Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update

So for us poor players, what do we do to get ahead with this build?

Someone in my guild said this build sucks without Alpha's and Lightning Coil, that the damage and defenses arent good enough without to move passed 66 maps.

I then asked him, "Well isnt that the point? Get to 66 maps and Piety and farm until you have enough currency to purchase the items you need?

He replied with "You need high damage for Piety and 66 maps."

So... does that mean this build is completely ineffective without Alpha's and Coil? If I cant even farm for the items, what the point?
"Im just Path of Exile-ing my way through college."
Last edited by LensHunter#0825 on Jul 18, 2014, 5:36:03 PM
I just wanted to edit, my question about Faster Attacks / Faster Projectiles...I see the point why Faster Attacks is way better ;) No need to answer
FinalValkyrie wrote:
So... does that mean this build is completely ineffective without Alpha's and Coil? If I cant even farm for the items, what the point?

Anything with capped resists is effective against Piety... If you think you can't farm her with your buzzsaw (which isn't true) simply make dedicated MF Summoner and farm currency for Alpha's and Coil.
FinalValkyrie wrote:
So for us poor players, what do we do to get ahead with this build?

Someone in my guild said this build sucks without Alpha's and Lightning Coil, that the damage and defenses arent good enough without to move passed 66 maps.

I then asked him, "Well isnt that the point? Get to 66 maps and Piety and farm until you have enough currency to purchase the items you need?

He replied with "You need high damage for Piety and 66 maps."

So... does that mean this build is completely ineffective without Alpha's and Coil? If I cant even farm for the items, what the point?

If your guildie can't farm Piety and 66 maps without Coil and Alpha's, he probably sucks.

Starting a league, you can easily go to 80 without either.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Absolutista wrote:
chosk80 wrote:
And when I get all my reduce mana Gems leveled , is it possible to use Purity of Lightning , Purity of Fire and one more Aura Gem ? I was thinking of either Grace or Vitality.

I dont think its possible. I run 21 red mana on alpha's and cant handle 6 auras.

I run Wrath, Anger, Haste, Purity of fire and of lightning. Here:

It leaves me with 25 mana or so.

my gear

only possible if you go to unwavering, but really no need to unless you're 90+ and feel like wasting points
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Novarg wrote:
Guys can i get your advice?

I'm 79lvl, have 3.6k hp, 3.6k eva (28% to evade)
Here is my skill tree

What i need to pick in 1st term, move right bottom tree to think skin and get those 3 hp nodes or go and get acrobatics? What is more useful?

Anything on this please?
Novarg wrote:
Novarg wrote:
Guys can i get your advice?

I'm 79lvl, have 3.6k hp, 3.6k eva (28% to evade)
Here is my skill tree

What i need to pick in 1st term, move right bottom tree to think skin and get those 3 hp nodes or go and get acrobatics? What is more useful?

Anything on this please?

You should know yourself, does melee damage hurt me loads? Acrobatics. Is my life feeling low? Life.

Personally, I would go Acro but your life is very low for your level.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
To all the people being doubtful, don't be!

I started this in the 1month sc race and i've made it to level 81 without alphas and/or lightning coil.

My dps have been good enough to do all the maps (highest 72) i've found so far.

Yesterday i got my Alphas and i can notice the dps difference, but there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to at least start doing maps and gather currency in order to get the items you "need".

Here is my gear for anyone interested (yes i know some of them are really sucky):

PS. Any kind soul who could give me advice on gear upgrades? atm i got 4k life, 82/77/82 resists, 4k hp and about 6.7k dps (with the setup i currently have on spectral throw).
FinalValkyrie wrote:

Someone in my guild said this build sucks without Alpha's and Lightning Coil

I manage my character to 79 lvl on maps with this build, completely self found(Ambush league), dont have any single unique item. For that price this build outperform any other build I play before(note i never play as summoner coz i hate them).
When you have 20+ exalts, you probably will want to switch to another build, but for poor man this is perfect.
English is not my native language, so forgive me for the mistakes pls
Since I see a lot of gear upgrade posts, I'm gunna post a summary on how to upgrade if you guys wanna quote this ->

- Do I have 30% WED on both rings, amulet and belt?
- Is my foil max attack speed with two or more good ele rolls?
- Do I have an elemental weakness curse for hard mobs?
- Do I have the right gem setup? ST - LMP - BM - LL - WED - FA in order? I see too many people with FA in their 5L.
- Are my auras level 20?
- Are my spectral gems 20/20?

- Do I have life on all pieces that can roll them?
- Do I have a suitable amount of evasion (~35%)
- Do I have some sort of CwDT setup?
- Do I have LGoH gem on swap for hard maps that require it.
- Do I have Lightning Coil?
- Do I have the right flask setup? Ruby, Topaz, Atziri, 2 Seethings in most cases.

- Overcapping res for ele weakness
- Flat ele rolls on jewellery
- Is my foil 300+ eDPS?
- Do I have attack speed rolls?
- Do I have 21 Aura gems, corrupted main gems?
- Atziri's Step Uniques
- Corrupted Gloves with Ele Weakness on Hit
- Corrupted Boots with +1 to all gems.
- RRBB Alpha's for 23 Purity of Lightning.

Roughly in order.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Last edited by Chundadragon#1131 on Jul 19, 2014, 4:19:38 AM

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