS:
![]() and top left aura nodes ![]() ▒▒▒░░ ♕ my SHOP http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1008755 ♕ ░░▒▒▒
▒▒▒░░ ♕ my IGN: RampageStRanger ♕ ░░▒▒▒ |
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" Thank you. I want to respect my tree just like yours but I like to run double herald. I like the overkill effect of HoA + Ele Prolif, plus I like to have 200+ IIR. Currently running 10k dps on my level 83 shadow, using 1 andvarius and aurseize gloves. With fast gloves and all WED jewelery, i hit 12.5k dps. Time to get new rings and mastercraft my weapon I guess. Thanks, Jack90! To grind or not to grind, that's the question.
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" Hey, I see you don't use Life Leech gem. Do you only rely on 3% life regen for your survivability? To grind or not to grind, that's the question.
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" yea it is nice to have some IIR to get better item found, I didn't use any since my housemate is a MF culler :) anyway I might transform to low life crit ST when I 6L my shavronne " Nah, GGG buffed flasks so much this patch, and beside life flasks i use atziri promise to life leech too when killing bosses, the added cold dmg on the 6th link freeze and chills mobs @that atk speed which I think is very nice when you get those flask nodes(total +50%) then this flask will be recovering 5241 over 4sec. and get 2x instant flasks like this one will heal like 1469 per use, each of them can be used 3 times before killing any mobs. ▒▒▒░░ ♕ my SHOP http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1008755 ♕ ░░▒▒▒ ▒▒▒░░ ♕ my IGN: RampageStRanger ♕ ░░▒▒▒ Last edited by jack90#0606 on Sep 23, 2014, 5:52:53 AM
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" Cool ! Thank you ! To grind or not to grind, that's the question.
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Looking for a build that can run any map, any mod - and it seems this build has really the best chances.
Here's my max block, marauder buzzsaw build. It's doable with scion too, i just like marauder better. You get 75% block with remorse or 4% amulet. You sacrifise DPS for max block, but its worth it being able to do double-ele reflect packs NP. Mess with the best, die like the rest.
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I can't get decent damage. My damage is stuck at around 2k max. And elemental resists are near impossible to kill.
My gear looks almost the same as the one from the OP in terms of stats I guess (alpha howl excl). But my damage is WAY lower. What do I do wrong? Passives http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgAAAF4DHgOWBbUPqxa_GYofQSLqJpUn7Sj6LYMwcTWSOkI7KDwtQYdKyEtXS3hTNVVLWlJgQ2HibBZuPW6qb55yqXzZfXV-vYLHgwmHGYqvjDaQEZcGl5eX_ptdm7WomqyqtDi18rc-u-PA48M6xKLE9sauykrTftQj2L3aOt2o5Rno1vGz8pf56Pv1_Ev-Cv6P_ro= Gear
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" Honestly, it's a combination of many things. This build relies heavily on gem levels, especially on your anger and wrath auras, as an example I gained WAY over 1k dps from just equipping alpha's howl. Other than that, you're still missing a bunch of very important nodes, such as the aura effect nodes and the WED nodes in templar. Be patient, the dps will come. As for the issue with resistant mobs, get your hands on an elemental weakness curse ASAP. It is pretty much essential, if you want to clear resistant mobs quickly, especially in the earlier levels when you still have no level 20 gems. Quality is nice, but I'm doing fine without currently. A final note, I hope you're leveling a Herald of Ice in your off-hand, because if you're not, start doing it soon. You don't need that many reservation nodes to be able to run anger+wrath+HoI together and it is a decent little dps boost. Hope this helps. :) |
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Thanks. That herald of ice is a nice tip. And I didn't know that the aura nodes were so important.
Anyway, I'm lvl 68 now. 2.8k dps (still way too low but for solo it's okay). But the problem now is that I die in 2-3 consecutive hits. My def stats: 200 armor, 40 dodge, 30 spell dodge, ~30 block, 30-40% evasion, 3000-3400 hp, 0 ES. But I just got hit by 2 white (normal) large skeletons in merciless library. Omg I had like 100 hp left... Problem is, I can die before the lifeleech heals me back and ONLY the evasion-stat seems to be pseudo-random. The dodge and block are not. This is very very dangerous for hardcore. But perhaps I do something wrong again? Also mobs with extra crit damage and such can 1-hit me. Evading 1 out of 2 huge damage hits = dead. But having armor = survive. I still don't see how evasion builds are viable in HC. Many people use it but I just seem to fail to see the point. |
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" Most evasion builds practically NEEDS a lightning coil in hardcore, I would personally never go for evasion without one in hardcore. Unfortunately that Tabula Rasa is holding you back, despite being 6L. :/ The high evasion + block + dodge keeps you from getting hit most of the time, but the lightning coil helps absorb the few hits that do go through. Other than that, you probably need to get better at using your whirling blades to dodge hits. You really shouldn't be close enough the large skeletons for them to hit you. I don't use a lightning coil personally, but I don't play hardcore as that is not my thing. I still do fairly well at surviving (when I don't yolo pull far too many mobs or do stupid shit :P). I have 4159 hp with only 27% chance to evade (I need better evasion on my items :/) and no spell dodge yet. These stats are at level 77 on Rampage (I would have more health if I'd been playing hardcore. :P). Current dps with ST is just below 7k. For reference, here's my current gear:
Edit: Also, the reason the aura nodes and aura levels are so important for you, is due to the fact that you have a TON of % based elemental scaling on your gear, but very little flat elemental damage. You basically rely on scaling the flat damage you get from your weapon and auras. I honestly don't know which is better when comparing flat ele damage to % WED scaling on equipment, but I haven't been able to find any items with decent stats and WED yet. :P Last edited by Caimath#2097 on Sep 24, 2014, 7:41:03 PM
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